At the end of the article, the atmosphere of the scene solidified instantly.

People looked at the unknown guy in unison, or sneered or amused.

Although we all don't know where the boy came from, if he dares to make trouble at the wedding banquet of the son of the religious leader, it is doomed that he has no good fruit to eat.

And Huo Jianguo here is stunned.

"Why did the boy run back again?" Xi Liuxiang asked in dismay.

"Is he crazy? How can you come here to make trouble? " The person next to said in dismay.

"Ha ha, this boy is really interesting. It's just enough to make trouble in our martial arts hall. Now he still worships religion and does things! Interesting! Interesting! Hahaha, Dad, you can't make a start this time, or it will ruin our Shangwu school! " Huo Ao is smiling and clapping his hands and looking at Lin Yang jokingly.

"Guan? Well, what do I care about in this case? Don't say I don't care. Even if he asks me, it's useless. I can't blame anyone if he wants to die! " Huo Jianguo also snorted.

Huo Ao's words are completely unnecessary.

Since that incident, Huo Jianguo couldn't take care of Linyang.

After all, in his opinion, Lin Yang has been entangled with Feng lie, who is the enemy of his martial arts school. This is almost equivalent to treason.

As for the strong wind, it is silly in place.

He knows Lin Yang's identity.

This is the famous doctor Lin in Jiangcheng.

He thought that Lin Yang would come to visit him as a miracle Doctor Lin, discuss his friend's affairs with chongreligion, and help himself to solve the problem. Although Dr. Lin has nothing to do with the worship of religion, it is impossible for him not to lose face for the sake of his fame and medical skills.

However, what the wind did not expect was that Lin Yang rushed out so rashly and directly challenged the religious leader!

This guy... Isn't he a complete lunatic?

Master Fenglie's mind was shaking with fear.

However, a madman would not do such a thing...

all the religious disciples around stood up in anger. Some people tried to teach this ungrateful guy a good lesson, but they were stopped by Wen Mo Xin.

"Young man, I don't seem to know you, do I?" He said faintly.

"It doesn't matter if you don't know me. I think you should know Luo Qian?" Lin Yang asked without expression.

The voice is particularly cold.

"Luo Qian?" At the end of the article, I frowned.

"It's the girl brought back by the elder Qisu. Strictly speaking, the girl still has some affinity with you." The people nearby are busy and careful about the end of the text.

At the end of the article, I suddenly realized.

But for these distant relatives, he never cared.

"What's wrong with luoqian?" Wen Mo Xin asked again.

In spite of his impatience, he has to be generous on such occasions.

However, Lin Yang's hands were attached behind her, calmly looking at the end of the article, she said faintly: "luoqian is my friend. I just saw that she has been seriously injured. What about Qi Su? I should have told her that I would come to worship religion to meet her. Why? Have you not received the news? "

This sentence is extremely impolite.

A lot of people are breathing.

What is this man doing?

Questioning the end of the text?

What the hell is he thinking? What's in his head?

People are sweating and staring at Lin Yang.

At the end of the article, his heart coagulated his eyes, and turned his head to face Wen Hai beside him: "is there such a thing?"

"Never heard of it." Wenhai shook his head.

In fact, Wenhai knew it, but he didn't take it seriously.

"Well, young man, are you mistaken?" At the end of the article, he looked at Lin Yang with a serious expression on his face: "if you are here to drink, please take your seat. Today is the day of my son's great joy. I don't want to spoil everyone's interest. If you don't come to celebrate the drinking and the mountain gate is there, if you leave by yourself, I will still not compare with you!"

At the end of the article, the guests on both sides could not help but open their mouths.

"Boy, get out of here. Where is your wild place?"

"The leader has been magnanimous. Don't you kneel down to thank him? If you leave it as usual, I'm afraid you don't have any ashes left. "

"Do you want to get down on your knees?"

"Thank you! Dog

"The Lord forgives you, but we don't forgive you. You can go out of this door, but you have to climb it!"

The guests were shouting, and even someone stood out and stopped Lin Yang in front of him and told him to get down immediately.

The scene was boiling.

These guests want to express themselves and show their love to the end of the article!

They are not idiots, and they all understand why Wen Mo Xin is so tolerant. In the final analysis, they still don't want to argue with this unknown person, otherwise, they will only damage their status.But they are different.

Therefore, when these guests scolded and even scolded Lin Yang, he did not say anything, but quietly watched Lin Yang become the target of public criticism.

"Father, you go to drink with the sword king. I'll deal with this man!" Wenhai came and whispered.

"Keep a low profile and don't make a big deal of it." At the end of the article, we should have a heart.

"Don't worry, father. I know how to behave."

Wenhai nodded.

At the end of the article, Xin turns and walks to the table of the sword king and others.

Obviously, he is not interested in people like Lin Yang.

But Lin Yang here doesn't want to.

He looked at the end of the text without expression, and then said: "worship religion, I will give you ten seconds to consider, and immediately give me the person who hurt luoqian! Do you hear me

As soon as the words fell, there was a roar of laughter.

"Ten seconds? Where's your mother! What do you think you are? "

A big man couldn't help it any more, and slapped Lin Yang's face hard.

As for his calloused hands, the slap fell, and he was afraid that his teeth would be knocked down.


The wind here was so strong that she was so shocked that she suddenly stepped forward.

Huo Jianguo and other people who advocate martial arts school sneer repeatedly.

However, at the moment that the palm is about to fan Lin Yang, Lin Yang suddenly looks cold, and his fierce backhand clasps the wrist of the strong man.

The palms were frozen in the air and could not move forward for half a minute.

Then Lin Yang turned his other hand into a hand knife, and hurled himself towards the elbow of the big man.


The sound of bone breaking.

The whole arm of the big man was directly broken by Lin Yang, and half of his arm was cut off by Sheng Sheng.

The blood spatter, that Sen Sen white bone directly exposed in the sun, the scene is very terrible dazzling.


The four sides were shocked.

Wen Hai was shocked and his eyes were huge.

The man at the end of the wine frowned.

Only the two figures standing at the door seemed calm. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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