Lin Yang's hand knife can be said to be cutting gold and breaking jade. It is extremely cruel.

He took that half of the arm, quietly looking at the Wenhai in front of him.

As for the big man, he had already rolled on the ground with his arms in his arms, and his miserable cry tore the sky.

Wenhai color change, some at a loss.

It was obviously the first time he had seen such a ferocious man.

But Lin Yang did not go to Wenhai any more, but turned around and looked at the crowd around him.

"Did you just scold me for having a mother and not having a father?" Lin Yang pointed to a thin man in the crowd.

"Ah... I... I..." the man opened his mouth, shivering but unable to speak.

Lin Yang directly stretched out his hand to grab his hair, pulled him out, and then kicked him hard in his chest.


The sound of the broken bone came out again.

The man flew straight out three meters, then hit the wall, smashed countless cracks in the wall, and then changed to fall. The man has fainted, his mouth is full of blood, and his chest is sunken down a large area, I do not know whether it is dead or alive.


People were so scared that they stepped back and their faces were completely bloodless.

"And you? Did you scold me just now Lin Yang pointed to another person.

"I didn't! Not me The man screamed.

But also can not escape Lin Yang's revenge, was thrown out, skin and flesh, unconscious.

The guests rioted and the scene was immediately in chaos.

"Wenhai, what are you doing? Don't take this man quickly! "

At the end of the article, he snorted coldly and said coldly.

Wenhai seemed to wake up from the shock and immediately drank and yelled, "come on, get him for me!"


A large number of religious disciples came from all directions.

All of them have been trained in martial arts. All of them are muscular, vigorous and fierce, and have a terrifying momentum.

The elders got up one after another to maintain the order of the scene.

"Please don't be impatient. Don't worry. We will protect everyone's safety."

"There's a little problem, but don't panic. It'll be solved soon if the leader is there."

"Calm down, everyone."

With the shouts of the elders falling, disciples from all directions have rushed to Linyang.

Feng lie and others, as well as those who advocate martial arts school, are all shining.

Everyone was surprised by Lin Yang's ferocity.

But now we should be serious about worshiping religion. What can he fight against it?

"I don't believe this guy can deal with religious masters." Huo Ao recovered from the shock of Lin Yang's hand just now, and the man gritted his teeth and said.

Lin Yang's strength is indeed beyond his expectation, but in his opinion, no matter how strong a person is, how can he be an enemy?

It's just that few people here know Lin Yang.

Even the Liu Rushi standing at the door.

She was staring at Lin Yang.

However, Lin Yang smashed his fist and two feet in the past. His fist and foot were as fast as lightning. There was no fancy move, but he hit the hammer hard.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...

a dull noise comes out.

After a while, these religious worshippers were all smashed out, one by one fell to the ground, dizzy, black and blue.

One punch is to clean up one person...

it's quiet again.

People gape and stare.

At this moment, even Wen Mo Xin, the sword king and the Ming Yu stopped their glasses and turned their heads to look at this side.

"Is this Dr. Lin?" The old woman here murmured with her mouth open.

"It's him... But it's not him... You can't see through this person like a poem." Liu Rushi sighed softly. His eyes like the starry sky have been falling on him, but they can't be moved for a long time.

"It seems that there is some trouble in worshipping religion today."

Should break the waves continue to drink wine, a face of calm self talk.

"You bastards Wenhai was furious and yelled at the disciples who fell on the ground.

"Childe, i... we..."

the disciples opened their mouths, but did not know how to explain.

They can't even see Lin Yang's fists. What's more? How can this person be an ordinary person?

But what Wenhai is interested in is that he has lost his face and worshipped religion, which makes him laugh!

"Come on! I don't care who this person is. If you dare to make trouble at my wedding, I will make sure that he dies here. Give it to me Wen Hai was angry and roared directly.

A large number of religious believers have reappeared in all directions.

But at this time, the end of the text of the head of the heart again.

"Wenhai, stop it first!"

"Dad Wenhai suddenly turned his head and looked at the end of the article."Don't let your anger blindfold your eyes." The heart of the end of the article said, spinning and looking at Linyang, and said, "this friend, who are you?"

Finally, the heart of the end of the article faces up to Linyang.

After all, it is not ordinary people to have such a hand.

"Jiangcheng, Doctor Lin!"

Lin Yang also did not cover up, directly reported the name.

This words fell, the scene immediately exploded the pot.

"What? "The doctor of the forest in Jiangcheng city?"

"Doctor Lin actually ran here?"

"God, he is the young doctor who has been struggling with the king of Han Medicine?"

"It looks younger than the rumor!"

"I heard that he is also CEO of Yanghua group!"

"Tut Tut, no wonder I dare to respect Zong on my own!"

Guests said that some people admire others and praise others. Their attitude is a 180 degree turn compared with that before.

But the end of the text heart also did not by a daze, immediately nodded: "originally is the river city Lin God doctor to come, I wait really is flattered, Lin Shenyi, I don't know what misunderstanding before, please sit up, what is the matter, we sit down to talk."

For Lin Shenyi, religious worship cannot be ignored.

You know, Doctor Lin is so young. He has been passed down as a legend. What about it?

Don't say that Wen Mo heart so much, this head of the bright rain is also the eyes bright looking at Linyang, even if the wine has been drinking who is not unreasonable sword king also can not cast their eyes on this.

But... Lin Yang is not interested in drinking here.

He stared at the end of the text again, and said without expression: "so, worship religion, you will not give me the people who hurt luoqian?"

When I hear this, my heart frowns again at the end of the article.

Wenhai has a little nervous face.

He didn't expect that this Doctor Lin actually came to Xingshi and asked for guilt.

"Lin Shenyi, luoqian that injury... In fact, there are some unexpected ingredients!"

Wenhai hesitated to go down.

But he just fell, Linyang immediately reached out his hand, like lightning caught Wenhai's collar, and pulled him.

Wenhai was trembling all over, looking forward, but he saw Lin Yang's face almost stick to his face. A pair of cold eyes stared at him:

in this way, you know who hurt Luo Qian? Or... Is that you hurt Luo Qian? "

Looking at this cruel eye, Wenhai's body trembled and trembled...

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