Although Lin Yang is in a tight encirclement, he is very skillful, and the elder's means are far from his body!

The guests exclaimed.


A dull noise came out.

Lin Yang hit an elder's fist with a fist. His strong and powerful power suddenly disintegrated the elder's strength, and the rest of his strength began to tear his flesh and bones. The elder cried out in pain, and the man retreated, his arm trembled and numb, and his skin and flesh were split. Naturally, the bone was no better.

Lin Yang did not stop, but turned to the ground.


The earth was shaking.

The strength of this foot is so terrible.

One of the people who rushed was unstable, his body was shaking and his offensive was slack.

Lin Yang's eyes were cold, and his arms hit the past.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...

dull sound again.

These elders all fly out, spit blood from their mouths, and look miserable.


People are stupid.

The company commander can't deal with Lin Yang?

"This man has just used the silver needle, and his strength and speed have been greatly improved. If the old man has not guessed wrong, he is a doctor!" The sword king said calmly in the drink.

"It's a pity that some people's talent will be destroyed. It's no wonder that Zhang's talent is so arrogant." You should shake your head in the waves.

"You drink, and the old man will take care of you." The sword king said again and took a sip of wine.

We should break the waves and laugh without speaking.

But Wenhai's face is ridiculous.

Lin Yang's strength is unbelievable, and his physical strength is extremely terrible. Even if it's a siege, he doesn't pay attention to it, let alone defend. He only catches an elder to beat him, and never stops if he doesn't beat him down.

Although Lin Yang was also injured, the fate of those elders was extremely miserable.

Either broken hand, or chest cavity head crack, one is half dead, the end is extremely miserable.

Of course, Linyang is no better.

Although there is no obvious injury on the body, but there must be internal injury, and it is panting, consumption is quite large.

"Dad, what are you going to do now?"

Wen Hai panicked and retreated again and again, looking at the end of the article in a hurry.

The guests around him retreated and looked at Lin Yang in fear.

"You are going to take over my position in charge of religious worship. How can you be so flustered? What is the standard? " At the end of the article, the heart frowned.

He could see that his son was not a success, but what was the use of it? He is such a son.

"Go and call elder Chu." At the end of the article, the heart is light.

"No, my Lord, I have come!"

At this time, a bloated, heavily made-up woman in a bright red dress came over with a smile on her face.

As soon as she approached, she could smell a strong smell.

this is not a smell of perfume, but a smell of medicine.

"Elder Chu!"

Many people have bright eyes.

"Mr. Chu, you are here. Hurry up and get rid of this man!" Wenhai ran over excitedly and helped Chu Laodao.

"Well, it's humiliating for a young man to make you so virtuous. I said that it's useless for you to learn from those pompous. Do you understand now? Let's clean up and take them to the doctor's office later! " That Chu elder laughs jokingly way.

Although the elders on the earth are very unhappy, they have no idea at this time.

But when the disciples just wanted to carry these elders down, Lin Yang kicked people to fly again.

People were shocked.

"Doctor Lin, what do you want to do? Do you want to kill them all? " Wen Hai was startled, pointing to Lin Yang with trembling rage.

"So what?"

Lin Yang said without expression, one foot has stepped on the finger of an elder nearby.


That crisp sound is extremely harsh and terrifying.

A sad cry sounded, and a moment later, the elder fainted.

Countless people gasped.

"Lin Yang, you are so cruel!" Some people were furious.

"Then when you religious people trample on Luo Qian's fingers, why does no one say cruelty?" Lin Yang light road.

People were speechless in an instant.

Lin Yang did not show mercy. He lifted his foot and stepped on the elder's other hand.

The faint man screamed again.

Lin Yang doesn't want to care who is innocent or reasonable. He just wants revenge, crazy revenge and reckless revenge. He doesn't care about anything else.

"Ha ha, very interesting boy, six elder, don't worry, I'll cure you with that hand." The fat woman said with a smile, and then squinted at Lin Yang: "it's you who dare to be wild here. Even if I let you off, I'm afraid we will not let you go when we worship religion! Come on, how are you going to die? ""Let's look at your means first. I'm tired of hearing that." Lin Yang light road.

"Not bad, but I've seen a lot of arrogant people like you. I hope you won't ask for mercy later." The fat woman said with a smile and turned her head and looked at the end of the text: "master, how can you say that? Whether he was abolished or...

"dead or alive!" At the end of the article, he said calmly.

The hearts of the people around him jumped.

Whether dead or alive...

it seems that my heart is angry at the end of the article.

Even if the elder Chu killed Lin Yang, he would not care...

"OK! Good! In this case, I'll let go of my hands! "

With a smile on his face, Chu Changlao walked towards Linyang.

She put one hand against the ring of the other hand, and her fingers whirled gently.

Lin Yang captured this tiny movement.

"What? Boy, if you surrender now, you may be able to save your life. If you are still stubborn, the old lady will melt your face first, and then waste your limbs, so that you can't live like death! "

Lin Yang only raised his hand: "I don't usually hit women, but in this case, I won't be soft."

"Let's see if you have the capital to shout!"

As soon as the voice fell, old Chu suddenly raised his hand.

Don't look at her arms are full of fat, but the speed of palm lifting is extremely fast, and in the moment of lifting, a thin light of oil green passes through the void and stabs at Linyang.

Lin Yang frowned and jumped sideways.


The thin light hit the wall behind him and fell into it.

It was a silver needle!

next second! Poop! Poop...

a strange noise came out.

At the tiny hole pierced by the silver needle, strange sounds came out. Then, the whole wall was corroded and collapsed...


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