This scene, however, scared many people.

Can even walls corrode?

If this needle stabs a person, it must melt the person on the spot?

"What? Boy, do you know how good it is? " Chu said with a smile. Then he raised his hands and saw that her fingers were covered with green silver needles. It was terrible.

Lin Yang frowned.

But listen to Chu elder smile way: "good bye!"


the silver needle flies again.

More than ten silver needles present a strange shape and rush to the end of Linyang.

Lin Yang has no place to dodge again.

Obviously, elder Chu had calculated Lin Yang's retreat, so he did not intend to give him a chance.

"Doctor Lin!" Liu Rushi murmured, and her face was bloodless.

"This religious poisonous woman of Chu is really poisonous. She only refined such strange poisonous needles. It is said that this person once had rumors of refining medicine with living people. I didn't believe it before, but now I'm afraid I believe it a little bit. If this man comes out, Doctor Lin is afraid that he can't stand it!" The old lady shook her head and sighed.


at this time, Lin Yang also waved his back hand, and the silver needle flew out and hit those poisonous needles precisely.

The two needles collided and ejected to the ground. More than ten silver needles melted the earth into a hole.

The scene was a mess.

"Dr. Lin's needling is good, but it's not enough." Old Chu laughed and his hands suddenly moved.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh...

the dense and rain like poisonous needles are flying in unison.

It's terrible that every needle is poisoned.

This is more terrifying than Gatling!

Just as the silver needle approached, Lin Yang also turned his hand and waved it, rolling out a large number of silver needles and flying towards those poisonous needles.

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding...

the sound of the silver needles crashing out.

Like the sound of wind chimes, it is very pleasant, but the scene is to see people's scalp numb.

The poisonous needles splashed on the ground and melted into a hole. A silver needle fell on the sole of a guest's foot, and his sole disappeared in an instant.

People retreated again in fear.

The whole wedding scene has become a battlefield between Lin Yang and Chu elders.

But their silver needles are not infinite.

Especially elder Chu, how can she hide so much in her body? After fighting for about a minute, they stopped.

Elder Chu's poison needles have been exhausted, and Lin Yang has few left.

"Ha ha, it seems that you still have some skills, but let's see how it works!"

Chu elder laughs and suddenly raises his hand and flicks his finger.


A bright red ball popped out of his finger.

Lin Yang frowned, just wanted to hide, but the moment that the bead approached...


The ball explodes directly.

A blood red mist bloomed.


Wenhai was scared to retreat.

"Poetic, careful, back off!" The king of medicine seemed to realize something and quickly pulled Liu Rushi back.

Huo Jianguo and Huo lie did not know what they were doing.

However, at this time, a light wind blowing, the bright red fog blowing open, a little breath hit on the body of several guests, in an instant, they directly fell on the ground, issued a sad cry.

Their skin is like melting directly. All the flesh and bones are bubbling with blood. They are itching. Everyone is scratching their bodies with their hands. People are not like human beings, ghosts are not like ghosts, and the scene is extremely frightening.

After a while, these guests did not breathe and died directly.


The rest of the guests were so frightened that they almost couldn't stand still and ran frantically for the gate.

"How vicious!"

The king of medicine was so angry that he clubbed his cane and said, "elder Chu, there are so many people here. You still use this move! Don't you think about the guests? "

"This is the main task of religion. My job is to maintain the worship of religion and not to let those who worship religion and make trouble become arrogant!" Chumi said with a smile.

The old woman did not say a word, but the anger on her face was still very obvious.

"Is that Doctor Lin gone?" Wenhai looked at the place where Linyang was, covered by the terrible poisonous fog, and couldn't help asking.

"Certainly not! My poisonous fog is not what ordinary people can bear! No matter who it is, touch it and die! And if I add that to it! Even steel can be poisoned

Chu elder said with a smile, and then a finger flick.


Another poison pill flies out...


The poison pill burst out in the blood red mist.The poison pill explodes the dark green gas, and after the fusion with the blood red gas, it becomes purple directly.

As soon as the purple gas appeared, the earth was melted and everything around it was corroded. It was like a terrible black hole floating there.


Everyone was turned pale by it.

Even the bright rain moved at this moment.

"The religious doctors are really extraordinary The rain whispered.

"It's over! Doctor Lin is finished! Ha ha... "Huo Ao laughed.

"Alas..." master Fenglie sighed and did not speak.

People look different.

Liu Rushi said nothing but closed her eyes.

Who can survive such a terrible means?

"All right, master, let's get rid of it! Pour some water, and the smoke will be gone. " The elder of Chu said with a smile.

At the end of the article, the heart nodded and waved.

But then, out of the purple smoke, there was a sound.

"What? That's what you do? "

As soon as the words fell, the scene was silent. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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