People looked at the purple fog in a hurry, but saw the mist, slowly out of a fuzzy figure.

"Fake bar..." a guest shuddered.

It's impossible to sit on the sea.

"Is he a devil?" Huo Ao's scalp will explode.

Huo Jianguo's eyes widened and he couldn't speak at the moment.

Can't such gas kill him?

"If this son is willing to bear with it, the country of China in the next few decades will be his time!" The old woman, the king of medicine, sighed.

Liu Rushi's autumn eyes can't help falling on her grandmother.

She seldom heard her grandmother comment on others, let alone her grandmother's high evaluation of a person...

as for elder Chu, Wen Mo Xin and others, they had long been frightened by the terrible scene.

"No... no... it must be fake! In this case, how could Dr. Lin be alive? It must be false! " The smile on Chu Chang's face had long disappeared, replaced by a thick shock and fear.

She knew how terrible the poisonous gases she had developed. It was a solid chemical weapon. It was easy to melt steel, not to mention human beings. Even if a tank was put in it, it would soon melt.

Who can survive this gas?

Old Chu did not dare to imagine.

And as the man in the gas came out a little bit, the man's appearance also appeared.

It's Lin Yang.

When you see clearly the appearance of Lin Yang at the moment, the elder Chu is already a little unable to stand.

No harm at all!


Lin Yang's whole body is up and down, there is no place is damaged!

Not even the clothes were broken!

It was as if those poisonous gases were just smoke in the air for him!

"What's going on?" At the end of the article, my heart frowned.

"You... You... What did you do? What have you done? " Chu Chang always pointed to Lin Yang and asked.

"I didn't do anything. I just sprinkled a little powder on my body." Lin Yang shook his hand at will, and a small porcelain vase fell on the ground.

People look at it, only to find that Lin Yang's body does have a layer of gray white dust, very fine.

"You mean... You're blocking my poison with this powder?" Old Chu asked in shock.

"Almost." Lin Yang said.

"No! Yes! Yes

Elder Chu almost roared.

"What's impossible? You're just using the poison of scorpion, toad, snake, spider and centipede, and then using some chemical formula to develop the toxin. It's not brilliant! Although it can melt gold and iron, it's easy to break it. I can break any medicine jar on my body Lin Yang shook his head.

Hearing this, Chu Chang's eyes widened like an ox's.

Lin Yang is right.

These... Are the five poisons extracted from the toxin.

However, it is not easy to extract these toxins. It took her several years to develop this kind of poison powder. She thought that no one would crack it. Even if she cracked it, it would take a lot of effort. But the young man in front of her just let her poison powder fail easily... And... He also saw through his own method...

"how It will be like this... "Old Chu can't accept it any more.

"Elder Chu, can you deal with this person? If not, you can quit." At the end of the article, the heart looked at the old Chu who suffered from the blow, and said faintly.

"What do you mean? Can't I deal with a yellow mouth? " Chu Changlao gritted his teeth, and in his eyes he was unwilling to take a step toward Linyang.

Although she is bulky, she doesn't act as fast and flexible as a fat man should have.

Her palms were smeared with a pool of venom, which was evenly smeared. The palm power was not great, but the poison was very terrible.

Lin Yang just ignored the blow.


He slapped Lin Yang.

His body didn't even shake.

"Ha ha, you're finished!" Chu Chang was overjoyed, but did not expect to hit Lin Yang so easily. Without hesitation, she immediately slapped another slap in the past.


The sound came back.

Lin Yang remained motionless.

Chu Changlao was not polite. He slapped Lin Yang's body with two thick and swollen palms. It seemed that he would smear toxin on every part of Lin Yang's body.

But at this time, Lin Yang is finally impatient.

He struck with a backhand.


Elder Chu flew out and fell heavily on the ground with blood on the corner of her mouth. However, she did not care. Instead, she got up and gave out a crazy laugh: "Doctor Lin, you are finished! You're dead. You've been poisoned by my hands. You're full of toxins. Even Dara Jinxian can't save you this time. Ha ha ha... ""Poison? Your little poison can kill me? " Lin Yang shook his head.

"Don't you believe it? Oh, then look at your wrists and see if it's dark there Elder Chu was laughing.

Lin Yang did not speak. He rolled up his sleeves and lifted them up.

Elder Chu's smile solidified instantly.

Lin Yang's wrist did not have any abnormal, skin color is normal, there is no sign of poisoning at all.

Old Chu breathed, and the man was completely stupid.

Everyone knows that elder Chu's poison has no effect on the doctor Lin.

"You'd better look at your arm."

At this time, Lin Yang suddenly said.

Old Chu was stiff and looked at his palm. Then he rolled up his sleeve. In an instant, she sat down on the ground and couldn't stand up any more.

People around looked at her in a hurry.

But her arms were black, like the coal in the picture, which was extremely dangerous.

"You... When did you poison me?" Chu elder trembling said.

"When you hit me!"

Lin Yang said quietly.

"But you... Didn't move... How do you poison?"

"It's not my poison, it's your own poison!" Lin Yang raised his hand and made a gesture of hand knife.

"That's..." old Chu suddenly realized something. The man looked at his shoulder and said, "is that the blow just now..."

"the acupoints of human beings can also cooperate with the distribution of toxins. The reason why you can be immune to your toxins is that you have closed the pores of your hands, and I just hit your acupoints, so that all the pores on your hands are opened Nature has penetrated into your body... "

Lin Yang said.


The old man of Chu cried bitterly and quickly searched for the antidote from his body.

But in the next second, a silver needle suddenly flew over and punctured her eyebrows precisely , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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