The body of the elder of Chu was frozen in place. The man was staring at the bottles and jars in his hand. He didn't move like a puppet.

She knew what it meant.

She raised her head and glared at Lin Yang, trembling and saying, "doctor Lin... you are so cruel..."

"how can I be soft hearted to others when people are cruel to me?" Lin Yang said quietly.

Old Chu opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but at this time, a large amount of dark blood gushed out of her mouth. She fell to the ground and pulled out a few times, then there was no movement.

People around him widened their eyes and looked at the terrible scene with fear.

"Dr. Lin, what have you done?"

"Old Chu... What's wrong with Chu?"

People were frightened and confused.

However, the king of medicine saw the clue and said, "that silver needle is not simple! It accelerated the volatilization of toxin in elder Chu's body! The poison in her body broke out in a flash, and she didn't even have the chance to use antidote. It can be said that all the poisons and tricks of elder Chu were seen through by Dr. Lin. the level of medical poison between elder Chu and Dr. Lin was not at the same level at all! "

This word scared all the people on the scene to be silent...

Dr. Lin had this kind of means.

This is a religious elder of Chu!

This is the elder in charge of the medical school!

Is this what Lin Yang solved? What's more, it was solved by overwhelming means...

it's too terrible...

many people around him were breathless, and their eyes at Lin Yang were full of fear.

"Chu... Chu Changlao..." Wenhai legs crazy swing.

Even elder Chu can't stop Lin Yang. Who can stop him?

At this time, Lin Yang stepped forward and came to this place again.

"Dad... Dad! What should I do? What to do now? Why don't you kill the man named Lin! Dad Wen Hai is scared and shivering, and the whole person is helpless. He quickly runs to the side of Wen Mo Xin and cries out eagerly.

It looks like a frightened cat and dog.

"Not promising!"

Wen Mo Xin slapped him directly.

Wenhai turned in place, covered his face and didn't speak, but the fear in his eyes did not disperse.

At the end of the article, the heart didn't pay attention to his unpromising son. Instead, he stared at Lin Yang coldly and squeezed his fist tightly.

"Doctor Lin, do you know what you have done?"

He took a step forward.

An incomparable aura was released.

All the guests were shocked.

The king of medicine, Mingyu, and the king of sword looked at this one after another.

They know that Wen Mo Xin is going to start!

The master was angry at last.

The death of elder Chu has broken his bottom line!

He can't help it!

With Wen Mo Xin's step down the steps, all the religious people around him gathered around.

But Lin Yang's steps did not stop, he continued to go up, the look like frost, eyes also filled with killing.

"Dr. Lin, you have killed so many disciples of my religious worship, and even killed the elder of Chu. You are extremely guilty and resentful. Today, I will execute you according to my religious rules and regulations! Can you take it? " At the end of the article, my heart was cold.

"You are not qualified to punish me." Lin Yang light road.

"Try it! Kill

At the end of the article, the heart roared, and jumped up to three meters in the air, and then fell down and hit hard with one hand.

There was a strong air flow in his palm!

It seems that Wen Mo Xin is not good at medical skills, but his martial arts attainments are extremely high.

And at the moment when he started, all the strong religious believers around him also poured in.

At this time, it is impossible to preach morality to Lin Yang.

Even the elder of Chu has already fallen. The great doctor Lin is far beyond their understanding. If we do not destroy Lin Yang, we are afraid that the situation will become extremely bad. So we must kill him anyway!

They all rushed over.

At the end of the article, the heart is in the lead, and the palm falls.

Don't look at this palm is flat and unadorned, but with that strange gas, it is not too simple to smash a piece of marble.

But Lin Yang was fearless, and his backhand slapped at the palm of his hand!


The collision of two palms produced a sound that almost burst.

Then we can see that the ground under Lin Yang's body is sinking for an inch, and the road cracks are produced.

Although it seems that this palm is extremely terrifying, Lin Yang is still stable, and he suddenly grabs the palm of the palm with his back hand, trying to capture Wen Mo Xin. However, Wen Mo Xin has already been on guard. He uses his strength to attack Lin Yang. At the same time, his body falls steadily on the ground, and then he attacks again with his feet.

It seems that he did not intend to give Lin Yang breathing space.At the same time, people around have already rushed in.

They knew that their fists could not cope with Lin Yang, so they locked his hands and feet directly and wanted to hold him down.

But Lin Yang's strength was too great. He waved his hand and stamped his foot, and he flew out.

But there were too many people around, and there were a steady stream of religious worshippers coming to this place. Lin Yang almost threw one away and rushed up another.

"Hum! Pay for your life At the end of the article, he said coldly. Then he raised his hand and turned it into a hand knife and rushed to the forehead of Linyang.

Lin Yang looks cold, actually waved his arms, two arms locked people were actually raised by him, mercilessly smashed to the end of the heart.

At the end of the article, the heart was slightly stunned and dodged.

But the next second, Lin Yang raised his legs, unexpectedly with a man to kick to Wen Mo Xin.

At the end of the article, some of his heart was overwhelmed. He quickly turned the attack into defense, and his palms were against the man.


The man's hands a loose, fly out, heavy hit the end of the heart.

At the end of the article, he kicked the past with a backhand.

The man flew back again and fell to the ground.


The religious people around were scared.

Some people rush up to lock Lin Yang, but it doesn't work. Lin Yang is like throwing sandbags, throwing their hearts at the end of each dynasty.

At the end of the article, he was overwhelmed by his own people.

He was furious and growled, "get out of here!"

The religious people immediately withdrew.

"A bunch of fools! Let our leader deal with this person in person! Look at me At the end of the text, the heart will roar, and the fists will come out again.

The fierce fists, as shown in the picture, are surging towards Linyang.

Lin Yang's palms turn into cotton and smash them in the past.

But... It didn't work out.


Lin Yang's arms trembled directly and the man was shaken out.

At the end of the article, his eyes were cold, and he took advantage of the victory to pursue the attack. His fists were changed into two palms, and his inner strength and breath were accumulated, and he was pounded hard at Lin Yang's chest.

Lin Yang quickly resisted.

But in terms of strength and speed, he couldn't keep up with the last intention!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...

a series of burst attacks spread.

Lin Yang was beaten back and forth by Wen Mo Xin's two palms, and the corners of his mouth overflowed with blood...

on martial arts! At the end of the article, it is obvious that Lin Yang has a strong heart , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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