"Open the mountain!"

"Crack the stone

"Break the void!"

"Shake the ground!"

"Cross the river!"


at the end of the text, every time I hit Linyang, my hand was as fast as lightning and as heavy as mountains and rivers.

Lin Yang kept retreating. God knows what terrible force he has suffered. His feet trampled on the ground, and the ground burst. After the eighteen palms fell, his mouth was full of blood, and several bones in his chest were broken. His appearance was miserable...

the guests were terrified.

Fortunately, at the last moment, Lin Yang raised his hand to copy the text and threw a silver needle at the end of his heart.

The heart at the end of the article is to know the power of Lin Yang's silver needle, so he has to retreat.

The offensive was temporarily blocked.

Although a little forced back the end of Wen's heart, but the strength gap between the two sides has been very obvious.

Lin Yang has no chance of winning.

"The Lord is mighty!"

"The Lord is mighty!"

"Ha ha, stinky boy, do you know that we worship religion


the religious people around cheered and sneered at Lin Yang.

The mind at the end of the text is the heart at the end of the text. How can we sit on the position of religious leader without some means?

"Doctor Lin!"

Liu Rushi here was in a hurry and was about to come forward, but the old woman caught her in time.

"Grandma..." Liu Rushi bit cherry lips.

The king of Medicine said nothing but shook his head gently.

Liu Rushi's eyes passed a trace of silence and pain, and finally stopped.

Master Fenglie did not say a word, and the hesitation in his eyes gradually emerged.

If Lin Yang was defeated, he would be crazy to retaliate for what he did today. Even he would be hard to escape the blame at that time. After all, in the eyes of many people, he was still related to Lin Yang.

As for Huo AO and others, they are very relieved.

"Dad, he can't hold on!" Huo Ao said with a smile.

"Well." Huo Jianguo nodded, before the tension swept away, also showed a smile.

"After all, medical martial arts is not a regular martial art. His brute force and speed are just a joke when meeting these martial arts masters who are famous for their skills." The sword king here shook his head and continued to drink wine.

"I don't agree with you, master. I know a master of medicine and martial arts. I have excellent methods." Should break the waves and smile.

The sword King glanced at him and said nothing.

At this time, the end of the text heart is to launch a new offensive, straight to Lin Yang's head.

This blow is to be directly opened by Lin Yang!

Lin Yang wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth. His eyes were cold, but he was not in a hurry. He took the silver needle on his chest, as if he was doing emergency treatment.

But in the face of a master like Wen Mo Xin, what effect can his silver needles have?

"Yellow mouth child, yield!"

At the end of the article, my heart was cold and my arm fell down.

Lin Yang immediately raised his hands and blocked the way.


The sound of bone breaking.

But this time, it's not the other side's broken bone, but Lin Yang!

He took a few steps back to the end of the silver needle.

"Huang shaking legs!" At the end of the article, he gave a cold drink to his feet. After his body was whirled, a foot hit Lin Yang's shoulder.


Lin Yang flew out again and fell heavily on the ground.

At the end of the text, the heart is galloping and rushing, and the fist is striking.

That excellent and terrible move was put into use again. Lin Yang was completely out of his home and was repeatedly knocked over. His body was full of flesh and blood, which was extremely miserable.

"It's over!"

Some people say that.

"It's a pity that Lin's talent is excellent. Over time, he must be a famous genius in the world. However, he killed himself and ran here to act wild. How can the master of culture and education tolerate his disobedience?" Others shook their heads in regret.

"I can't blame anyone. Who called him arrogant? Think you are the best in the world? " Someone hummed.

"It's ridiculous!"

"Is that the price of youth?"

All kinds of sounds are endless.

"Grandma!" Liu Rushi slightly side head.

"Say it." The medicine king looked ahead.

"I don't want you to help me. I just want you to save Dr. Lin's life, OK?" Liu Rushi asked in a low voice.

The king of medicine hesitated and nodded gently: "I will try my best, but the final result depends on fate."

Liu Rushi stopped talking.

At the same time, Wen Mo Xin walked towards Lin Yang again."It's a bit of a waste of time."

At the end of the article, he said calmly, but his eyes had already burst out.

He raised his hand, and the bitterness in the palm was particularly obvious.

This time, he's going to get rid of this boring fight.

Maybe he shouldn't have let his hand deal with this person for the sake of so-called face. If he had appeared earlier, things might not have turned out like this.

However, it doesn't matter, it's all over...

at the end of the article, he hummed secretly and planned to solve this person quickly so as to clean up the rest of the mess.

But at the moment when he rushed to Linyang...


A cold light came.

Silver needle again!

"A little bit of work!" At the end of the article, my heart hummed, and I snatched it away.

But just as he avoided the silver needle, another silver needle appeared in front of him.

It turns out that Lin Yang is not just a silver needle, but two!

But it doesn't work!

At the end of the article, the heart snorted, and his hand was like lightning, and he directly clipped the silver needle.

In an instant, the silver needle was still and was firmly clamped by his two fingers.

But the next second, the end of the heart silent.

He looked down hard, but saw that his abdomen is a gently shaking silver needle.

It turned out that Lin Yang in this moment a total of three silver needles! Moreover, the three silver needles are one after another, one hidden deeper than the other, and completely predicted the position of the end of the text...

"how could this be

At the end of the article, his face sank and he wanted to pull out the silver needle.

But at this time, he was shocked to find that he could not move.


"Lord! What's the matter with you? "

"No, this guy is plotting against the leader with a mean trick


The religious people all around rushed up.

But Lin Yang did not pay attention to these people, but again pulled out a large number of silver needles, quickly and bitterly stabbed into his own body.

Each silver needle almost completely disappeared into his body...

and with the introduction of these silver needles, Lin Yang became strange.

"Hooray! Whoa! Whoa! Hu... "

he began to gasp for breath, and there was a lot of sweat on his face. The bleeding places on his body had stopped bleeding, the broken bones seemed to recover, and his hands were completely safe, but he was unstable, supporting the wall and gasping for breath.

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