"Can't this guy hold on?"

"It doesn't look like the injured person should look like..."

"Yeah... What's wrong with him?"

"Oh, didn't you see that he was just pricking himself? Look at the way he pricks. Is that acupuncture? The whole silver needle has been put into the body. How can there be this acupuncture method? I think most of his operations are random. If something goes wrong, it will be like this. "

"It makes sense! He looks like he's in pain

"Don't talk nonsense. Go and pull out the silver needle of the cult leader, and then take down this son of a bitch. If you dare to worship our religion, you must make him look good this time!"


Religious people rushed to the past, and some tried to pull out the silver needle from Wen Mo's heart, but he was stopped by Wen Mo Xin.

"Dad, what are you doing?"

Wenhai also came over and looked at him inexplicably.

"Don't pull it At the end of the article, he gritted his teeth and said: "his silver needle is close to my dead hole. If you pull it out randomly, if you touch it, I will be seriously injured even if I don't die, so you can't mess with me!"

"But if we don't, what should we do? Or... I'll go and call the doctor's men? " Wenhaidao.

"The people of Yizong are on their way!" Next to humanity.

"I can't wait for them to come!" At the end of the article, he snorted, staring at Lin Yang and said, "you first subdue that guy. This silver needle... I'll force it out with my inner strength!"


All nodded and rushed to Linyang.

At the end of the article, the heart immediately held back her breath and forced the silver needle out of her body a little bit.

But at this time, Lin Yang over there suddenly suddenly raised his head and hit the religious worshippers close by.


The man was instantly smashed and cracked his chest. He flew upside down and knocked down two religious worshippers.

What a powerful blow!


People trembled.

"Is this boy still fighting?"

"Well, it's just the end of a strong arrow. Hold him down!" Wenhai shouts.

The way his father beat Lin Yang hard just now gave him confidence and let him know that the so-called Doctor Lin was not invincible.

It's just that...

as their own people continue to rush upward, the scene of terror also appears.

At this time, Lin Yang was like a completely new man. He didn't see his previous injury. He hammered with his transverse arm. His strength was amazing, and the people around him could not resist it.

Fists and fists give birth to the wind!

Amazing foot strength!

What's more incredible is that he is no longer standing in the same place passively beaten. Instead, he uses his footwork very sensitively. People are like swimming fish in the crowd. No matter how dense the fists around him are, he can't touch his body.

This can surprise people around.

The sword king who drinks wine and should break the waves several people look at Lin Yang together, the sword King's old eyes slightly pass a bit surprised.

It was also quite surprising that she should break the waves.

"This footwork... Is quite a shadow of the master!" We should break through the waves.

And at the end of the article, the heart is staring at Lin Yang, the shock in his eyes is so obvious.

He could see that it was his footwork.

Although it seems to be quite rough, there are signs of painting gourds, but the essence is still there. It is more than enough to deal with these religious people!

After a while, Lin Yang put down nearly a hundred people, but he was still intact.

There were wailing people on the ground, and everyone either hugged their legs and screamed or fainted. No matter who it was, they were either fractured or mutilated, and their lives and injuries could not be judged.

The rest of the people, including Wenhai, saw this scene and had already retreated to the end of Wen's heart.


At this time, the heart at the end of the article just forced the silver needle out of the body.

"Dad, are you ok?"

Wen Hai hastens to hold Wen Mo Xin.

But at the end of the article, the heart shook his hand and pushed him away.

"Hum, how can I have anything to do with you At the end of the article, he said coldly. Then he looked at Lin Yang over there and said in a deep voice, "Lin Yang, when did you learn my religious footwork? Did you steal your teacher? "

"Stealing teachers? I am an open and aboveboard student. How can I steal my teacher? " Lin Yang said hoarsely.

"Open learning?"

People were stunned and suddenly realized what Lin Yang had said. They were stunned and looked at him strangely.

"Do you mean to learn and sell now? Fake? This talent is so abnormal. "

"Judging from Lin Yang's previous performance, he doesn't know martial arts. Do you think he, a Jiangcheng man, would come here to steal the master's skills? This is totally unreasonable. "

Some people talk about it.

"Since you say you are learning and selling now, let me see if you have this talent in the end." At the end of the article, the heart said coldly, spinning and stepping a little bit, rushed to the past again.He stares at Lin Yang, just like an eagle looking at a white rabbit. His palms turn into claws. He is ready to remove Lin Yang's two arms first. Without these two arms, his medical skills are almost useless!

At the end of the article, I think.

But at this time, he suddenly regained his mind and saw that Lin Yang in front of him suddenly disappeared.

At the end of the article, the heart suddenly beat.

"Well, where are you looking?"

The voice of indifference came from the side.


At the end of the article, the heart was busy looking to the side.

However, there was a sad and violent palm next to him...

"open the mountain!"

"Crack the stone

"Break the void!"

"Shake the ground!"

"Cross the river!"


the shouts were heard.

At the end of the article, his heart was suddenly heavy, and he could not stand at all. He flew out and smashed a wall.


It's boiling!

Countless pairs of eyes shocked at Lin Yang.

Even the sword king and Ying are stunned.

Because the moves Lin Yang used just now are all the moves used before the end of the text!

What's more, Lin Yang's moves are more domineering and violent! Although there is still a way out with Wenmo's heart, Wei Neng is no worse than him...

"it's impossible..." Wenhai said dully.

With his hands behind him, Lin Yang walked toward the ruins of the collapsed wall.

At the end of the article, he raised his face in dismay.

But see Lin Yang a whirlwind, a kick to kill in the past.

"Huang shaking legs!"

Drink and shout.

Another religious killing move...

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