At the end of the article, the heart was caught off guard and was hit on the shoulder by this leg. The whole shoulder bone was directly broken. The man also flew out and fell on the broken wall again.

The whole wall collapsed.

That's a half meter thick wall!

I was knocked down by the end of the article!

What kind of powerful power does the heart at the end of the text bear?

People gasped and were shocked by the scene.

"Dad Wenhai even sent out a shrill cry to rush over.

"Don't come here!"

At the end of the article, the heart tried to endure the pain and cried vaguely. As soon as the words were said, a mouthful of blood came out.

Wenhai which tube so many, then rushed over, but the elders on both sides quickly stopped him.

"Wenshao, don't go!"

Lin Yang is still there. If Wenhai is in the past, he should not be punished seriously?

Dr. Lin is a madman!

I'm afraid that today he really wants to fulfill what he said before... Step down and worship religion!

Of course, this is not the shock.

It's a trick used by Lin Yang! They are all religious moves! To be exact, they are all the moves used before and at the end of the article!

Although his moves are still very crude, but the power is very amazing, whether it is strength, speed and even internal strength, they are much stronger than the end of the text.

"I see, I understand... This miracle Doctor Lin was taught by the bishop of culture and education. It's not that he really can't beat him, but that he is learning the master's moves on purpose! Set out the master's moves

Here the bright rain insight to the clue, repeatedly nodded, whispered.

"Intentional learning?" Everyone else was frightened by Mingyu's startling words.

"You see, now Dr. Lin, how can he be injured? He knew that the master of culture and education could not cause death and disability to him, so he deliberately did not resist, or deliberately made some weak resistance, because he knew that even if he could defeat the master of culture and education, he would pay a lot of price. So he pretended to fight with the cultural and educational master first, learned the master's moves, and analyzed and saw through the means of the master of culture and education, so he gave the paper The master of culture and education has no advantage The rain is light.

She knows some martial arts. Although she is not strong, she can see through some things on the surface.

Hearing Mingyu's words, several people's faces were filled with despair.

If you can't even fight against the Doctor Lin at the end of the text, who can we expect from the worship of religion?

"What? Elders, what should we do now? What should we do if we worship religion? " Wen Hai asked.

"Call on everyone. We'll fight with this Lin!"

"That's right. I don't believe that Lin can kill all our religious worship!"

"That's right!"

Several reckless religious enthusiasts rushed to the road.

"Shut up An elderly elder immediately drank.

People don't talk. Qiqi looks at him.

However, the elder quietly glanced at Ying chuanlang and the sword King behind him. He whirled and lowered his voice and said in a low voice: "now you have only one choice, that is to ask yingshao or the sword king to fight. At present, only these two can resist the miracle Doctor Lin!"

Wen Hai responded immediately.

As soon as he bit his teeth, he turned and walked towards yingshao.

At the moment, Lin Yang has also moved towards the end of the text.

At the end of the article, the heart got up with difficulty, and his mouth was still spitting blood. One arm was almost useless.

Now he has almost no combat power.

His eyes were cold and he was staring at Dr. Lin. his other hand was still clenched into a fist.

He was very unwilling, but he also understood that he had no chance of winning if he continued to fight.

"Dr. Lin, this matter... Is over, how about?" At the end of the article, the heart said hoarsely.

"That's it? What do you mean Lin Yang looks at him calmly.

"It's no fun to fight any more. I hope that this matter will come to an end. I will not hold you responsible, and I hope you will not be aggressive any more. You can leave immediately, and we will not offend the river in the future, OK?"

"Look at what you said, as if you don't want to pursue with me again. Do I have to thank you?" Lin Yang asked.

At the end of the article, the heart hummed and said coldly, "what do you want?"

"You have to understand that I am here today to settle accounts with you, not to make peace with you! I have no injustice or hatred with you. There is no reason to talk about it and there is no peace. " Lin Yang shook his head.

"Do you have to kill them all? Dr. Lin, I tell you, if we are really forced to rush, I guarantee that even if you can leave here, it will not be a complete departure! Stay on the line! See you in the future At the end of the article, I was annoyed.

As a religious leader, he made peace with a younger generation in a low voice for the first time, which was a great shame to him, but the surname Lin was still so ungrateful!How can he stand it?

"See you in the future? I'm not going to see you again! Today, it's over! "

Lin Yang drank coldly. His eyes were awe inspiring. He stepped forward and hit him with a fist.

This fist is extremely violent, with clever force and internal force.

The heart at the end of the article is a martial arts master. How can we not see the horror of this fist?

But... There's no room for him to dodge!

He had to take the other hand.


Two fists.


The sound of bone cracking was heard again.

The five fingers of the hand at the end of the article were all broken.

He retreated again and again, his body trembled wildly. He was supposed to fall on the ground, but the next moment... A hand stretched out, directly pinched on the neck of Wen Mo Xin and lifted him up.


There were shrill cries of religious people around.

Everyone's around.

The king of medicine, Liu Rushi, master Fenglie, Huo Jianguo, Huo Ao, as well as many guests and clansmen all looked at the terrible scene.

The end of the text is so defeated?

Lost so quickly, so thoroughly!

And what does Dr. Lin do?

Does he want to kill Wen Mo Xin?

Wenhai also looked at his father, and then knelt down directly in front of the waves, and cried: "should be less! Should be less! Please, help my father, save us. We worship religion. Please

With that, he kowtowed to Ying.

Should break the waves put down the cup, went to Wenhai to help up, patted the dust on his body, light said: "Wenhai, we are brothers, your father now has an accident, how can I care? Don't worry

Wenhai was overjoyed and said, "thank you very much! Thank you very much

"But I don't like to help a bunch of rubbish!" Should break the waves and suddenly added another sentence.

This word falls, Wen Hai Leng. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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