Wenhai is confused.

It never occurred to him that he should break the waves and say such a thing.

Looking at Wenhai's stupefied appearance, he should break through the waves with a light mouth, shake his head and pat Wenhai: "brother, don't worry, your father, I will still help you. After all, even if I don't do anything, the miracle Doctor Lin will still find me trouble, so this is not only helping your father, but also helping myself."

Although Wenhai was very uncomfortable in his heart, he did not dare to say anything, so he could only smile again and again to thank him.

Should break the waves to turn around, toward the other side of Lin Yang swept a glance, then light mouth: "Doctor Lin, stop it."

Lin Yang here pinches the end of the text heart, looking at should break the waves without expression.

"Stop it, stop it and listen to me." Should break the waves light said.

There was an incomparable confidence in that eye.

It seemed to him that what he said was a decree!

But in Lin Yang's opinion, every word that should break the waves is a joke.

"Stop? you're the boss? who are you? What are you? " Lin Yang said faintly.

Asked four times in a row, his eyes narrowed at once.

"What do you say?" He asked faintly.



Some religious elders were furious.

Mingyu frowned and said in a deep voice, "Doctor Lin! It is undeniable that your strength is indeed amazing, and your medical and military attainments are unbelievable. But I want to tell you that the person standing in front of you is not a casual person. If you offend him, the nature is serious, but it is much more serious than what you have committed here today. I hope you can understand this and don't force yourself to despair. "

Mingyu's expression is very serious, look at the appearance does not seem to be joking.

How can Lin Yang know that the background of breaking waves is extraordinary?

But how can he shrink his hands and feet because of this?

What's more... These people didn't know what he could do from the beginning to the end.

Lin's family is still fearless and wants to break down. What can be considered if one should break through the waves?

He shook his head and asked faintly, "so what are you going to do with me, young master?"

"Let the end of the article go! Then come here and offer me a glass of wine. I don't think it happened today. You have some skills. I'll let you shine with me in the future. " Should break the waves with a light smile.

When people around him heard the sound, they were amazed and filled with emotion.

"You should not look very appreciative of this Doctor Lin!"

"There is a saying that the talent of Doctor Lin is really not simple! If you cultivate it well, you will be a character in the future. "

"At least, I intend to cultivate my own power."

Some people talked in secret.

Mingyu and others are staring at Lin Yang, waiting for his reply.

Especially Wenhai.

If Lin Yang agreed, and became a person who should be less, then he would like to revenge Lin Yang will only become extravagant hope.

Wenhai is particularly reluctant!

He wanted to get rid of Lin Yang less, but he didn't think it should be at least. From the beginning to the end, he didn't take his religious worship into account, only thinking about how to maximize the interests.

Strictly speaking, the disaster of worshipping religion is also caused by breaking the waves. We should break the waves but ignore the life and death of religious worship!

Wenhai clenched his fist, but he did not dare to make a voice. He could only watch from the side.

It's just that...

Lin Yang's answer has interrupted everyone's thoughts.

"What about my friend?"

This word falls to the ground, even should break the waves all frown.

"What are you talking about, fool? You should be less kind to ask you to help him with his work and make you prosperous. If you don't want to thank yingshao quickly, you still ask if you can get something like this? Is your head broken? " An elder snorted coldly.

"That is, who do you think can get less appreciation? I tell you, you have to thank your friend for this. If it wasn't for her, you think you can be looked down upon less? Now it's time for you to think about other things? Hurry up and give a toast to Ying

"Yes, go and toast!"

"What are you thinking, you idiot?"

"Why don't you toast soon?"

All kinds of voices came from all around, all of which forced Lin Yang.

In their view, Lin Yang's compromise is a real thing and the best choice.

After all, even the legend of the sword king is standing at the end of the wave, just a rising star doctor Lin. what's the matter?

Should break the waves also light and smile, waiting for Lin Yang's reply.

He believed that anyone with a normal head would agree.

Because following him means countless opportunities, immeasurable wealth and power!

This is what many people dream of.

However, Lin Yang did not pay attention to the words and deeds of the people around him. Instead, he looked at Ying toulang again and calmly asked, "I said young master Ying, didn't you hear me? I ask you about my friend! How to solve it? "The words fell to the ground, and the surrounding persuasion disappeared in an instant.

Should break the waves on the face that a light smile also gradually convergence.

"Dr. Lin..." the wind strong master over there was busy and called out.

He also wanted to persuade him, but he didn't know what to say!

"Fool! Crazy

The king of medicine shook his head and sighed.

Liu Rushi clenched her lips and watched Lin Yang quietly.

The atmosphere was particularly bizarre.

I'm afraid no one can guess that at this point, Lin Yang still dares to ask such stupid words...

he should break the waves and not be angry. He just looked at Lin Yang calmly and asked, "so... According to your meaning, what do you want?"

"That's too simple! Pay him back in his own way! You put your hand on the ground, let me step on it, and then I will break your leg. In this way, I may consider offering you a glass of wine, and I will let you go! " Lin Yang said.


Countless people gasped.

"He... He really dares to say..." Huo Ao's tongue is knotted.

"It's over! This Doctor Lin is finished! Ha ha... "Xi Liuxiang clapped his hands again and again.

The rest of them were shocked.

Should be less, but can not help but smile.

"Ha ha, Doctor Lin, you have personality! pretty good! It's good. It's a good time for you to think about it. Is it lucky for your friend to know you? But... I'd like to ask you... Do you think you're qualified to toast me after I've done this? " You should squint through the waves.


"You haven't, I said you have, you will have!" Should break the waves with a light smile.

"It's a pity that I won't respect it, and I can't, because you don't deserve it!"

"So you mean... You refuse?"

"Yes, I refuse!"

Lin Yang light said, and then picked up a silver needle, directly stabbed at the end of the heart of the body.


the sad cry resounded through the sky.

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