
Religious believers are anxious to cry out.

But see that the silver needle into the body, at the end of the text, the body of the heart is like an electric shock, crazy vibration, so continued for a long time before stopping.

When he stopped, his limbs fell to the ground, and he seemed to have no strength.

What did dad do to me Wen Hai was surprised and angry and yelled.

"It's nothing. He can't die, but his martial arts training is useless!"

Lin Yang pulled out the silver needle and released his hand.

At the end of the article, my heart fell to the ground like a pool of rotten meat, and there was no movement.

He's still alive.

But for himself, there was no difference between being alive and dying at the moment.

Religious people are shocked.

Mingyu looks tense.

The sword King frowned.

All the guests around were confused.

Who could have thought that the famous religion worshiping master Wen Mo Xin was abolished like this!

Dr. Lin really did it!

Today... He has stepped down from the worship of religion!

What a terror!

Should break the wave of the eye also Sen cold up, but the face is still ancient well wubo, not much change.

"It should be less!"

Wenhai was so sad and angry that he knelt down again in front of Ying toulang and cried, "please make decisions for my father, should be less, please make decisions for my religion!"

"Please do less for me to worship religion!"

Around many religious people have also knelt down, crying loudly.

At this time, they can only rely on this huge energy should break the waves!

This is the only hope of worshiping religion!

Who could have thought that Wenhai's wedding was the end of worshipping religion!

Ying chuanlang closed his eyes and his face was filled with a faint smile. After a moment, he said, "you can rest assured that I will deal with this matter."

Voice down, he looked at Lin Yang with disappointment.

"Doctor Lin, I had high hopes for you. But now, I'm very disappointed. You should be a smart man. What you've done today is not even as good as a fool. What a pity

The sound falls, should break through the waves and stride toward Linyang.

He's going to do it!

All the people around were shocked!

This energy is huge! Do you want to move Linyang?

Lin Yang is also quietly watching the waves.

He doesn't care what the background is!

What he cares about is the man in front of him, whether he is the enemy or not! Should I kill you!

"Wait a minute!"

At this time, the cry came out.

People went in unison with prestige.

However, the sword king over there suddenly threw his wine glass to the ground. Then he took out the wooden sword that he had given to worship religion, and came over without expression.

People are puzzled.

Should break the waves with a faint smile: "how? The sword king is going to come and play? "

"The old man is not interested in getting involved with the children! The old man has only promised you that you can't be hurt at all The sword king said coldly.

"Then I'll be here. Thank you, master sword." Should break through the waves and smile.

The sword king did not pay attention to him, but looked at Lin Yang and said, "young man, you have talent, but you are arrogant. I don't know the sky is wide. Go away quickly! Don't look for trouble here! Otherwise, the old man is afraid to bully the children and be rude to you! Believe the old man, you can't take advantage of it! Go away! Get out of here

"Master sword! What are you doing? More people bully less? What's more, master Jianwang, you are an old master in the martial arts and Taoism circles of China. You are actually bullying the weak here. If things get out, you are not afraid to damage your face? " Liu Rushi couldn't help it any longer and immediately went forward to question.

"The old man said long ago that I wanted to fulfill the promise I had promised to Yingjia, and I also gave him the face to let him go. If he doesn't, I will not move this son. Then I will not break my promise? In that case, old man, I have no reputation, don't I? "

Liu Rushi Liu eyebrows count down, do not know how to refute.

However, the old woman in the back also stepped forward and said calmly, "this matter, I'm helping you to be reasonable or not. The miracle Doctor Lin came to visit because you hurt people first. He wanted to ask for justice, but you ignored it and gave no reply. So the old woman is willing to support Dr. Lin and ask for justice!"

"Master Yaowang..."

the people around him were confused and cried out in succession.

Yao Wang is in line?

This was unexpected.

"Master Yao Wang, you have to think about it!" You should squint at the old woman through the waves.

"The old lady will never regret what she has decided." The old woman said.

"Good! In this case, breaking the waves has recorded what the elder said today! I hope that in the future, master Yao Wang will not regret it. " We should break the waves and nod our heads.Yao Wang has no expression.

Liu Rushi held her little hand tightly and did not say a word.

In fact, she knows why grandma is so supportive of Linyang.

It's not just because Lin Yang is a famous doctor who has won honor for his country!

The more important reason is that she saw hope in Dr. Lin!

She wanted to let Lin Shen cure Liu Rushi's illness, so she went out of her way.

"The king of medicine is a fool!"

"Stupid! Alas... "

" she will ruin her pulse! "

"Master Yao Wang, how can you do such a thing?"

"You must be very angry, aren't you?"

People sighed and sighed with helplessness.

As for yingtoulang, his face was still not angry. He waved and said faintly: "sword king, you should go to the side to drink the bar, let me meet the Doctor Lin!"

"You don't have to drink. The Doctor Lin has some tricks. I'll watch here, so that you won't catch his way." The sword king said calmly.

"Well, it will be solved soon anyway." We should break the waves and nod and continue to march towards Linyang.

But at this time, Lin Yang suddenly looked at the eye sword king and said faintly: "how? Don't you do it? "

"What do you mean?" Asked the sword king.

"Isn't that clear? I'm going to fight both of you. You can do it together! Otherwise, I'm afraid this battle will be too boring

This is a word that makes the old generation of swordsmen like the sword King speechless.

How arrogant!

Is Dr. Lin really crazy?

The sword king looks cold.

Should break the waves still smile and ask: "you... Despise me?"

"From the beginning to the end, I have never looked up to you!"

"Good! Good! I hope you can say that later! "

Should break the waves and laugh again and again. Suddenly, his eyes were cold and his feet suddenly lit up. People turned into lightning and rushed to Linyang.

Experts know if there is one!

However, Lin Yang at this time had a great change from the previous one...

"the last shot! It's time to end! "

He took out a silver needle, took a deep breath, and then gently stabbed it in the center of his eyebrow.

In an instant... A violent force burst out of him.

The sword King next to him suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Lin Yang in shock www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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