The needle fell, Lin Yang took a deep breath hard, the person also appears particularly calm down.

No matter who is looking at him at the moment, there will be an inexplicable peace in my heart. Somehow, everyone feels that Lin Yang has a completely new feeling at the moment.

At this time, the wave should be close.

Instead of using his fist, he took out a folding fan and smashed it on Lin Yang's head.

Don't look at the light and crisp folding fan, but it seems to contain the power of a thousand jin. When it is waved, there is a roar, which is extremely terrible.

If you hit a person, it's really not dead or disabled.

But at the moment when it was about to hit Lin Yang's head, a hand was as fast as lightning, and in an instant caught the folding fan, and then abruptly broke it.


A crisp voice came out.

The folding fan broke straight away.

"What?" Should break through the waves a little Zheng.

Next to an instant came a wooden sword, stabbing Lin Yang's heart.

The king of swords has done it again!

Just listen to the sword King's drinking:

"you should break the waves and retreat quickly. This person is extraordinary!"

The sound made Ying's face tense. But the next second, Lin Yang's fist has been smashed.

He didn't dare to hesitate and jumped back at once.

Finally, his speed was fast enough, and the sword King's wooden sword blocked the road of Lin Yang's pursuit. He should break the waves. He dodged the past and opened his position.

The king of swords did not further attack Lin Yang. Instead, he held the sword in front of him and looked at Lin Yang without expression.

His old face is full of fear at the moment.

Seeing the scene, there was another uproar at the scene.

"The sword king, did you do it?"

"And... What happened to that boy just now? It seems that he has directly broken the offensive that should have been less? "

People were astonished and their eyes were like bells.

Should break the waves, cast eyes on the sword king, light said: "this person is how to return a responsibility?"

"Yiwu!" The sword king said: "we are all lost. He is not a simple medical martial art from the beginning to the end! We underestimate this one! "

"It's not a simple medicine? Sword king, do you think highly of this man? I have seen the powerful medical martial arts. Isn't there just one in the Lin family in Yanjing? No matter how powerful this person is, how can he surpass that one? " Should break the waves shake his head light way, the eye is full of disdain: "and let me try his ability again!"

With that, he stepped a little bit and then rushed over.

However, it was not so simple to smash Lin Yang with his fists and feet at this time. He encircled and did not strike, as if he was looking for Lin Yang's flaws.

The sword king is staring at Lin Yang, ready to move. If Lin Yang wants to break the waves, he will stop him at the first time.

It is said that we should break the waves and fight with Lin Yang. In fact, the sword king has already left the field.


"Isn't it two to one?"

"King of swordsman, is that all

The disciple of master Fenglie can't help shouting.

Many people have such thoughts in their hearts.

However, due to the sword king and Ying breaking the waves, they dare not say that the wind is strong and the pot is broken. Naturally, they have no scruples.

But what about two dozen one? Who cares?

People are watching Ying toulang, waiting for his hand.

But in the wave, around Lin Yang behind, Lin Yang moved.

He suddenly reached out his hand and quickly grasped his fingers to the front, but in front of him was the king of swords!

Lin Yang... Actually started with the sword King first!


There was an uproar at the scene.

However, several martial arts masters immediately understood Lin Yang's intention.

Catch the king first!

Since the sword king is off the court, even if he does not take the initiative to attack Lin Yang, it will be extremely difficult for Lin Yang to break the waves. It is better to solve the sword King first!

It has to be said that Lin Yang's idea is very good, but how can the sword king be an ordinary person?

"I don't know how wide the sky is. Do you think you can beat me with this method?" The king of the sword hummed quietly, and then turned his backhand with his wooden sword.


the wooden sword suddenly turned like a five speed electric fan. The rustling sound of the sword was very terrible. If this hand was stuck in the past, it could not be cut off by the life.

But... Lin Yang did not have a bit of fear, the palm of the hand ferocious desolation of the past.


There was a strange noise.

Lin Yang's hand was instantly cut blood dripping, miserable.

But the wooden sword stopped in an instant!

Fixed eyes to see, just found that Lin Yang's hand directly clasped the wooden sword!

"I don't know how to live or die. In this case, I will break all your fingers!" The sword King snorted coldly, another time.


Lin Yang's arm was suddenly shaken by an surging force. He retreated repeatedly, his hands were bloody and fleshy, and his two fingers were almost broken, leaving only a little flesh and skin connected."Stupid, it's the sword of the king of swords. It's stupid of you to grasp it!" Should break through the waves with a light smile, eyes twinkle, directly grasp this gap, backhand arm hard shock to Linyang's head.

The brute force is unstoppable!

But he thought that this blow was enough to subdue Lin Yang, but at this critical moment, he took the other hand to Ying and broke the waves.

"Break the waves! Get out of here! He is more powerful than before! Don't fight it all over the place, or you will suffer a loss! " The sword King's face became heavy, and he immediately drank and yelled.

But it's too late.

Lin Yang's hand was as fast as lightning. He touched the arm that should break the wave, and then he threw it suddenly.

Should break the waves and be pulled back.

But he is to lift a hand again, fierce Bang to Lin Yang's neck.

"You've lost your hand, and I'm fighting with only one hand? Die

Low drinking spread.

This blow that should break the waves is a must!

But at this critical moment, Lin Yang suddenly opened his eyes, and then his whole head smashed into the wave breaking arm.


Should break the waves to breathe a tremor, but did not dodge, but is the eyes of a brush of unwilling and angry.

How dare you hit me in the head? Well, do you think you're copper? Let's see if your head is hard or my fist is hard!

Thinking of this, we should break the waves without any hesitation.

The sword King next to him had a tight look and immediately carried his sword across.

"Break the waves and retreat quickly!"

He drank and cried, and his wooden sword streamed.

We should take a break.

If the sword King hands, it means that he will suffer a loss!

What's going on?

Is Lin Yang's head so solid?

We should break the waves and not accept it.

But the next second... He realized something was wrong.


to make a crisp sound.

The fist that should break the wave was immediately shaken back, and its five fingers had already split inch by inch at this time, the skin and flesh were frayed, and even some bones could be seen. It was terrible.

At this moment, we should break the waves to understand why the sword king made his move!

Because... Lin Yang's strength has reached a fantastic situation! It was beyond his imagination.


Should break through the waves, secretly gnash teeth, eyes rippling with ferocity.

It was the first time that he had such a big loss against his peers.

This Doctor Lin is not easy to be provoked. He should withdraw for the time being. Anyway, one of his hands has been abandoned. Don't worry!

If you want to break the waves, you should retreat.

Br >

, Wang Zhihou's sword was caught by his arm again

You should break the waves and breathe. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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