The king of swordsmanship is superb. Although he uses wooden sword, he is very skillful in every move.

Seeing Lin Yang attack him by breaking the waves, he naturally stops the move immediately and blocks it with the body of the sword.

He didn't dare to let Ying break the waves and get hurt.

But he can't let yingtoulang become his weakness and be used by Lin Yang.

"We should break through the waves and release our strength and air!" At this time, the king of swords whispered.

Break the waves and do it immediately.

The king of sword seized the opportunity and made immediate efforts.


Lin Yang's body was inexplicably shaken by a powerful force.

His body trembled violently, and some blood came from the corners of his mouth.

"Fighting cattle across the mountain?"

Someone called out.

Should break the wave also slightly a consternation, just react to come over.

But the hand that pinched his arm didn't let go. Instead, he continued to drag his body and hit him fiercely towards the sword king.

"I can't learn a lesson!" The king of the sword hummed coldly, and then blocked it with his sword. Then he took a move to fight the cattle across the mountain. His inner strength went to Lin Yangzhen along with his body that should break the waves.


Lin Yang's body was shaking violently again, and he could not stand it.

But he did not give up, or pull should break the wave of the body crazy shock.

Let's go!

Two times!

Three times!

Because of the need to break the waves to guard against, the sword king is not easy to attack Linyang, so he can only attack Linyang by fighting cattle across the mountain.

But after a few strokes, the sword king suddenly felt something wrong.

His old eyes passed a little bewilderment, and his feet moved back a little.

And at this time, Lin Yang is also once again swing arm, will be thrown over the waves.

Should break the waves to try to stabilize his body, but Lin Yang's strength is really too big, his whole person is like sitting on a roller coaster, people have completely lost the center of gravity, fortunately, the king of swords shot in time to catch him on the ground.

"The miracle Doctor Lin is really extraordinary. There is a reason why he can defeat Han Doctor Wang." Should break the waves is not angry, exhaled with a smile.

"Are you all right?" The sword king is calm.

"I also have a good doctor in my family. When I was a child, I practiced martial arts and broke several bones, which were cured by him within a week. They were intact. These fingers should not be too difficult." Should break through the waves and smile.

The sword King nodded: "I suggest you don't have to fight with him again. His medical and martial arts level is extraordinary, which is beyond our imagination. You don't see that he is injured. In fact, it is very simple for him to recover from the injury."

"But if I leave like this, it's not disgraceful? If my family knows I've lost someone outside, I'm afraid I can't even get in. " He should shake his head through the waves.

"What do you mean The sword king asked.

"To defend my dignity as a family with death, of course." Should break through the waves and smile.

The king of the sword frowned and snorted: "you're just forcing me to do it!"

"You can also stand by and watch the play." We should shrug through the waves.

The sword king didn't speak any more. After sweeping his eyes, he should break the waves and come forward with his wooden sword.

He knew that he would let Ying break the waves again. Once he was defeated, the doctor would hurt the killer. If Ying broke the waves, his promise to his family would be invalid.

Rather than do this, it's better to deal with this person directly.

It's just that...

after a few steps, the sword king suddenly felt something was wrong.

Suddenly, he seems to be aware of something, people suddenly look at his wooden sword, but there are a few very small pinholes.

He raised his head and looked at Lin Yang over there. His old face suddenly turned white.

"Sword king, you may not be able to do it." Lin Yang pricked a needle into his broken palm, slightly continued the cracked meridians and said calmly.


You should see the sword King through the waves.

The people around are also in a fog.

However, the sword King lowered his head and saw that there were three silver needles in his chest which were as thin as hair. These three silver needles were extremely slight. If you don't look carefully, you can't even see their existence.

Seeing these three silver needles, the sword King's face was all inconceivable, and became more and more ugly. The printing hall was black.

"When did you... Put the needle?" He asked hoarsely.

"Just now." Lin Yang road.

"Just now?" The sword King murmured.

Next to should break the waves also Leng, suddenly, he also reacts.

"It turns out that you just... Just ate the sword King's Cross mountain cattle?" He said in dismay.

"Or do you think I'm really stupid?" Lin Yang light road.

Br >

the sword that I used to kill you with the help of the sword I had just worn was not the sword that I had put on my face Is it actually designed for me? Including you and should break through the waves and meet with difficulties... It is the same... "This word fell to the ground, and the whole audience was in a daze.

The sword King... Was it put up by Dr. Lin?

"At the beginning of my fight, the goal was on you. It's just a cover up. But now that my goal has been achieved, I can directly deal with it." Lin Yang put his hand down and calmed down.

Hearing these words, should break the waves face immediately white countless.

The breath of the people around him was frozen.

And even more terrifying.

Lin Yang turned out a small cloth bag, squeezed out some medicine mud from it, and smeared it on the broken finger.

In an instant, those fingers that were obviously broken... Actually moved...


"now... Start to settle accounts!"

Lin Yang stares at should break the wave, strides the meteor's past. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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