Should break the waves to breathe a tremor, staring at Lin Yang's eyes a little flustered.

The finger that has already been cut off clearly, incredibly just daub next plaster, tie up a few needles to be able to use again, this is really Chinese medicine? It's almost magic.

I'm afraid that only the Lin family in Yanjing has such medical skills?

"Can Lin, the miracle doctor of Lin, have any contact with the Lin family in Yanjing?" It's a sudden thought to break through the waves.

But this time is not the time to consider such boring problems, because Linyang is close.


At this time, the sword king over there suddenly rioted, like the Raptor who suddenly attacked, and killed Xiang Linyang.


He growled.

The wooden sword pointed at Lin Yang's heart, and the terrible momentum made people's scalp numb!


Lin Yang looked ahead and continued to move forward, ignoring the sword king killed by him directly...

the sword king was wide eyed, but he refused to give up and went on.

At the moment when he rushed to Linyang, suddenly...


The king of the sword uttered a dull hum, and the man fell to the ground powerlessly. The sword in his hand was not stable. He fell on the ground with a crash and could not get up again.

"Master sword king!"

Wen Hai exclaimed.

There was an uproar from the guests around.

The king of medicine, Mingyu, Huo Jianguo, and master Fenglie were all shocked. They all looked at this scene in disbelief.

"Sword king, what's the matter with you?" The question should be asked through the waves.

"I have no strength... His three silver needles paralyzed me..."

the sword king said weakly.


We should break the waves and frown.

At this time, Lin Yang has already jumped, a foot high, and then ruthlessly step to the position where should break the waves.

"Be less, be careful!" Wenhai shouts.

Should break the waves suddenly head up, and then feet crazy point crazy back.

At the moment of his retreat, Lin Yang had stepped on the ground.


The ground trembled suddenly, like a thunderbolt.

Should break through the waves directly did not stand firm, was shaking the ground to overturn to the ground.

Around the guests are also tumbling, standing unsteadily.

But should break the waves have not yet stabilized the body, there Linyang rushed over.

"Not good!"

Should break the waves, face a cold, quickly roll over to the side.


Lin Yang hit the air again and hit the wall behind him...


The whole wall was broken on the spot, and the stones splashed, which was particularly messy.

How violent!

Should break through the waves to see the scene, scalp shivering numb large.

If this punch hits a person, it can't pierce the person alive?

"You are quite flexible."

Lin Yang closed his fist and patted the dust on his body.

Instead, he rushed to the sword king and pulled out his three silver needles.

At present, Linyang is so powerful that only the sword king can compete with it.

But... When the silver needle is pulled out, the sword king is still unable to move.

"He has paralyzed my nerves. It's useless for you to pull out the needle now. Run and break the waves! Run away The sword King roared.

"Run? How about that? If I run, I should break the waves, and how can I get a foothold in the future? " Should break the waves, his face showed unwilling.

"Do not run, is the right choice!"

Lin Yang drank low and rushed again.

He should break through the waves and hum, and no longer choose to run away. Instead, he rushes back to Linyang with his inner strength.

"I'll show you my unique skill in my family!" Should break through the waves and drink, his palms suddenly entangle Lin Yang's iron fist like a snake.

In an instant, Lin Yang's violent breath was relieved.

"Soft palm?" Someone exclaimed.

He dare not to break the waves again.

But Lin Yang bumped his head again.

There are no fancy moves and no amazing techniques.

Lin Yang is still returning to the essence at the moment, with the most simple brute force and speed.

Should break the waves breathing tight, again side flash want to avoid, but the next second, Lin Yang's feet up, mercilessly kick to the belly of the wave.


Should break the waves were blown out of the moment, severely fell on the ground, some people can not stand up.

"It should be less!"

"It should be less!"

People around him cried out and surrounded him.

Lin Yang walked towards it without expression.

"Get out of here!"

Should break through the waves, clench teeth, forced to stand up, push others away, staring at Lin Yang.This foot made all his internal organs stir together, and it is precious that he can still get up.

Lin Yang can not be soft hearted, again rushed to, around the people scared back.

We should raise our hands to fight against it again.

The two fought frantically.

However, after several times of fighting, he felt that his arms were going to be broken by the shock, and his bones were almost broken. When he tried to retreat, he was kicked in the knee by Lin Yang. He bent his body and knelt on the ground. Then Lin Yang kicked him to the side again. He should be hit on the face by breaking the waves and lay on the ground.

No match at all!

It's like hanging up to fight!

People watched with horror.

If not for the sword king, you should break the waves and be arrogant in front of Lin Yang?

"Cough..." should break the waves cough, mouth corners are blood.

Lin Yang stepped forward a few steps, and then he had to start again.

At this time, should break the waves suddenly raised his hand from his arms, actually took out a delicate pistol, without hesitation to shoot at Lin Yang.

Bang bang bang!

Three shots passed in succession. At such a close distance, Lin Yang almost had no chance to dodge. The three bullets went directly into his abdomen...

the whole audience was shocked...

the whole audience was shocked , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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