They were stunned and their pupils stared huge.

"This... What's going on?"

"I... I can't move... I feel like a mountain... It's so uncomfortable..."

However, he was shocked and looked forward.

Lin Yang came slowly with Jingshi white lotus, looking calm and impermanent.

"Did you do it?" the wild goose Qi realized what and lost his voice and trembled.

"You... Who the hell are you?" he finally stopped being willful.

The other party's means are so amazing that he must be a shocking expert!

How did this happen?

Why is Ye Xinyu's brother-in-law so powerful?

"Who am I? You are really stupid! This is Jiangcheng, and I have Jingshi Bailian in my hand. Who do you think I am? Don't you really think ye Xinyu can steal Jingshi Bailian when he goes to Xuanyi school?" Lin Yang crouched down and looked at them lightly.

Ren Ran was stunned. His eyes showed a loss. Obviously, he couldn't guess Lin Yang's identity.

But Yan Qi's face was as gray as death, his whole body trembled wildly, and he shouted tremblingly: "are you... Are you... Jiangcheng... Doctor Lin?"

Lin Yang took out a silver needle and pricked it around his neck.

Suddenly, his facial features changed.

After only a few seconds, Doctor Lin's handsome face appeared in the sight of everyone.

Yanqi immediately showed despair.

However, his eyes were empty, he looked at Lin Yang blankly, and his lips whispered: "why... Why... Ye Xinyu's brother-in-law... Would he be the miracle Doctor Lin of Jiangcheng?"

The Huiyan Qi understood why mother-in-law Wu Hai suddenly knelt on the ground and begged Lin Yang for mercy.

Because she saw each other's identity.

If the miracle doctor Jiangcheng Lin comes forward, what will her mother-in-law Wuhai take to compete with it? After all, this one is a giant who fights with the god fire venerable and the powerful of heaven demon Dao!

Fight her? Or at the boundary of Jiangcheng?

That's not looking for death?

"You're brave! How dare you come to Jiangcheng to clean the world? Do you think Lin is easy to bully and can't kill you?" Lin Yang looked at several people faintly.

"No, no, no, Doctor Lin! We don't mean that! Doctor Lin, we're not trying to figure out your pure world white lotus. We just have a little conflict with Ye Xinyu of the Ye family. This time we just want to Yin her! How dare we figure out your Divine object?" Yanqi quickly waved his hand and kept asking for mercy.

"So, you don't plan my things, just want to hurt my sister?" Lin Yang asked.

"This... No... No..." Yanqi was incoherent and raised his hand.

He found that it seems that ye Xinyu can't provoke himself now.

After all, this miracle doctor of Jiangcheng and Lin is much more ferocious than the Ye family.

"Yanqi, what are you afraid of him for? There are so many of us, but we are afraid of him?" he still couldn't stand such humiliation. He gritted his teeth and roared angrily: "Lin, don't think this is a river city. We're afraid of you. Even if so many of us can't kill you, we can eat a piece of your meat. It's a big deal that the fish die and the net is broken!!"

However, this can't mention much anger.

Because no one is as naive as he is.

"So, you have more than people?" Lin Yang looked at her faintly.

The moment the voice fell, people found a large number of figures in all directions.

There are hundreds of them, and the breath emitted by each figure is very strong and terrible.

Still stunned., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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