It's not a big deal to go to the patrol room for investigation. Doctor Lin is still famous in Jiangcheng. After all, it can't be defeated by a certain medicine. In addition, the people who sue Lin Yang have a lot of bad deeds. They are either addicts or criminals. People with a little ideas can think that this must be a frame of fault. How can normal people sue Doctor Lin who saves the lives and heals the wounded?

But the emergence of Leili company began to shake Lin Yang's position in people's hearts.

Sure enough, when Lin Yang left the patrol room and returned to Yanghua company, he saw a large group of people blocking the gate of Yanghua company, holding banners and shouting in unison.

"Black heart company! Murder for money! Get out of the river!"

"God's stick Lin is so ungrateful that he can't die well! Get out of the river! Resist God's stick Lin!"

"God Lin's stick sells fake drugs! You will be punished. Let's boycott Yanghua! Boycott God Lin's stick!"


The shouting was constant and loud, attracting many passers-by.

Some people who have been cured by Yanghua medicine or have received free clinic of Xuanyi school can't see it anymore and immediately come forward to theory.

"Who are you? Why should you slander Doctor Lin? Doctor Lin is a good man! He cured our people in Jiangcheng. How can you slander him here?" a woman in her fifties came forward and shouted angrily.

"Elder sister, we don't slander Lin's divine stick. That guy is a divine stick. My mother completely paralyzed with the medicine produced by their company. I don't believe you see!" a man shouted angrily, and then pushed out an old woman in a wheelchair who couldn't move all over.

The woman was stunned, turned and hummed, "your mother is paralyzed. How can I blame Doctor Lin? Did I fall after taking cold medicine, which also said that it was caused by cold medicine?"

"Elder sister, I'm not slandering. I have evidence. Look, this is the diagnosis certificate produced by the hospital. It says that my mother's paralysis is caused by taking Yanghua cerebral infarction special medicine!" the man took out a report, spread it out and held it high.

Passers-by stood on tiptoe to see the report.

But it's only A4 size report. The words on it are like grains of rice. Who can see it clearly?

For a time, there was a lot of discussion around. No one knew whether it was true or false. They were all guessing.

"Is it true?"

"But... My family has been taking Doctor Lin's medicine and never had anything to do."

"It's hard to say. Now people can do anything to make money. Who knows what's mixed in it?"

"I can't say that. If my father hadn't taken Yanghua's medicine, he would have disappeared long ago. Even if there were some side effects, he could accept it."

"If your father is paralyzed, isn't life better than death?"

"I feel something strange about it."

The scene was boiling.

Yanghua's people were shocked.

The security captain came with a group of security personnel to disperse the crowd.

The protesters immediately shouted loudly.

"Yanghua hit! Yanghua hit!"

"Take your cell phone and shoot it. Yanghua hit someone!"

The security captain was stunned.

They didn't touch each other, so the gang began to cry.

Some of these people have understood their intentions.

They're here to make trouble on purpose.

However, many onlookers who do not know the truth do not understand this. Coupled with the large number of people on the scene, they can't see clearly. They can only take a picture with their mobile phone and prepare to send it to the Internet.

The scene became more and more chaotic.

The situation seems out of control.

Just then, a cry rang out.

"Stop it!"

Then a figure stepped into the crowd.

People were stunned and stopped one after another to see the figure coming there.

"Doctor Lin!", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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