"Doctor Lin is coming!"

"Doctor Lin!"

"Don't mess around, Doctor Lin is here!"

People gradually calmed down.

Security personnel also retreated.

As for those protestors, they were excited one by one and rushed to surround Lin Yang.

But Lin Yang was not flustered and lightly shouted, "take it easy, everyone. I will give you an answer. If you insist on making trouble, I can only choose to let the patrol deal with you."

As soon as this was said, the protesters were a little more calm.

But the leader was still arrogant and shouted angrily, "Doctor Lin, my mother is paralyzed because of your medicine. How are you going to reply to us?"

"Where is your mother?" Lin yangdan asked.

"Well!" the man pushed the old lady forward and shouted around, "look, everyone! My mother is like this because she took the medicine of this black heart God stick! This black heart God stick! She can do anything to make money! Let's resist Yanghua's medicine, resist Lin God stick together and drive Lin God stick out of the river city!"

"Resist Yanghua! Resist Doctor Lin!"

"Resist Yanghua! Resist Doctor Lin!"

"Resist Yanghua! Resist Doctor Lin!"


The protesters shouted very rhythmically.

Lin Yang didn't say a word and wanted to go forward to sound the pulse for the old man.

But the man immediately stopped Lin Yang.

"What do you want to do?" the man shouted with false vigilance.

"I want to pulse the old man and see what's going on with her." Lin Yang said calmly.

"Pulse? I think you want to kill my mother? You're cruel!" the man shouted.

Lin Yang shook his head: "if I really want to harm people, I can't do such a thing in public! You dare not let me signal your mother's pulse. It's obviously guilty. Is it possible that your mother knows nothing and deliberately deceives people here? Bluff?"

"What bluff? Don't talk nonsense here! My mother's condition has a diagnosis certificate issued by the hospital, and the certificate is here!" the man immediately took out the previous diagnosis certificate and shouted.


Lin Yang looked at the diagnosis book. Although the words on it were very vague, he could see it clearly.

"Your diagnosis is not signed by the doctor, nor does it indicate which hospital issued it. It is not a formal diagnosis, so it is difficult to be convincing! Let me ask you, where did you open the diagnosis? Can you tell me?" Lin Yang asked.


The man was dumb.

"You dare not let me give your mother a pulse, nor dare you declare to everyone which hospital issued the diagnosis. I think your statement is difficult to be convincing. Sir, if you deliberately discredit me by accepting other people's money, I hope you will be well prepared and don't protest here because there are many loopholes. What do you think?" Lin Yang said with a light smile.

The man was red in the face and wanted to say something, but the people around him were angry.

"Feeling is taking money to pour dirty water on people?"

"Such people are the most hateful!"

"Big liar!"

"I dare to discredit doctor Lin. I can't forgive you!"

Many people yelled and scolded one after another.

"No, you listen to me! It's the medicine of Lin shenbaton..." the man was anxious and incoherent.

But at this time, a cry broke out in the crowd.

"Zhao Kuan!"

"Who called me?" the man was stunned and subconsciously replied.

But I saw several big men suddenly rush out of the crowd, stare at the man and shout, "dog, let's find you! Pay back the money!"

"Ah? Brother snake? You... Why are you here?" the man said with a frightened face.

"Why can't I be here? Stop talking nonsense! Pay back the money quickly!" cried the snake brother.

"Sir, do you know this man?" Lin Yang asked lightly.

"Of course! The boy lost money in our farm, asked me to borrow hundreds of thousands, and the house was sold! He can't afford the money. He has been hiding around and disappeared. Recently, I heard that he suddenly came home and took his paralyzed mother away. I ran here, so I came here!" the man named snake snorted, pointing to Zhao Kuan and scolded: "I say you are so cruel! Your mother has been paralyzed for ten years, and you have slipped away silently. This time, you still take your mother to make trouble! You are really a filial son!"

The whole audience was in an uproar.

The truth has come out!

"His feelings have long been paralyzed!"

"Asshole! I even framed Doctor Lin!"


"Well, it's time to fight!"

Some angry people couldn't help but point at the man and scold. Some aunts directly folded the dishes they bought with them and threw them at the man.

The man was beaten by eggs, turnips and vegetables. He couldn't even care about his mother and ran away with his head in his arms.

The security captain immediately took someone to press it.

Other protesters tried to flee, but were stopped by patrols who arrived in time.

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