The man and a group of protesters were taken away by the patrolmen.

The old man was sent by Lin Yang to Xuanyi school for treatment.

Although the matter came to a successful end, Lin Yang's face was very heavy.

"Doctor Lin, don't worry, we support you!"

"You're right, Doctor Lin, we don't believe those people's nonsense!"

"You must have no problem. Someone must deliberately discredit you!"

"Support Doctor Lin!"

"Support Doctor Lin!"

The people at the scene shouted one after another. The scene was like calling AI Dou.

"Thank you! Thank you!"

Lin Yang smiled and then returned to Yanghua accompanied by security personnel.

In the company, Ma Hai has been waiting.

In fact, the snake brother didn't deliberately find it here, but after it happened. If so, it is very easy to mislead netizens.

It is the so-called rumor spreading a mouth and rumor breaking a leg. Netizens have a strong preconceived concept. Once they think this is the truth of the matter, they will remain highly suspicious and difficult to accept when the truth is released.

"Tell the public relations to fully deal with the follow-up impact of this incident. In addition, closely prevent the occurrence of such incidents. I believe there will not be only one," Lin Yang said.

"Yes, Dong Lin."

Ma Hai bowed slightly.

"Dong Lin, will the other party do such a thing?" Xu Tian was puzzled.

"Sometimes when dirty water is spilled too much, people will think that this person is born dirty. If there are too many rumors, some nothingness will come true!" Lin Yang said hoarsely.

The faces of the people were frozen and nodded gently.

At this time, Secretary Xiaoqing knocked on the door and then came in.

"What's up?" Lin yangdan asked.

"Dong Lin, several guests want to see you."

"Who is it?" Lin Yang asked strangely.

"If it's a reporter, let the public relations receive it." Ma Hai shouted.

"Not reporters, they claim to be from Leili company." the Secretary hurried.

"Leili company?"

Everyone was stunned.

"It's said that courtesy comes first and then soldiers. It seems that Leili company likes to come in the opposite direction." Lin Yang nodded and said lightly: "bring them here."


The Secretary immediately ran down.

After a while, several people in suits came in.

The leader was a white young man in his early twenties.

He wore thick sunglasses and his face was full of defiance. As soon as he entered the house, he sat down on the sofa and crossed his legs immediately.

"I didn't want to take so much trouble. I was going to come in and talk to you directly, but my people said it's better to be polite, so let your secretary inform you!" the young man smiled, but he didn't look at Lin Yang with his eyes and only used the corners of his eyes.

"Who is your excellency?" Lin Yang asked calmly, lighting a cigarette.

"My name is Feng Xiaoshui. As for where I come from... I think you should be very interested." the young man narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"Where are you from?" Lin Yang frowned.

"Doctor Lin, do you remember the light dance of the sacred fire saint?" the young man asked with a smile.

As soon as Lin Yang heard this, he looked very sad.

"Are you a dead man?"

"Doctor Lin, I'm here to tell you that you've been blacklisted by the dead domain. We'll take the most severe attack on you until you're doomed and dead! Of course, before that, you still have a chance to give everything you have and bow down to the dead domain! In this way, you can still save yourself! But as a punishment! You'll have a chance in the future He will work in the dead area all his life! If you agree, kneel down immediately! Show your loyalty and repentance! Understand? "The young man said with a light smile.

Arrogant words and expressions make people angry.

But his outstanding status did not dare to be acted upon lightly.

Xu Tian's clenched his fist.

Ma Hai's face is also very gloomy.

As for Lin Yang, there was no sound in the whole process.

The office is surprisingly quiet.

"Why? Is it difficult to make a choice? If so, I can give you some time to consider, but my patience is limited. 10 minutes! If you don't kneel down after 10 minutes, I'll treat you as refusing." the young man smiled.

This is an ultimatum., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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