"All dead?"

Lin Yang shook his head expressionless: "do you really think I care about the life and death of these people?"

We should break through the waves for a moment.


The wooden sword suddenly chopped.

Although it is a wooden sword, it cuts gold and breaks jade, which is very terrifying.


An arm that should break the wave was cut off on the spot, and blood gushed out like a column.


you should break through the waves, shiver like an electric shock, look pale, and the sweat drops as big as beans keep falling.

The people around him gasped, but some people couldn't help rushing up to snatch the waves from Lin Yang's hands.

But Lin Yang was not polite to kick the past.

Nearly two hundred jin people flew out like sandbags and landed on the ground.

But Lin Yang is not soft, the moment burst in the past, a foot hard step on the head of that person.


A scene that made everyone sick.

The man's head was like a watermelon, which exploded on the spot.

Thick red and white spilled from the soles of Linyang shoes.

Many people were scared to scream on the spot, more people cover their stomach vomiting, bile out.

"Kill! Kill

"Devil... You are the devil!"

People cry with fear.

Lin Yang didn't care.

He turned his head, looked at these people coldly and said, "why should I care about your life and death?"

Everyone looked at him.

His eyes were cold, and he said again, "before I had a fight with Ying toulang, why didn't you come forward? I was shot three times by Ying. Why didn't you stand up? Why should I care about you since you have not pleaded for me? Do you think it's going to work now? "

People are tongue tied.

"What's more, he should have killed you, but I can't kill you?" Lin Yang roared again.

This word is full of killing intention.

All of them suddenly trembled.

Yes, the Ying family can kill them. Why can't Lin Yang kill them?

Other people have just flattened the worship of religion...

for a while, people all backed back and looked at Lin Yang with fear. No one dared to make a mistake again.

And should break the waves is finally afraid.

He didn't expect Lin Yang's determination to be so big, and he didn't think that this man was so cruel.

But it's no use saying anything now.

At this time, life and death depend on Lin Yang.

The sword king did not speak, lying on the ground and looking at Lin Yang.

Jianguo and Huo are also looking forward.

Master Fenglie stood beside her breathing.

Both Mingyu and Yaowang are like this.

Liu Rushi clenched her lips without saying a word. Her eyes were full of tears and her face was full of pain.

Finally, Lin Yang still raised his wooden sword.


All of them subconsciously called out.

But... Instead of breaking through the waves, the wooden sword cut off his other arm.


the red blood spurted out again.

We should break the waves. We are about to shock because of the excessive blood loss.

People were stunned.

But Lin Yang released his hand.

Should break the waves powerless fall on the ground, people half open eyes, trying to breathe.

"Doctor Lin..." Liu Rushi opened his mouth and called.

"Miss Liu, for your sake, I won't kill him today." Lin Yang said quietly.

Liu Rushi was stunned, then her small face finally showed a touch of joy.

"Doctor Lin, don't worry. I'll try to keep Yingjia from touching you!" Liu Rushi was busy.

She was seriously ill and didn't care about life and death for a long time. She just didn't want Lin Yang to stand up and plead for Ying family's anger.

"Dr. Lin, you made the right choice." The sword king was also relieved.

People are smiling.

They know they don't have to suffer.

"Quick, quick, carry less to cure!" The sword King cried.

"Good... Good, go quickly..." Wenhai said in a hurry.

The religious man ran over at once.

"Who let you save it?"

Lin Yang suddenly called out.

Everyone was shocked.

Lin Yang turned his head, staring at Wenhai, calmly said: "Wenhai, our account... Seems to have not been calculated?"

The religious man breathed.

"Lin Yang, do you still want to kill people?"

The sword King's voice became tense.

This man is a complete lunatic"Don't worry, it doesn't make sense for me to kill these people!"

Lin Yang lost his wooden sword and said calmly, "and I also understand that even if I let Ying break the waves today, Ying family will surely retaliate against me!"

"Doctor Lin, don't worry. I will protect you." Liu Rushi was anxious.

"Miss Liu, I'm not a woman who likes to rely on women. Since I have done these things, I don't intend to rely on anyone. I want to let him go because I owe you. You have stood up to defend me, so I will give you this face!"

Liu Rushi pursed her lips and lowered her head.

"Doctor Lin, what do you mean Someone asked, trembling.

"No other meaning. I don't intend to kill people any more. I let you off today, just to let you know in the future whether it's Yingjia's energy or my Linyang's! Wait and see! I'll see you soon! "

As the voice dropped, Lin Yang turned straight and walked toward the gate.

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