Everything ends with Lin Yang's words.

But the mood of those present could not be restored for a long time.

"Hum, the miracle Doctor Lin is arrogant. I don't think he knows how terrible the energy behind should be."

"If he knew, how could he say such a thing? To do such a thing? "

"Look, in less than three days, Yingjia will definitely come to see you! Then he will pay for today's young arrogance

"It's just that the price... Will be very heavy."

People said in detail, are deeply dissatisfied with Lin Yang's words.

Wenhai gazed at the mess all over the place and squeezed his fist.

"It's all caused by luoqian's whore. All this... Is caused by luoqian!" He said, gnashing his teeth.

"Quickly, quickly inform the Ying family, should be less of an accident, go quickly..." the sword king was helped up, eager to shout.

Liu Rushi didn't speak. She looked at the gate of her eyes and ran towards it.

"Ru Shi, where are you going?" The medicine King rushed to catch up.

At the same time, several cars were driving up the mountain along the mountain road.

Sitting in the back seat of the first car, Qisu is bored looking at her mobile phone, her face is particularly silent.

Just now she received a few wechat messages. After reading them, she felt ridiculous.

"Dr. Lin killed our worship of religion? It's ridiculous. Are those people drunk before the wedding banquet begins? " From the element disdain said.

"How can such a thing happen? And it's said that even master Jian Wang has come to attend the wedding ceremony. Even if he has a good eye for heaven, he can still be right? "

"That's right. Who is master Jianwang? That's a legend! The true legend of China! Is it possible for Dr. Lin to go wild in front of him if he has not grown up

Several students on the bus laughed.

Qi Su is also a light smile.

But the car was driving, and something was wrong with her plain brow.

"What's going on?" She said hoarsely.

"What's the matter, elder?" The disciples looked at her in succession.

However, seeing her staring out of the window, she said coldly, "on a happy day, I don't see the mountain guarding disciples meeting each other? What is the standard? "

"Yes, it's strange. The banquet should have started not long ago? Why did the mountain guard leave? It's not the time yet

"Do they drink too much?"

The disciples were also puzzled.

"Leave without permission before the hour comes! It's time to punish! It's time to punish! "

Qi Su was angry and patted the armrest.

But at this time!


The car suddenly braked sharply.

All the people on the car were leaning forward, and the sound of the tires rubbing on the oil road was particularly harsh.

It was about two or three meters before the car stopped.

"What's going on?"

"Mr. Liu, how do you drive?" The vice pilot's disciple was critical.

That younger martial brother Liu didn't speak, just pointed to the front.

People looked at it one after another and saw a man coming up the road ahead.

"Is that the boy?" From a look at people, Leng next, immediately suddenly.

"Ah, elder, the boy is really here!"

"Before the banquet was over, he came down. Ha ha... This boy should not have been driven out?"

"It must be! Look at that dead figure of him

"Ha ha ha ha..."

the people nearby laughed.

Qi Su didn't speak, just with a smile on her face and got off the car directly.

"Isn't this our famous doctor Lin? Yes? If you don't drink on it, you're going down the mountain? Is my religious drink not to your taste And smile with both hands.


Lin Yang glanced at her and calmly said, "you're late. I've settled the matter."

"It's settled?"

Qi Su Wei Zheng, obviously can not understand the meaning of Lin Yang's words.

At this time, a man came from behind.

"Doctor Lin! Mr. Lin... "

the clear voice came out.

Lin Yang light side head, is Liu Rushi ran over.

Miss Liu, what's up Lin Yang asked.

Liu Rushi panted gently, the white and beautiful face overflowed with fragrant sweat.

She patted her chest and said, "Mr. Lin, you don't have to worry about the family."

"I've said it's none of your business!" Lin Yang shook his head.

"No, it's about me!" Liu Rushi's voice suddenly increased a few degrees, and some of her eyes turned red.

Lin Yang micro Zheng, some of the consternation at her.

However, Liu Rushi pursed his lips and whispered: "Mr. Lin, you just said that you didn't want to break the waves because of me. It's not the first time that we met. You once defeated the king of Han Medicine, and left with your own strength. I can actually guess what kind of person you are. If you don't look at my face today, you will Kill those who should break the waves, but you don't, so it's about me... "Lin Yang did not speak.

Liu Rushi is indeed a beautiful orchid heart, which he knew at the first sight when he saw Liu Rushi.

"Dr. Lin, don't worry about the rest of the things. I will solve them. You believe me, but I only ask you to promise me one thing, can you?" Liu Rushi's eyes shining at Lin Yang, earnestly said.

"Say it."

Lin Yang light road.

"Please... Be sure to cure my hidden disease within three days!" Liu Rushi said solemnly.

The eyes are especially firm.

"Oh?" Lin Yang was a little surprised.

As for the nearby Qisu, I've heard it for a long time www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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