The man was obviously stunned by this sentence.

"Are you serious?" The man asked.

"Yes." Lin Yang pinched out the cigarette butts.

"It seems that you are not only incompetent, but also mentally abnormal. It's no wonder that the master would rather send you to the side of the family and go out again. As far as your intelligence quotient is concerned, you can't really compare with those young ladies and young masters. Have you ever heard of people's self-knowledge?" The man shook his head and laughed.

Lin Yang did not speak.

He knew who the man was referring to.

"Wild species are wild after all, with impure blood, poor genes, and poor intelligence. Forget it. If you really want to come, I'll wait for you, but I hope you can get into that door. You're not from my Lin family. Even if you lose someone, no one will care about you."

The man shook his head and walked out of the door.

Lin Yang sat in his chair, staring at the cigarette butts on the ground, as if in some kind of meditation.

Probably heard the sound of closing the door, Su Yan and Zhang Qingyu came out of the room.

"Why didn't you go with that guy? What are you doing here? " Zhang Qingyu cast his eyes to Linyang and said coldly.

"Well, mom, say less." Su Yan seemed to see that Lin Yang was in a bad mood and advised him.

"I don't care, Xiaoyan. Anyway, you should divorce this guy as soon as possible, you know?" Zhang Qingyu said angrily.

"Mom, you go to buy vegetables first. There's no food in the refrigerator. I don't know what to eat for dinner." Su Yan squeezed out a smile and sent Zhang Qingyu away.

Zhang Qingyu leaves the house reluctantly, and Su Yan looks at Lin Yang.

There was some silence in the room.

Su Yan murmured her lower lip and said in a low voice, "who is that man?"

"A person I know is not very familiar."

"Isn't it from your family?" Su Yan asked again.

Lin Yang did not speak.

"Lin Yang, sometimes I think you're weird." Suddenly, Su Yan came up with a word.

Lin Yang looks at her.

You should have said to your relatives, too? I don't know what's going on between you and your family, but I think whatever your family does is for you. "

"Are you going to do ideological work for me?" Lin Yang asked jokingly.

"I don't mean it or interest me. I heard something happened to qian'er."

"It's all right."

"It's ok... But her hospital closes in two or three days, and the income is not good. You should not work there any more?"

"It was... What happened?"

"If it's OK, come to my company." Su Yan said lightly.

"To work in your place?" Lin Yang was a little stunned.

"Mom's attitude towards you is getting worse and worse. She just hopes that you can divorce me quickly and then marry me to the doctor Lin Su Yan said hoarsely.

"Do you want to marry? Dr. Lin is not only handsome, but also rich. He is the dream lover of many people. If you marry him, you will not suffer as much as I do. " Lin Yang said with a smile.

"Who do you think I am?" Su Yan Qi's direct rushed past, then raised his hand, to throw to Lin Yang's face.

But as soon as her hand was raised, she stopped.

Her eyes are red, staring at Lin Yang, tears in the eye socket around.

In the end, she put her hand down.

"Lin Yang, although we have been married for three years, you never know me!"

"Yes, Doctor Lin's conditions are indeed perfect, but I tell you, I su Yan is not that kind of vain woman from the beginning to the end! Although I do not like you, although our union is only the elder's words, but I have always attached great importance to marriage! Even if I want to leave, I will leave in another year according to my grandfather's agreement! Not now

Su Yan's mood is a little excited, looking at Lin Yang's eyes is full of strong hatred.

How she hoped that this man could understand her more, understand her pressure and pain more.

But... This man doesn't!

He doesn't know anything!

As if he didn't care.

Lin Yang did not speak.

Su Yan quietly wiped off the tears from the corners of her eyes. She turned to her face and said in a low voice, "this time, it's my willfulness. Can you do me a favor?"

"Say it." Lin Yang said quietly.

"My mother is more and more dissatisfied with you. I hope you can pretend to work in my company. Then I will count some achievements in the company on your head, so that my parents think you are more capable. At least don't let them down. In this way, they will not force me to divorce you every day."


"give me a year." Su Yan said in a low voice: "a year later, the time has come, and then divorce."

"Is this a chance for me?"

"No... it's just an account of my failed marriage." Su Yan whispered and went to the room.But after a few steps, she stopped again.

"You and Luo Qian are lonely and widowed in the end. Don't live with her. The next room has been cleaned up for you. You can live here." Then he closed the door.

Lin Yang shook his eyes, took a deep breath, shook his head and went back to the room.

But after a while, the door opened and Su Guang came into the room and cried out eagerly.

"Xiaoyan! Xiaoyan! Get out of here

"Dad, what's the matter?"

Su Yan walks out of the room and looks at him in confusion.

"Do dad a favor." Su Guang said eagerly.

"What's up?" Su Yan asked.

"Dinner with someone from Yanghua group, just tonight." Su Guangdao.

"People of Yanghua group? Doctor Lin? " Su Yan frowns.

Her parents were eager to tie her up and send her to Dr. Lin's bed, so she would ask.

"No, it's not." However, Su Guang grinned and handed a business card to him. He said with a smile: "it's Mr. Zhu, the project manager of Yanghua group. He has already reserved a place in Nanqing hotel! If you dress up in the evening, you can go there. It's nothing but a meal. "


When Su Yan heard this, she immediately became angry: "Dad, what are you doing? Your daughter has to walk with crutches. Do you want me to eat with others

"Daughter, this is really important... Manager Zhu has a project. It happens that our unit wants to fight for this project. The leader has spoken. If anyone can win the project, he will be the next director. Daughter, your father has been a minion for a lifetime. Don't you help your parents at this crucial point?" Su Guang begged.

Su Yan was angry, but when she saw her father's look forward to it, she hesitated. She bit her teeth and whispered, "is it just a simple meal?"


"but it's not convenient for me to go alone. Why don't you ask mom or you to go with me?"

"Manager Zhu asked us to do something, we can't accompany you..."

"what can I do..." Su Yan frowned.

"I'll go with you."

At this time, the door of Lin Yang Road opened. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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