A red car drove into the parking lot of Nanqing hotel.

Lin Yang gets out of the car and gets a crutch for Su Yan from the trunk.

Su Yan is not very adept at walking on crutches, quite hobbled.

Passers-by have looked to see Su Yan's beautiful face and bandage on her body, all of which are heartache.

"How can such a delicate beauty be hurt all over?"

"It wasn't her husband who beat her?"

"It's really a pretty girl."

The passers-by whispered.

Su Yan lowered her head and pretended not to hear.

Lin Yang was holding on to one side, but his eyebrows were tight.

Manager Zhu of Yanghua group's project department?

How could he invite Su Yan to dinner?

Now all the people in Jiangcheng know that Dr. Lin is in love with Su Yan. He went to invite Su Yan to have a meal, but he didn't want to kill him?

Lin Yang originally wanted to call Ma hai to ask, but after thinking about it, he stopped.

After all, he hasn't seen manager Zhu, and he doesn't know what he means.

What's more, Lin Yang thinks there is another possibility.

I'm afraid there is something written by the Lin family.

After all, according to the rules of the Lin family, from the moment the man put away his cigarette, the punishment and revenge on Lin Yang had already begun.

The Revenge of the Lin family is not limited to beating or chopping hands and feet. The purpose of their revenge is only one!

Let the other party fall into disrepute and collapse completely!

From body to spirit!

He was on the alert.

Su Yan and Lin Yang entered the hotel and immediately attracted the attention of the lobby manager.

"Miss Su, this way, please. Mr. Zhu is waiting for you in the golden box."


Su Yan nodded and walked with a stick.

The box of Nanqing hotel is divided into three levels: public box, silver box and gold box.

Among them, there is only one golden box, and not everyone can book it. It is said that no one is qualified to book if the price is less than 10 million. Even if the reservation is made, it must be one month in advance.

Why does manager Zhu have the ability to come to this box?

He's just a project manager!

Lin Yang's eyes slightly coagulate, already guessed some.


The attendant standing by the door opened the door.

In an instant, bursts of harsh light from the inside.

It's a golden light.

Su Yan opened her mouth slightly and was surprised to see the scene in the box.

The whole box is no longer enough to be described as exquisite and luxurious. It is simply a luxury box made by local tyrants in the Middle East.

No matter the tables, chairs and all kinds of tableware in the box, they are all golden yellow. From carpet to lighting, they are all handmade by foreign masters. They are all made by themselves. All of them pay attention to the extreme. Every corner of the whole box is filled with one word: ditch!

Su Yan may also be the first time to see such a scene, can not help looking around.

At this time, by the golden round table in the middle, a balding man with glasses and a chubby figure stood up with his eyes narrowed, and came up with a smile on his face.

"Oh, is this Miss Su? Come on, Miss Su. You're not very good at your feet. Sit down

"Hello, manager Zhu!"

Su Yan nodded gently, squeezed out a smile and sat down.

She looked at the scene and found that in addition to manager Zhu, there were several strong men in black.

They are now looking up and down at Su Yan, a strange smile on their faces.

Su Yan's heart beat a few times faster, feeling something wrong, people subconsciously toward Linyang this rely on some.

"Oh? Miss Su, who is this Manager Zhu seemed to notice Lin Yang and asked.

"This is my husband, Lin Yang." Su Yan said with an embarrassed smile.

"Oh? Are you wang Linyang, the soft rice who went to the Su family Manager Zhu cast his eyes and Lin Yang laughed.

"Ha ha ha ha..." the people behind all burst out laughing.

"Mr. Zhu, please pay attention to your words." Su Yan was angry.

"Ha ha, I'm joking. I'm joking. Miss Su, please don't be angry. I don't mean anything else." Manager Zhu quickly waved his hands and said with a smile.

Su Yan frowned, but did not say anything else.

"I have no other idea to invite Miss Su to dinner today. I just want to make friends with Miss Su, but I don't like soft food very much, and I haven't invited Lin or anything else for this dinner. Miss Su, can you ask him to leave? Wait outside the door? " Manager Zhu asked with a smile.

"How can this be done..." Su's face was embarrassed.

"Is that so? I'm afraid there will be some trouble with your father. " Manager Zhu put on a puzzled look.


Su Yan hesitated."Well, Miss Su, don't worry. I just want to have a meal with you. It's no other interesting. It will be solved in 20 minutes at most, and it won't take you too long." "Manager Zhu laughed.

"Then... Well..." Su Yan thought, nodded, and said to Linyang, "you wait outside."

"No way."

Linyang refused directly.

"Well?" Su Yan was stunned. She didn't expect Lin Yang to refuse so simply.

"Linyang..." br >

you are inconvenient to move. I have to stay here to take care of you, so I will not go out. What you want to talk about is, I can not eat this meal. " Said Lin Yang.

"I look at you and I want to spit. How can I eat?" Manager Zhu squinted and smiled.

"That's your business." Linyang shook his head.

"But I just want you to get out! Lin, you don't want to toast and not eat free wine. " Manager Zhu waved directly.

The voice fell, and the big men behind him came straight around Lin Yang.

"Manager Zhu, what are you going to do?" Su Yan is nervous, and immediately drinks and asks.

"Miss Su, you'd better advise you to abandon your husband, either, he can get out of the house himself or I'll ask someone to throw him out! You choose. " "Manager Zhu laughed.

As soon as this fell, Su Yan's face changed immediately.

She bowed her head and said hoarsely, "Lin Yang, or... You go out first and so on..." br >

No Lin Yang shook his head again.

"Can't you think about me and think about my parents? If you have sinned on manager Zhu! My dad's future is gone! " Su Yan suddenly turned her head, and her eyes stared at him with tears.

If it wasn't for her father, how could she have been here?

But Linyang knew that if he went out, Su Yan would not know what would happen, so he would not agree anyway.

"Suyan, either you go back with me or I stay here. I can't let you be here alone." Linyang cold road.


Su Yan directly issued hysterical shouting.

This voice is very harsh.

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