The word seemed to pierce the eardrums of the crowd.

But it is also to pierce Lin Yang's heart.

Lin Yang looks at Su Yan without expression, and he doesn't speak.

Su Yan's eyes were red, and the hands holding the crutches were shaking gently.

I don't know how long it took. Lin Yang took a deep breath, nodded softly, and said in a low voice, "Su Yan, if something happens later, can you guarantee that you don't regret it?"

Su Yan was stunned.

Lin Yang turned directly and walked outside the door.

He didn't want to say anything more.

It's wrong to say anything at this time.

Soon, the door closed gently.

Su Yan's heart is empty.

Somehow, she suddenly felt as if she had lost something.

As for manager Zhu, he has already grinned.

"Ha ha, Miss Su, now the annoying guy has left. Come on, sit down, let's eat slowly." Manager Zhu said with a smile.

That pair of eyes has been in Su Yan's body to look up.

Don't look at Su Yan's scars, wrapped in bandages, but the more so, the more able to show a kind of tenderness and compassion.

The more he looked, the more happy he was, and the hotter his eyes were, the more he could not help feeling Su Yan's little hand.

Su Yan Liu eyebrow a wrinkle, immediately took out the hand to come back, low voice way: "Zhu manager, please respect yourself."

"Ha ha... I can't help it... Sorry! Sorry

Manager Zhu laughed, but directly waved his hand: "serve."

Soon, all kinds of delicacies were put on the table.

"Come on, eat and eat!" Zhu manager is bold and forthright way, then gave Su Yan clip a dish.

Su Yan squeezed out a smile, but her face was rather ugly.

She managed to eat two mouthfuls, and manager Zhu had already filled up the wine.

"Manager Zhu, I can't drink." Su Yan was busy.

"What are you talking about? Can't drink? How can this work? Come on, Xiao Yan, have a drink! Just a sip Manager Zhu is busy.

"Manager Zhu, I really can't drink. As you can see, I have injuries. The doctor said that I can't drink." Is Su Yanwei.

"It's just a little hurt. It's not in the way! Drink it! Just one bite! Just one bite! Don't you give me that face? " Manager Zhu pretended to be a stranger.

"Manager Zhu, I really can't drink it... Once I drink it, the wound will certainly have problems, and I am allergic to alcohol and can't drink it. I'm sorry..." Su Yan was puzzled and explained again and again.

But manager Zhu obviously ignored these.

"Xiao Yan, what's the matter with you? How to push three obstacles? If you do this, it will be very difficult for me to deal with your father's business, brother Zhu. " Manager Zhu is not happy.

"Manager Zhu, I..." Su Yan has no idea.

But she knew it was not to be drunk.

It's not just the cause of the injury, but that she is really inept at drinking wine. It's OK to drink red wine. I'm afraid that this kind of high-level foreign wine will not be drunk in one sip.

"You what you? Su Yan, do you want to drink

Seeing Su Yan's hesitant appearance, manager Zhu was very angry. He could not help it any longer. He threw his glass and drank it in a cold voice.

Su Yan's face changed abruptly. Seeing that manager Zhu was talking about this, he bit his teeth and said in a low voice: "manager Zhu, since we don't have a good word, let's call it a day. I'm really sorry!"

With that, the man stood up, picked up the crutch against the wall and left.

"Where are you going?" Manager Zhu was furious.

"Manager Zhu, I really can't drink wine. I won't eat this meal. Why don't you find some friends who can drink with you." Su Yan said.

"Oh? Are you going back? Oh, you don't care about your father? " Manager Zhu sneered.

"If I can, I'll try my best, but I can't do anything, I can only sigh." Su Yan shook her head.

She felt that she didn't have to destroy herself for the sake of her father's future...

"you..." manager Zhu was impatient and snorted coldly: "Su Yan, do you think this is where you come and go if you want?"

The voice falls, the several big men directly rushed over and stopped in front of Su Yan.

"What do you want?" Su Yan panicked instantly.

"What are you doing? Oh, Su Yan, don't you understand? Do you really think I asked you to come out to invite you to dinner? I want to deal with you Manager Zhu sneered and took off his coat as he spoke.

At the same time, the rest of the strong men began to take off their clothes with a strange smile.


Su Yan's face was black with fear.

How could she have never thought that these people were in such a mood and changed their faces so quickly...

"help!"In a hurry, Su Yan can only shout.

But the sound insulation effect of the box is too good, her cry can not play a role at all, can only helplessly look at the nearby Zhuang men.

"Don't come here... Get out of here! Get out of here! " Su Yan trembled and cried, spinning like thinking of what, suddenly the mobile phone in the bag turned out, wanted to call Linyang, let him in.

But the phone just took out...


Manager Zhu immediately slapped his hand and fanned it up.

Su Yan was suddenly unable to prevent, and fell down on the ground directly. The white face was a clear slap print.

She looked at manager Zhu with fear and anger, and she was trembling, and she had no idea what to do.

"Bitch, what do you think you are? I see you, that is your blessing, you really think that you are what holy woman? " Manager Zhu was very ferocious and sneering: "do you know why I want to call so many big men with great strength and strength?"? It's just for you to be on the wheel! Bitch, your junk husband hasn't touched you, haven't you? Let's have a taste of it today! Hold her down for me! "

"Yes! Boss! "

A few people laugh and hip to come up, is to start!

"You bastards!"

Su Yan is in a hurry. He is going to bite his teeth.

Although she was completely futile, she would still choose to be in her initial heart even when she was afraid again.

But at this point...


The door was suddenly pushed open.

Then the two men walked in quickly.

"Stop me all!"

The roar of anger spread.

Zhu manager and others here are all stunned. They look up and see Mahai meteor coming.

"Ma Dong?"

Manager Zhu was greatly surprised.

"Zhu Daming! What are you doing? Don't you want to let these people go? " Mahai pointed to manager Zhu's nose and directly scolded him.

But... Manager Zhu smiled, shaking his head and said, "Ma Dong! It seems like it doesn't matter to you? Do you want to get in with my private life? "

The voice fell to the ground, and Mahai breathed a breath of cool air.

"Zhu Daming... What attitude do you speak to me? Are you crazy? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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