Ma Hai is very familiar with Zhu Daming.

Before Lin Yang, Zhu Daming had been working under Mahai for 13 years.

Over the years, Zhu Daming's ability to work is beyond doubt. Ma Hai also knows his roots. This man is simply greedy and likes money. That's why, although Ma Hai has given him generous treatment, he won't put him too much emphasis. Because his ambition is too big, once the capital in his hand is large, he will not be able to control it.

Of course, Zhu Daming would not have too many words about himself, and he was submissive and perfectly fulfilled any order of Mahai.

However, today, Zhu Daming is openly contradicting Mahai...

this must be put in the past, which is impossible to happen!

Ma Hai stares at Zhu Daming, and his whole body trembles with anger.

"Zhu Daming, you are... You are against me! Do you know who this is? This is Miss Su Yan, the woman that Lin Dong likes. How dare you move her? Don't come to work tomorrow! " Ma Hai said indignantly.

"Oh? Is this my dismissal? " Zhu Daming shrugged and said with a smile.

"So what?" Ma Hai was annoyed.

"Ha ha, it's a big deal. Ma. Do you think I care about your position as a project manager?" Zhu Daming said scornfully.

Ma Hai was stunned: "what do you mean by that?"

"What do you mean? What else can I say? Your surname Ma is nothing in Laozi's eyes now. You are a fart! Do you understand? " Zhu Daming said with a smile.

"You..." Ma Hai's face turned red and could not speak.

Lin Yang frowned.

Ma Hai was called by him.

He originally wanted Ma hai to solve the farce, but now it seems that he is wrong.

Zhu Daming is no longer under the control of Mahai. I'm afraid there is someone else behind him...

"Linyang... Let's get out of here..."

Su Yan rushes to Lin Yang to see the Savior.

"Come with me now!"

Lin Yang is not polite. He murmurs and grabs Su Yan's small hand, so he wants to take her away.

However, at this time, those big men stopped Lin Yang directly.

"Get out of here Lin Yang drinks cold.

"Trash, who told you to leave?" Zhu Daming said with a smile.

"Did the Lin family instruct you to do this?" Lin Yang cold road.

"Oh, you're not stupid? Yes, it's true that someone has spent millions on your wife. In fact, the protagonist here today is not the whore, but you! " Manager Zhu squinted.

Su Yan heard the voice, confused: "Lin Yang, what is he talking about?"

However, as soon as the problem came out, those big men suddenly took out a dark and bright pistol from his arms and directly aimed at Lin Yang here.


Ma Hai was frightened on the spot.

"What are you doing?" Su Yan is also really scared, people are a little confused.

It's all right. What's the point?

They were terrified.

But Lin Yang's face has been countless black.

He can be sure that this is what the Lin family wrote.

"Loser! What do you want to do to offend such a big man? Don't you see what kind of virtue you are? Do you have money? Do you have the right? You have nothing, but you have a beautiful wife Manager Zhu said with a smile: "that gentleman told us to do your wife in front of you. Ha ha, I heard that you, a useless waste, married your wife for three years without touching her fingers. You are blessed this time. Your wife's expression will be what you have been looking forward to all along. Ha ha..."

the people in the box laughed.

"Ah..." Su Yan was so scared that her face turned white for several times.

"Zhu Daming! You... You're breaking the law. You're committing a crime. Are you afraid of being punished? " Ma Hai shivered.

"Ma Dong, we are all adults. How can you still say such childish words?" Zhu Daming sneered and waved his hand: "hold down the loser of the Su family for me. I will be his wife in front of him."

"Ha ha ha ha ha, good boss!"

"Interesting, interesting, ha ha...

" I can't wait to see his expression! "

Several people were shouting excitedly.

"Stop it!"

Su Yan shouts in a hurry.

But Zhu Daming at this time has completely ignored her any more.

The big men went straight up and started.

Zhu Daming is also ready to take off his pants and get to the point.

Su Yan shivered.

Mahai has no one.

Until then...


The door was kicked open again.Hua Hua Hua...

a large number of people in black swarmed into the box and immediately drew their guns at these big men and Zhu Daming.

Zhu Daming shivered and froze on the spot.

The rest of the big men also raised their hands one after another, their whole bodies were tense, and they did not dare to move around. Everyone's face was full of fear.

Several people were stunned.

But a beautiful woman dressed in mink came in.

"Gong Xiyun?"

Mahai was overjoyed.

"Sister Yun?"

Zhu Daming was stunned, and then his face was very pale.

Gong Xiyun is here...

ZHU Daming is worried.

"Put down all the guns for me!" Gong Xiyun stares at those big men and says coldly.

Who dares to resist? He threw the pistol on the ground in a hurry.

You're kidding. Everyone has at least four or five guns on their heads. How dare they mess around?

Gong Xiyun immediately rushed over and kicked Zhu Daming in the abdomen.


Zhu Daming screamed, fell to the ground and rolled around in a mess.

"Dog, I don't know who covers this hotel? How can you come here to play wild? " Gong Xiyun yelled and scolded angrily.

"Cloud elder sister, Rao... Please forgive me..." Zhu Daming shuddered.

"Rao? Don't worry, let's play slowly

Gong xiyunsen said coldly. He was about to talk to Lin Yang. But when he saw Su Yan next to him, he nodded to Lin Yang secretly, and his eyes fell on Ma Hai.

"Ma Dong, are you ok?"

"I'm ok... I'm ok..." Ma Hai was relieved.

He forgot that this hotel is Gong Xiyun's territory. Although he didn't inform Gong Xiyun, Gong Xiyun should have got the news.

Finally, it was saved from danger!

Ma Hai patted her chest.

"Xiaoyan, let's go back."

Lin Yang's face was heavy, and he held Su Yan in his arms and walked toward the door.

"Ah... Lin Yang, this... We haven't said thanks to others yet..." Su Yan seemed to slow down from the Leng God and said in a hurry.

"I'll thank you. Go back first."

Lin Yang sink way, hold Su Yan to the co driver's seat, then step on the accelerator, will her back home. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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