
"You have a good rest. I'll go to the hotel and see how to deal with it." When she took Su Yan to the bed, Lin Yang whispered, and she wanted to turn around and leave.

"Wait a minute." Su Yan called out in a hurry.

"What?" Linyang side head.

Su Yan murmured her lower lip and said in a low voice: "Lin Yang, you... Don't make any trouble. Go there and thank Ma Dong and sister Yun. Ask them whether they want to call the police. If they do, they can handle it well. In short, don't provoke others..."

"I have my own discretion." Lin Yang road.

"Um..." Su Yan nodded, but her small face had a complicated look. She lowered her head and thought, then whispered: "in addition, I'm sorry..."

"why apologize?"

"Previously... I didn't listen to your advice, if I listened to your words, maybe things would not become like this..." Su Yan apologized.

Lin Yang was silent for a moment and said, "you just need to trust me more."

As the voice dropped, Lin Yang turned and walked out of the room.

Su Yan looked at the door silently. After the door was closed, she sighed softly. She said hoarsely, "I don't want to believe you, but... At least you give me the reason to trust you..."

the disappointment again and again made Su Yan despair to Linyang.

Why didn't she want to trust her husband?

But... Is trust really unconditional?

Down the stairs, Lin Yang a head into the car, the accelerator directly stepped on the bottom, the car toward the Nanqing hotel.

Soon, Lin Yang's car will drive to the parking lot.

Turn off the engine, get out of the car and walk quickly to the box.

At the moment, Gong Xiyun and Ma Hai in the box are still waiting for Lin Yang's arrival.

They know that with Lin Yang's temper, it will come at the first time.

"Hi Yun, thanks to you this time, or it will be bad." Ma Hai sat down, took a sip of tea and said with a smile.

"It's OK. But this time, Miss Su Yan has been offended. I'm afraid that director Lin will be very angry." Gong Xiyun vomited in his mouth.

"Well, we don't want to. I didn't expect that Zhu Daming would attack Miss Su and hurt Lin Dong! This dog Ma Hai was angry, but he rushed to him and kicked him hard.


ZHU Daming screamed with pain.

"Come on, Ma Dong, don't fight. He will suffer later. I think Lin Dong's whole face was overcast when he left. He won't be soft this time." Gong Xiyun said, people seem to think of something extraordinary, face all white a circle, the whole person also can't help shivering a few times.

Ma Hai also remembered Lin Yang's eyes when he left just now, and a cold sweat suddenly came out from behind.

"It seems that the coffin can be prepared for this man in advance." Mahaido.

"Yes, so that no one will collect the body." Gong Xiyun said.

As soon as Zhu Daming heard this, he almost collapsed on the ground.

But at this time, the door was suddenly pushed open, a cool voice came out.

"Collect the corpse? No, there is no need for the coffin. I will protect this man! "

What an arrogant voice!

The people in the room looked at the visitors in unison.

It was a man in a black suit. The man's face was calm and leisurely. After entering the school, he went directly to the round table and ate the delicacies on the table as if no one else was around.


Seeing this man, Zhu Daming cried out excitedly: "Sir, help me! Sir, help me


They frowned.

"Who are you?" Ma Hai asked.

"I'm the one you can't afford." "Let Zhu Daming and his men go immediately," he said

"I'm afraid not, sir? Who do you think you are Gong Xiyun snorted coldly.

Besides Lin Dong, no one dares to speak to her, the first elder sister of Jiangcheng, in this tone! This man is still the first.

"Who am I?"

The man's action is sluggish, suddenly put down the chopsticks in his hand, not tight not slow way: "I come from Yanjing, my surname is Lin... now you know?"

This sentence, but let two people confused.

"Yanjing? Lin? "

Ma Hai murmured. Suddenly, he seemed to think of something extremely terrible. The man suddenly trembled and pointed to the man and said, "you... You... Are you from Yanjing Lin family?"

"What? The Lin family in Yanjing

Gong Xiyun is also scared legs a soft, good hang did not stop.

The name of the Lin family in Yanjing is too loud. Even though she has been living in Jiangcheng, she is also very familiar with these four words.

That's a family with a lot of eyes!It's a stomp, and there will be three earthquakes in China...

although Gong Xiyun is an underground empress in Jiangcheng, she is nothing compared with the Lin family in Yanjing...

How can she not figure out why the people of the Lin family in Yanjing appear here...

"well, you know who I am and whether it's time to release people?" The man said faintly.


both Ma Hai and Gong Xiyun hesitated.

If you refuse this person, you will offend the Lin family in Yanjing.

What did they fight against the Lin family in Yanjing? If the Lin family had made a move, how many people could protect them in such a big China?

What to do?

What should I do this time?

Two people look at one eye, but there is no master, the brain is a blank.

This is not to put, not to put is not... What to do?

Zhu Daming on the ground was also confused, but soon he came back to his senses. People laughed and said with joy: "ha ha ha, I didn't expect that Mr. Lin came from Yanjing. Great. Ha ha ha, Ma Dong, Gong Xiyun, do you know you are afraid now? Do you dare to be arrogant? Now I want to see who dares to move me! Hahaha... "

ZHU Daming is particularly proud!

They are wonderful, but there is no way.

But at this time, the door was suddenly opened again, and a man came in.

It was Lin Yang.

"Oh? Are you back? "

The man took a sip of tea, glanced at Lin Yang, and said faintly, "you are really lucky this time. Lin Dong has actually made a move! I wanted to see a big play, but it's a real disappointment. "

"Drama? Don't worry, it will be on soon, but I'm very strange. Why do you think I'm lucky

Lin Yang came, opened a table, said calmly.

"What do you mean? Are you not lucky to be saved by Lin Dong's people? " The man asked lightly.

Lin Yang shook his head and said calmly, "of course not."

"What is that?"

"The reason is simple."

Lin Yang looked into his eyes and said hoarsely, "because... I am Lin Dong!"

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