This word, finally let this person from the Lin family know the seriousness of the matter.

From the beginning to the end, Lin Yang never thought about going back to the Lin family!

He will go to the Lin family!

But that is not to go back, but to ask for justice from the Lin family!

He doesn't care about everything about the Lin family.

He even wanted to destroy everything in the Lin family...

the man was sweating, and his eyes finally showed horror.

He looked down on this "trash!"

He is not the existence that should be ignored from the beginning to the end! But everyone ignored him!

"All right! You should be on your way. "

Lin Yang raised the pistol again.

But at this time, the point of the black muzzle was not the man's thigh, but his forehead.

The man was shocked and got up at once, but the man next to him immediately stretched out his hand and pressed him dead on his shoulder and pressed him back on the chair.

"Lin Yang, you wait... You wait... I... I have something to say, wait a minute!" The man cried out in a hurry.

"Go ahead." Lin Yang said without expression.

The man's eyes were shaking, his expression was particularly flustered, and finally he said eagerly, "I... I know the cause of your mother's death."

"I already know that."

"I also know who's pushing her out and who's going to drive you out of the house, transfer you to the side, and then to the TSU family..."

"I know that too." Lin Yang shook his head: "if you don't have any new news, just shut up."

"You... Lin Yang, do you really dare to kill me? Do you know what happens when I die here? You still want to stay in Jiangcheng? Don't say what kind of Doctor Lin you are at that time. The river city is doomed to have no hiding place for you. When the time comes, the whole river city will be turned upside down because of you! You can't avoid it Said the Lin family, gritting their teeth.

"So you think I should be scared when the Lin family comes?" Lin Yang asked directly.

"Isn't it?" The Lin family tried to calm down.

"I seem to have said to you that I will go to the Lin's house and finish this matter completely! Do you really think the Lin family can hold me down? " Lin Yang leans over and stares at the Lin family.

Lin Yang saw a ferocious sight in his eyes.

Endless ferocity and rage.

And the next second...


Lin Yang's trigger was pulled again.

The man trembled violently and the blood spattered on the back of his head.

When the pistol was removed from the man's head, the man collapsed and died.

Beside Ma Hai and Gong Xiyun, they all stare at the horrible scene.

This man from the Lin family in Yanjing was killed?


Is Lin Dong crazy?

This is the Lin family!

Killing him doesn't mean declaring war with the Lin family?

And what happened to their conversation just now? Lin Dong... Lin family?

Ma Hai and Gong Xiyun's brains are blank at the moment, buzzing.

It's just too much to accept...

"let's get rid of it." Lin Yang put the pistol on the table and said without expression: "don't leave horse feet."

"Yes, Lin Dong." Gong Xiyun nods.

"Mr. Lin, what's the explanation from the Lin family?" Ma Hai asked.

"You don't have to explain. Make an accident. Let the Lin family come and check it."

Lin Yang patted his coat and turned to walk outside the door.

Hearing this, Ma Hai fell into silence.

I'm afraid he's going to declare war on the Lin family.

Can you declare war with the Lin family on the strength of Yanghua? That's not hitting the stone with an egg?

"It's troublesome." Ma Hai sighed.

After leaving the hotel, Lin Yang walked towards the parking lot without any expression.

Although he destroyed a Lin family, it did not relieve his worries and anger.

The Lin family is still the Lin family! However, just as Lin Yang opened the door and was ready to get on the bus and go home, his mobile phone suddenly vibrated.

Lin Yang picked up his mobile phone and glanced at the caller ID. it was Qin baisong's phone.


"What's wrong with Bo song?" Lin Yang asked.

"Teacher, Xiaoning is saved! Xiaoning is saved! " Qin baisong on the other end of the phone was particularly excited.


Lin Yang was stunned.

Qin baisong said something incoherently. After a moment, Lin Yang said in a low voice, "wait, I'll go to the hospital right away.""Good, good, teacher, I'll wait for you!" Qin baisong said repeatedly.

Lin Yang stepped on the accelerator and went directly to the hospital.

A quarter of an hour later, Lin Yang arrived at the parking lot of the hospital.

As she walked quickly to Qin Ning's ward, she saw two people standing in the corridor.

Old and young.

The old one is Qin baisong. At the moment, he is walking up and down the corridor with his hands attached behind him, looking restless.

The other was a woman.

The woman has short hair, a very healthy wheat skin, wearing a professional suit, all over the body can not see a bit of flesh, is very symmetrical, as for the facial features, particularly delicate, and delicate, but also a trace of heroic spirit.

"Teacher, are you here?"

Seeing Lin Yang coming, Qin baisong was overjoyed and rushed to meet him.

The woman also glanced at Lin Yang, and her sight stayed at Lin Yang's wrist, as if she were thinking about something.

"What? Has Qin Ning's situation changed? " Lin Yang asked.

"There is no change in Xiaoning's state. It's just that the medicinal material you've been asking for to save Xiaoning has gone down!" Qin baisong said with a smile.


Lin Yang was slightly stunned.

This is a legendary plant. According to his estimation, the number of lotus flowers in China may be about three.

Because the growth conditions of this kind of divine vegetation are extremely harsh.

He was going to take a turn in the Miao area to try his luck, but he didn't expect Qin baisong to have his whereabouts.

"Where are the Hollings?" Lin Yang asked immediately.

"You have to ask this lady!"

Qin baisong turns around with a smile and points to the woman with short hair.

"Oh?" Only then did Lin Yang notice this man.

However, the woman stepped forward and held out her hand to Lin Yang: "Hello, Mr. Lin, my name is Qianmo. When I meet for the first time, please give me more advice." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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