"Hello, Miss Qian Mo!"

Lin Yang reached out his hand and shook it.

Women's hands are very delicate and delicate, but they have an inexplicable strength.

Do you practice?

Lin Yang was still in his mind and said, "Bai Song said that miss Qianmo knows where lotus flowers are. I don't know if it's true?"

"It's true, of course." Qian Mo nodded his head and said, "I saw the news released by Mr. Qin baisong on the Internet. I asked him to buy lotus flowers or clues. Mr. Qin said that as long as I provided information, he would give me a million cash, which should be true?"

"Of course, but we have to make sure that the lotus is real." Lin Yang said.

"Teacher, reliable, this young lady said all the information of Holling flower, which is completely consistent with what you said." Next to Qin baisong busy road.

Since the information about his purchase of Liling flower was published on the Internet, Qin baisong has received hundreds of private letters every day, all about the lotus, but none of them is true. Only this time, Qin baisong believes.

"Well, since you know where the lotus is, let's go and find it now." Lin Yang nodded.

"Mr. Lin, the lotus is very special. I'm afraid it will be very difficult to get it." The fields shake their heads.

"Where are the Hollings?" Lin Yang frowned and asked.

"In the whole country of China, how many places can we collect countless exotic flowers and plants? Of course, it's a special pharmacy! " The fields said.

"Special pharmacy?" Qin baisong was stunned.

Lin Yang frowned.

Of course, he knew where the special pharmacy was, and not long ago, he had contact with an important person in it.

Bright rain!

"We've heard that there are many places where we can't find Chinese medicine, but we can't tell them that they have spent a lot of time in the medicine store to buy the medicine in the holy land of traditional Chinese medicine, but we can't tell them that they have spent a lot of time shopping in neihe pharmacy Lin Yang asked.

"I'm not mistaken. There are lotus flowers in the special pharmacy. Mr. Lin, you also know that lotus flowers are precious. To tell the truth, it's unrealistic to use money to buy lotus flowers. In order not to be a sinner, the special pharmacy must have told Mr. Qin baisong that there was no such thing." The fields shrugged.

"How do you know there are Holly flowers in the pharmacy?" Lin Yang approached a few minutes and asked again.

This is extremely suspicious.

Even Qin baisong doesn't know something, but this woman can know it, which has proved the problem.

Qian Mo hesitated, took a light breath and said, "it's very simple, because I'm one of the invited guests of the Qi pharmacy."

"Invite guests?"

Both were stunned.

"Yes, guests! Tomorrow, Qi pharmacy will hold a drug identification competition, and lotus flower is the award of the champion of the competition. I think you and I must know more about the efficacy of lotus flower than I do. Qi pharmacy intends to lay the foundation and prepare for the next owner, and lotus is also used for the qualification transformation of the next owner! If you really want lotus flower, I suggest that you'd better act quickly. Otherwise, some disciple of Qi pharmacy will make tea and drink lotus after tomorrow The path of the fields.


Qin baisong was in a hurry and yelled, "no, I have to go to the special pharmacy right away! We have to get there at once. We have to arrange it at once

He fumbled out his cell phone and called the driver.

But Lin Yang stopped him.

"Bosong, don't worry. Let's get to the bottom of the matter first. Qi pharmacy doesn't plan to sell Holly flowers. Are you going to grab them directly?" Lin Yang said hoarsely.

Qin baisong was stunned, frozen in place, confused.

Yes, he didn't plan to let the lotus flower out at the beginning and the end. What can he do when he goes to the pharmacy? Others are preparing for the successor of the next homeowner, so they don't intend to give it to outsiders. He just went there in vain.

"Teacher, then... What about that?" Qin baisong is in a hurry.

"Then you have to ask the lady what she can do." Lin Yang looks at the fields.

Qian Mo glanced at him and shook his head faintly: "I can't do anything. I'm just here to sell information. You can confirm with me. After confirming that it's lotus flower, you can pay me one million cash quickly."

"I'll give you five million, and you'll help me find a way to get the holly." Lin Yang light road.

"Mr. Lin, are you kidding? Mr. Qin's bid price on the Internet is 50 million yuan for lotus

"If you can give me ready-made lotus, I will give you 100 million."

"Well, I'll take it as if I didn't say it." Qian Mo shook his head and said calmly, "but if you just want to ask for a chance, I have a way."

"What way?" Qin baisong asked.

Qian Mo thought about it and said, "in fact, as a guest, I was invited to participate in the competition because my family is also a family of traditional Chinese medicine, and my brother has also joined the practice of Qi pharmacy. Therefore, he has a place to participate. If Mr. Lin and Mr. Qin can afford the price, this quota... I can sell it to you!""Oh?"

Lin Yang frowned.

Qin baisong was excited and couldn't wait to say: "Miss Qian Mo, you can't make a price! How much? We'll take it! "

"One hundred million!" The path of the fields.


Qin baisong is confused.

In order to save Qin Ning, Qin baisong is going to lose his fortune. He does not have a hundred million yuan. If he wants to get the money, he must not only sell all his property, but also borrow it from the outside, so that he can barely make it.

If it is a ready-made lotus flower, it doesn't matter, but it's not sure whether the lotus flower can be obtained now. The price of the field is 100 million?

Isn't that blackmail?

Qin baisong hesitated.

But at this time, Lin Yang directly opened the cavity.

"Well, I'll give you 100 million! I'll have someone call your account right away. "

"Teacher..." Qin baisong looked at him stupidly.

"When do you leave?" Lin Yang stares at the paths.

The willow eyebrows of the fields wrinkled slightly, but there was nothing wrong. The man nodded his head and said, "tomorrow morning, I will wait for you at the gate."

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