The next morning, Lin Yang prepared and waited at the door.

Standing next to him is Qin baisong, who is still anxious. After all, this is related to the life of his granddaughter. How can he calm down.

After a while, a red BMW X4 drove over and stopped in front of them.

Wearing sunglasses, Qian Mo put down the window and nodded to them.

Lin Yang sat directly in the co pilot's seat.

Qin baisong is also ready to get on the bus.

"What are you doing?" The field swept Qin baisong, frowned and said, "you can't go."

"What?" Qin baisong is stunned.

"Mr. Qin baisong, you are well-known. There are many people who know you in the special pharmacy. You have not received the invitation. If you appear there, how can you explain it? We have to keep a low profile. I'll go with Mr. Lin The path is light.

Qin baisong was stunned and sighed. He went to the window and earnestly said, "teacher, this time... It's all up to you!"

Then he bowed.

"Don't worry. I'm also responsible for Xiaoning's affairs. I'll bring the lotus back."

Lin Yang nodded seriously.

The car started.

Qi pharmacy is very far away from Jiangcheng. It is obviously too late to drive. Qianmo takes Linyang directly to the airport and catches the latest flight.

Two hours later, at 9 am, they arrived in Jingchang.

Called a didi taxi, two people directly to the odd pharmacy.

Qi pharmacy is also an academic organization similar to the southern school. Of course, they are all private. However, they are not mainly engaged in traditional Chinese medicine, but Chinese medicine. The people of Qi pharmacy also know Chinese medicine, but they are most familiar with the traditional Chinese medicine with magical effects.

Qi pharmacy is located in the suburb of Jingchang City, which is very close to Yanjing, but you can see many rich and noble people.

"Two guests, here we are!"

The driver listened to the door of the special pharmacy and turned back to the front.

They got out of the car and headed for the gate.

The door of the strange pharmacy is similar to the gate of a university. There is something sacred in the solemnity.

At the moment, the gate is filled with people, luxury cars gathered outside, a large number of gorgeous people walking inside, and some young men and women dressed in light blue can also be seen going in and out.

These are students from the special pharmacy.

"You follow me." In a low voice, he walked to the gate.

Then I saw a postcard from nowhere and handed it to a student standing at the door.

The student glanced at the postcard, his face was stunned, and then he said, "it's Miss Qian Mo, Miss Qian Mo, please come here. The competition will start soon. Please go to the rest room to make some preparations. We have already prepared tea and snacks. Please wait a moment."


Qian Mo nodded and led Lin Yang into the strange pharmacy.

Lin Yang buckled his cap, pulled off his collar, and swept his eyes around him.

He didn't want to wear a hat, but Mingyu had seen him, so he had to take precautions. If he was recognized, it would be troublesome.

But these two things are obviously not enough.

"Whose place do you want me to replace?" To the rest room, Lin Yang asked Qian mo.

"My brother, Mo Xiaowu." A quiet road across the fields.

"Even if your brother is just an intern here, I think there should be a lot of people who have met him."

"In fact, my brother was accidentally caught in a hornet's nest when collecting medicine some time ago. Now his whole face has been swollen. So I think if you wear a mask to participate in the drug identification competition, everyone should understand. No face, no one knows who you are Qian Mo said, from the side of the bag out of a black mask, handed to Lin Yang.

Lin Yang took it, looked at it and took it up.

The mask covered all of his eyes. Unless he was very familiar with Mo Xiaowu, it was impossible to identify his authenticity by his eyes alone.

"In addition, this is Xiaowu's ID card. Please keep it. You can take part in the drug identification competition through the student ID card of Qi pharmacy later." Qian Mo took some things out of the bag again and handed it over.

"You seem to be ready?" Lin Yang glanced at the picture on the student ID card. It was a rather elegant young man.

However, when he saw the young man's appearance, Lin Yang felt a kind of trance.

It seems that I have seen this man somewhere.

"Well, time is running out. Go to the players' room and hang up your ID card. Remember, don't talk to people as much as possible, so as not to expose your identity!"


Lin Yang nodded and left with something.

The fields quietly watched the back of Lin Yang's leaving, and his jewel like eyes flashed a touch of strange light.

She took out her cell phone and dialed a number.

"What's the matter with the fields?" There was an urgent voice over the phone."Everything has been carried out according to the plan. Since our Mohist school can't afford to provoke Dr. Lin, let the people of the odd pharmacy deal with him." Qian Mo light said.

"Ha ha ha, good, good! It seems that my revenge can be avenged! Ha ha ha... "

there was a burst of arrogant laughter on the other side of the phone. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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