When he got to the players' room, Lin Yang found that there were already people sitting here.

There are six players' rooms, each with hundreds of players.

Lin Yang originally thought that the competition would be a small competition for hundreds of people, but he never thought that there would be thousands of people.

It is said that there are tens of thousands of students in Qiyao pharmacy, and it also has contacts with many universities of traditional Chinese medicine in China. It is said that Qi pharmacy is a powerful academic institution.

Since this competition is to prepare for the next owner of Qi pharmacy, the scale of the competition will not be simple.

Lin Yang breathed his breath, but hoped that the competition could be finished quickly.

After all, the situation in Jiangcheng is not optimistic, and he has to watch the movements of the Lin family. It is not good for him to waste too much time here.

But since you're here, it doesn't make sense not to take the lotus.

"Oh? Xiaowu, what's wrong with you? Why are you still wearing a mask? If you don't have a tag on your chest, I won't recognize you! " At this time, a tall man with a smile on his face went up to the front with a smile.

Lin Yang frowned.

He did not know the relationship between this man and Mo Xiaowu. After thinking for a moment, he simply nodded. He said hello, but he was too lazy to talk nonsense.

"Oh, Xiaowu, why don't you talk? Where are you going? Why don't you answer my question? " The man didn't seem to want to let Lin Yang go. He ran after him and said with a smile.

"Xiao Zhang, you can let Xiao Wu go. He is miserable enough. In order to collect a medicine, he stabbed the hornet's nest directly, and the whole face was stung beyond recognition. Don't borrow someone's scar!" A woman nearby said with a smile.

"That doesn't mean Xiao Wu is a pig now?"

"It seems to be."

"Ha ha ha ha..."

this group of people burst out happy laughter.

Lin Yang was puzzled because he couldn't hear the laughter in these people's words.

He closed his eyes and didn't care about them.

At this moment, however, the players' room was boiling.

The group of disciples at the door suddenly yelled.

"Here comes Mr. Luo!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone stood up and looked at the gate one after another.

However, a group of young men and women came quickly into the gate, led by a man in dark blue.

There are three white bars on the man's body. In the Qi pharmacy, one bar is the senior student's identity. The two bars have already belonged to the elite, and the three bars are almost equal to the genius of Tianjiao. It is the key cultivation object of Qi pharmacy.

In the special pharmacy, there are ten people with three bars.

And these ten people are called the top ten talents of the odd pharmacy.

Luo Furong is one of them, ranking ninth at present. Once such a person goes out of the strange pharmacy, he is definitely the target of various powerful families or enterprises. Even if he does not leave the pharmacy, he can also get a very good job here.

Of course, who can leave easily? Luo Furong's goal is to win the first position and directly enter the upper system of Qi pharmacy.

If you can enter that field, no matter who it is, the future will be brilliant.

Looking at Luo Furong, the eyes of every student present are filled with awe. No matter who is, they dare not make mistakes.

"Hello, Luo Xuechang!"

"Luo Xuechang!"

"Hello, Mr. Luo!"

"Luo Xuechang, you need to refuel in the contest later

"Luo Xuechang, I am your fan


students greet each other, and some young female students have bright eyes. Although Luo Furong is pretty, in their eyes, Luo Furong, who is blessed with talent, is almost comparable to Peng Yuyan.


Luo Furong and others ignored the greetings of the students around them, but looked forward and marched forward.

Soon, he stopped.

But he stood in front of Lin Yang.

He looked at Lin Yang's mask, and then glanced at the student ID card on his chest. He said coldly, "are you mo Xiaowu?"

People around him were stunned.

Lin Yang also confused, inexplicable nod: "yes, something?"

However, Luo Furong suddenly reached out his hand and grabbed Lin Yang's collar. He yelled coldly: "I heard that when you went out to collect herbs two days ago, you wanted to be against Xi rouqian's elder sister, didn't you?"

West rouqian?

Who is that?

Lin Yang is at a loss, confused looking at Luo Furong.

But the surrounding area has been directly fried.

"What? And that kind of thing? "

"My God, Xiaowu, is he crazy?"

"Xi rouqian's senior sister is the sixth of the ten talents. Does he want to eat swan meat? How dare you go after her"Ha ha, you don't have to pee to take care of yourself. How much do you weigh?"

"I don't know the sky and the earth!"

People around him sneered and jeered.

At this time, Luo Furong suddenly pushed Lin Yang aside and said without expression: "although Xi rouqian didn't respond to the above, I won't take it as if it didn't happen. I'll tell all the lecturers that you are waiting to be dismissed. But before that, if I don't teach you a meal, I'll feel terrible! It's just hitting you to dirty my hands

With that, he took a step back, and behind him came several tall students, one by one, with fists and sneers, heading for Lin Yang.

"What are you going to do?" Lin Yang asked.

"What are you doing? Call me! " Luo Furong drank.

These students immediately rushed at Lin Yang www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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