The rescue site can be said to be the morgue site.

Qin Ling's eyes were covered with countless bodies.

These are the dead hidden demons.

Lin Yang was in the middle of these bodies, sweating for treatment and examination.

If he can't be saved, he will go directly to the next one, and the dead will be buried.

But most of them were successfully treated by Lin Yang.

However, because there is no silver needle, Lin Yang's treatment methods rely on Qi needle, which consumes a lot of Qi. Coupled with the huge workload, Lin Yang can't stop panting and shaking all over.

"Brother Lin, he..." Qin Ling opened his mouth.

"Doctor Lin's medical skills are really shocking. Most of those who have just died have been saved by him. Although some people still can't be saved, it's a great fortune." Sister Zhou squeezed out a smile and said, "even your father has been treated by doctor Lin. he is now well."

"My father?"

Qin Ling suddenly looked back and said eagerly, "where is my father? Where is he?"

"Well, it's resting over there." Sister Zhou pointed to an open space not far from her right.

At the moment, Qin Zhuo is lying on a gray cloth, and a person from the hidden devil village is bandaging him.

Qin Ling hurried over. Even if he stumbled and fell, he immediately got up and stumbled to Qin Zhuo.

Looking at Qin Zhuo's even breathing sound, Qin Ling's tears burst the embankment again.

She turned her head again, looked at the busy figure in the corpse mountain, and felt that her heart was about to melt.

"Doctor Lin!"

At this time, a cry rang through.

People turned their heads one after another.

But you Yi rushed over.

At the moment, he is also injured. One hand is wrapped in bandages for several times. It looks bad.

Without saying anything, you Yi knelt on the ground and knocked his head three times towards Lin Yang.

"Doctor Lin, you Yi bastard, you Yi deserved to die for offending you many times before!! now you saved the village, saved the people and my father. You Yi vowed to repay your kindness in this life!!"

Then he knocked his head on the ground again.

Lin Yang raised his head and stared at him silently. After a moment, he said hoarsely, "OK!"

He continued to devote himself to the treatment process.

You Yi didn't say much. He seemed to have made a decision. He got up immediately, looked at Lin Yang with tears, turned and ran away.

Qin Ling's incomparable feeling.

Now Lin Yang is the benefactor of the whole hidden devil village.

When thinking about the scene that brother Lin rushed into the death swamp to save himself, Qin Ling's heart rippled.


"Doctor Lin! Doctor Lin!"

Then a scream sounded.

Qin Ling and others were stunned and hurried to see it.

I found that Lin Yang fell to the ground in a coma.

"Brother Lin!"

Qin Ling rushed over with red eyes.

A large number of hidden demons gathered around, and the village head arrived.

The village doctor was busy doing some examination.

"Uncle Shi, how's brother Lin?" Qin Ling asked urgently.

"He's out of strength! After all, his strength has been exhausted due to such a large amount of treatment, so he passed out in a coma." The village doctor got up and sank into the road.

"It's all right, doctor. Just have a rest?" People nearby asked.

"I'm afraid... It's not that simple." The village doctor hesitated and shook his head.

"What? Is there any accident?" Asked the village head.

"The energy in Doctor Lin's body is very unstable. He absorbed the evil power of our hidden demon ancestors, but before that, his body should have received a force that is unimaginable. Although it dissipated, the remaining power is still there and difficult to control. If this remaining force is not dealt with, it will cause immeasurable damage to Doctor Lin's body Injury, even if he wakes up, his body is not as good as before. " Village doctor Shen road.


People were stunned. You look at me and I look at you. I can't believe it.

Doctor Lin, who was just as powerful as the God of heaven, was in such a bad situation.

"Doctor Lin's medical skill is so superb that he must know the condition of his body, but he didn't treat his body at the first time. Instead, he did his best for our hidden demon family... We must repay this kindness." The village head Shen said, and xuan'er stared at the village doctor and said, "now, how should Doctor Lin treat it?"

"Refractory." The village doctor sighed: "his energy is too strong. With my ability, I can't discharge it for him at all. I'm afraid... I can't cure it!"

"Not even you?" The village head asked with wide eyes.

"My Lord, I really have nothing to do... Oh, yes, for today's sake, there is only one way to cure Doctor Lin!" The village doctor seemed to think of something and hurriedly said.

"What method?" People asked urgently.

"Seven color flowers."

Village doctor Shen road.


The crowd was stunned.

"Only seven colored flowers can cure Doctor Lin! The energy of seven colored flowers is extremely huge and the medicine is amazing. If you can get seven colored flowers and take them, the energy in his body will be integrated by seven colored flowers. In this way, Doctor Lin's body will be safe and sound! Unfortunately, seven colored peanuts are in the middle of the dead swamp and it's difficult to pick them." The village doctor said helplessly.

People looked at each other and said nothing.

The village head was silent.

Death swamp is not an ordinary place. You need to collect medicine there, but you will die, especially the seven color flower. The strong miasma around it is enough to kill anyone.

"Village head, we can pick seven colored flowers!"

At this time, Youyi suddenly stood up and said loudly.

"You Yi, stop fooling around! Do you want to take us to the swamp of death? You don't think there are enough people dead?" An elder reprimanded him severely.

You Yi did not flinch, but continued to rush: "village head, you can see the death swamp. Now is the best time to pick seven colored flowers!"


The village head was slightly stunned. Suddenly, he seemed to realize something and hurried outside the village.

The crowd was puzzled, but they followed.

After a while, the village head and others ran to the death swamp and were surprised one by one.

But now the death swamp is divided into two! Completely split.

Together with the miasma above the swamp, it was split and diluted

"The natural situation of the death swamp has been broken!"

"This seems to be caused by the strongest blow after the release of residual demons..."

"Village head, we can pick seven colored flowers along this crack!"

"Yes, village head, this is a great opportunity!"

The people said one after another and looked at the village head.

Without hesitation, the village head immediately waved and drank: "take seven colored flowers! Make medicine for Doctor Lin!!"


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