
Lin Yang slowly opened his eyes.

A ray of snow-white light shot into his eyes and woke up his consciousness.

Where am I?

what is wrong with me?

Lin Yang is a little confused.

He only remembered that he seemed to be healing the dead hidden demons, and then his eyes darkened and he didn't remember anything.

Lin Yang just wanted to get up, but he felt a sudden pain all over his body.

However, the pain lasted only a short time and was replaced by a wonderful warm current.

This warm current is like the wandering spring breeze, rippling in every inch of blood vessels and bones of Linyang, touching his body and blowing his soul.

so comfortable!

Lin Yang couldn't help moaning, but suddenly opened his eyes.

This warm current What is it?

He hurried to luck, surveyed his body a little, and was shocked.

"What pure energy! It seems to be medicine... How can this happen? Why is there such a unique medicine in my body?"

Lin Yang was perplexed and continued his luck, but he found that the energy was not only repairing his tired and damaged flesh and blood, but also moistening these flesh and blood, sublimating them and strengthening them.

This force is transforming itself!

It's amazing!

Lin Yang was filled with emotion. He sat up and meditated.

"Ah? Brother Lin? Are you awake?"

Qin Ling, who was carrying a basin of water into the room, was surprised and shouted.

Lin Yang opened his eyes and hurriedly said, "Miss Qin, what's going on?"

Qin Ling immediately told the story.

Knowing the result, Lin Yang was immediately surprised.

"What? You gave me seven colored flowers?"

"Yes, otherwise, brother Lin, how can you recover so quickly? Uncle Shi said that only seven colored flowers can cure your body! Just as the terrain and natural situation of the death swamp were broken, we easily guessed the seven colored flowers and took them for you." Qin Ling smiled.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yang beat his chest and feet.

"Waste! Waste! Waste!! God! What a waste!!"

Qin Ling was startled: "brother Lin, are you okay?"

"Your uncle Shi is a quack! This energy in my body is nothing at all! Even if it causes damage to me, I can cure it myself! But he treats me with seven colored flowers! Isn't this a waste? A monster!" Lin Yang was anxious and angry, with regret and regret on his face.

Qin Ling stared at him, obviously unable to understand. After a while, he said, "brother Lin, in fact... There are still some seven color flowers... Do you... Do you need them?"


Lin Yang suddenly recovered and stared at her with burning eyes: "there are seven color flowers?"

"Yes... Yes... I only gave you a few petals. Uncle Shi said these petals were enough, so there were more than half of them left..." Qin Ling shrunk his neck and said cautiously.

"Come on, bring the rest of the seven color flowers, come on!" Lin Yang said eagerly.

"OK! OK, brother Lin, wait a minute. I'll inform uncle Shi immediately and ask him to get it!"

Qin Ling hurriedly said, and then hurried out.

After a while, a large number of hidden devil villagers rushed to the wooden house temporarily built for Linyang. Shi Zhengjun, the village doctor, walked forward with a piece of red cloth in his hands.

On the red cloth is half a seven color flower.

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