Lin Yang didn't go to the players' room.

After all, hundreds of pairs of eyes have been staring at him, which makes him very uncomfortable.

He then sat in the chair in the corridor, closed his eyes, quietly waiting for the beginning of the drug identification contest.

Now the audience outside has been gradually filled, and all the judges and guests have begun to take their seats, and the fields have been invited.

When everything's ready, it's time for the player to come on stage.

Clunk! Clunk! Cluttering...

at this time, the sound of high-heeled shoes knocking on the ground sounded.

Then came the passing students, all of them exclaimed.

Lin Yang didn't want to pay attention to it, but the clear and crisp voice of high-heeled shoes disappeared in front of him.

Lin Yang frowned and opened his eyes.

But before they met, there stood a gorgeous woman with a protruding body and a hot figure.

The woman has a beautiful face and delicate facial features, but she doesn't wear the uniform clothes of the students in the special pharmacy. Instead, she is a big red dress, which is very hot. Her head is over her ears, her hair is like ink, and her eyes are also very smart. There are some saying that if this woman does not draw such heavy makeup, she will surely look better.

"Are you mo Xiaowu?"

He looked at the woman's eyes and leaned down to approach Lin Yang.

"Something?" Lin Yang asked.

However, as soon as the words fell, the woman directly raised her hand and fanned Lin Yang's face without hesitation.

No sign! All of a sudden.

Lin Yang frowned and quickly raised his hand to block it.


Slap fan in Lin Yang's arm, although not much pain, but this woman's behavior has infuriated Lin Yang.

"What are you doing?"

He sprang to his feet and stared at the woman.

But the woman refused to give up. Instead, she was angry and looked at Lin Yang, gnashing her teeth and saying, "do you dare to resist? You son of a bitch! How dare you! Stand up straight and be beaten

Finish saying, then again fan a slap!

Where is this madwoman from?

Lin Yang frowned and planned to leave. He didn't have time to waste time with this crazy woman.

But as soon as the woman made a noise, the students in the corridor immediately called out.

"Sister Wang Xuejie has been bullied! Come on! Wang Xuejie has been bullied! "

With this voice coming out, all the people in the players' room ran over and surrounded Lin Yang and the woman.

"Sister Wang, are you ok?"

"My God, Mo Xiaowu, you are so crazy! Some time ago, I just cheated on Xi rouqian's elder sister. Now you've reached out to Wang Xuejie again? Are you... Are you still a human being? "

"Beast! You are a beast

"It's insulting to say you're a beast. You're not as good as an animal!"

People were indignant, pointing to Lin Yang and swearing.

The woman snorted coldly and didn't speak. She just looked at Lin Yang with pride.

Lin Yang's face was still, and he said nothing.

This woman can attract so many people to help her in a short time. It can be seen that her status is not worse than that of Luo Fu Rong. Such a person is not what Lin Yang can provoke.

At this time, Lin Yang can only choose silence.

After all, how can he say that he has so many mouths around him?

Even if it is white, these people can be said to be black!

Weak to strong, there is no reason to speak.

"What's going on? What are you doing

"Don't make trouble. I'll break it up!"

"Today is the drug identification competition in our pharmacy. If anyone dares to make trouble here, he will never let go."

At this time, several lecturers came and drank to disperse the crowd.

The students left slowly.

But Wang Xuejie's face is still full of cold.

"Mo Xiaowu, I tell you! It's not over! I'll settle with you sooner or later! " Wang Xuejie cheered coldly, then glared at Lin Yang and turned away.

Lin Yang was silent.

After Wang Xuejie left, many people came to warn Lin Yang.

They all looked indignant, as if Lin Yang had done something harmful to nature.

He stopped talking this time.

After all, he didn't know what happened, and he was not the party. He had to wait until he got lotus and left early. Let the real Mo Xiaowu solve the mess here.

Lin Yang thought, see time is almost, then toward the competition field of medicine identification.

At the moment, the stadium is a sea of people, crowded, shaking students everywhere.

There are about a thousand students participating in the competition. They have entered the field and entered the student seats.

Lin Yang found his seat according to his number.


It's quite ahead.

I just don't know how long it will take to get myself, whether this day can be compared.Lin Yang thought, looking at the guests, Qian Mo had already sat in the past.

However, he saw a familiar figure on the seat not far from the fields.

Bright rain!

She came after all.

But no one should have noticed that Mo Xiaowu is actually a fake.

It doesn't matter.

Lin Yang shook his head and looked forward.


A strange noise came out.

The gate of the stadium was suddenly closed.

Then the boiling scene was quiet.

Then an old man with white hair in Tang costume stepped up to the stand above.

Everyone looked at the old man at once.

"It's Mr. Feng Shi!"

"Feng Shi? The assistant owner of the special pharmacy? "

"It turns out that Mr. Feng Shi is in charge of this competition."

"It seems that the special pharmacy attaches great importance to this drug identification competition."

People whispered and talked.

The students were surprised.

You know, Feng Shi is a highly respected existence in their mind. He can be called the cornerstone of the odd pharmacy. Without Feng Shi, there would be no such a pharmacy today.

People originally thought that even if Feng Shi came to participate in the drug identification competition, he just sat down below, but they never thought he would come up in person...

"be quiet!"

Feng Shi called out.

The scene of thousands of people was suddenly silent.

Feng Shi looked around him with a serious look, and then he opened his voice.

Some formal politeness began to emerge.

Although people are very impatient, but still brave the scalp to listen to.

About a few minutes later, Feng Shi suddenly looked positive and yelled: "I declare that the drug identification contest! Start now

The sound was like a flood.

And this sound falls, the entire arena boils up.

It's finally on!

This is the opening ceremony of the drug identification competition!

"The contest will be decided by myself, Feng Shi! Now the first round, drug identification! Those who can identify the medicinal materials within 10 minutes will enter the next round, and those who can not be identified or make a wrong judgment within 10 minutes will be directly eliminated! "

Feng Shi waved his hand.


A large number of students came with a medicine basket to distribute medicine to each student on the student seat.

Lin Yang also got one, but he could see what it was just by looking at it , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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