The competition is very serious.

More than a thousand students need to identify drugs. If they don't rely on self-consciousness, it's very difficult to carry on. After all, there is no larger venue for the odd pharmacy.

In the first round of drug identification competition, all students are unable to speak. They can only focus on the medicine in their hands. If there is a result, they will put it in the medicine bag beside the seat, and then close their eyes, waiting for the end of the first round of drug identification!

If someone looks at others, they will be suspected of cheating on behalf of others. In this way, both of them will be disqualified and even punished by the school.

Lin Yang quietly watched the bright flower in his hand. After a moment, he put it aside and sat down with his eyes closed.

Ten minutes passed quickly.

"Publish the identification results!" Feng Shi shouts.

All the audience and guests were shocked.

The students in those seats also looked tight.

Then five students entered the student seat and asked the past one by one with their notebooks.

"One! What's the medicine in your hand? "

"Mala flower!"

"Yes! Two! Yours

"Cypress branches!"

"Yes, three!"


"Elimination, number four!"


the five students looked serious and asked about the past one by one. As long as they passed the first round of assessment, they would check their books, while those who were eliminated were given a cross.

In this way, the efficiency of students is improved, and a large number of students participating in the competition are eliminated in a very short period of time.

If we go on like this, I'm afraid that the number of people who have been promoted to the second round will not even reach 300.

What a fierce competition!

Around the audience whispered, guests are also chatting.

Those who are eliminated are pale, while those who are promoted are happy.

The field on the guest seat looks at Lin Yang here. It seems that they are looking forward to something.

And now a student has come to Lin Yang.


The sound came out.

It's Linyang's turn!

Lin Yang is silent for a moment, hoarse way: "fake medicine!"

This word falls, is preparing to give the result of the student suddenly a Leng, raises the head to look at Lin Yang inconceivably.

The students who had already got the results were also confused and looked at them one after another.

"You... What do you say?" The student in charge of the grades asked again.

"Fake medicine." Lin Yang repeated.

The student looked at Lin Yang in silence. After a moment, he drew a cross on his book: "128, eliminated, 129!"

"Wait a minute!"

Lin Yang immediately got up to drink.

But others don't care.

Lin Yang directly took out the medicine in the bag and put it in front of the student. He said seriously, "this is obviously fake medicine. Why do you still want to judge me out of the competition?"

"I think you're crazy?" The student looked at Lin Yang with wide eyes and said, "what we provide are genuine medicinal materials. How can you say it's fake medicine? Are you questioning our special pharmacy? "

As soon as the words fell, many people covered their mouths and laughed.

There was a lot of noise at the scene.

Feng Shi over there couldn't help looking at Lin Yang.

"Xiao Tao! What happened? " Feng Shi called out.

"Deputy homeowner, this student says our medicine is fake!" Said the man.

When people around him heard it, they were in an uproar.

"What? Fake medicine? "

"Hahaha, fake drugs are produced in the special pharmacy? It's probably the best joke I've ever heard in my life

"Do you believe it? Do you believe it? I don't believe it

Many people burst into laughter. For a while, Lin Yang became the target of public criticism and was ridiculed by the public.

I don't blame you. After all, this kind of thing sounds ridiculous!

What is strange pharmacy famous for? It's medicine!

Is it not the face of Daqi drugstore that fake drugs appear in such places?

"Fake medicine?" Feng Shi's old face became serious.

He stepped down from the stands and headed for Lin Yang.

The students got out of the way.

And here Wang Xuejie and Luo Furong and others looked coldly.

"This boy, bad luck." Luo Furong said with a smile: "little five, well done."

"Hey, if you dare to provoke brother Luo and sister Wang Xuejie, he will die!"

The man called Xiao Wu was laughing.

"What? You did it? " Wang Xuejie cast her eyes and Luo Furong asked.

"Don't worry, sister Wang. Our hands and feet are clean, and we don't have any feet left." Xiao Wu said with a smile.

Wang Xuejie snorted in silence.Feng Shi has entered the student seat.

"What medicine was distributed on 128?" Feng Shi said solemnly.

"Deputy owner, it's Dragon Boat flower!" The student next to him looked at his notebook and replied.

"Show me." Feng Shi said.

The student immediately took the vegetation given by Lin Yang and handed it to Feng Shi.

Everyone around him laughed.

"It's Mo Xiaowu again!"

"Ha ha, it's really the scum of our special pharmacy. Without talking about the previous things, he even dared to suspect the head of our special pharmacy. Does he know what this is? Can we have fake medicine in our special pharmacy? "

"The Deputy owner must be angry, or say such words in front of so many guests. Hum, look at it. This Mo Xiaowu is finished!"

All kinds of sneers and sarcasm continued to emerge.

Even the fields narrowed their eyes.

This matter can be big or small. If Lin Yang admits defeat obediently, it will be over. Now Feng Shi is off the stage. If Lin Yang tells a lie, his consequences can be imagined.

After all, Lin Yang, this is the face of people in Daqi pharmacy.

This is equivalent to saying to one of the world's top richest people: how do you use counterfeit money? It's not about money, it's about face!

Once handled improperly, the consequences will be extremely serious!

There were endless voices of discussion and questioning.

But Lin Yang is very calm, his face has no waves, no restlessness and uneasiness.

However, Feng Shi looked at the Dragon Boat flower for a while. His old eyes flashed with strange light. Suddenly, he looked up and looked at Lin Yang.

"What's your name?"

"Mo Xiaowu."

"Is mo Xiaowu... Who sent this medicine to him?" Feng Shi looked at the students and asked.

"I sent it."

A man with glasses came over and said with a puzzled face, "Deputy owner, what's the matter?"

"This is not dragon boat flower."

Feng Shi said lightly: "if we use a normal Chinese medicine to identify this medicine, it is impossible to have any results, and it does not have any characteristics of dragon boat flower... Let alone ordinary students, I am afraid that some lecturers can not identify what kind of medicinal materials it belongs to."

As soon as the words fell, people around him were confused and looked at Feng Shi one after another.

Someone asked cautiously, "vice owner, what do you mean..."

"he said right, the flower... Is fake!" Feng Shichen road.


The whole scene was silent...

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