People were relieved to see the turbulence and calm of the holy mountain stop.

"Is it over?"

"It should be... It's over..."

"It was like the end just now. It was terrible..."

"Yes, I just don't know whether Lin Shuai won or the chief Tianjiao won..."

People stared at the hole over there.

The whole holy mountain has completely disappeared. A huge hole is reflected in the eyes of the world. Next to the hole, there are a large number of cracks. Each crack is as huge as the canyon, which makes people's scalp numb.

"How's it going?"

Wan Jinsong recovered from the turmoil, was helped up and asked eagerly.

"Wan Shuai, depending on the situation, it seems that the battle over there is over!"

The deputy general nearby said hurriedly.

"It's over?"

Wan Jinsong was stunned and immediately shouted, "come on! Everyone rushed to meet Lin Shuai!"

The deputy general was stunned and immediately understood Wan Jinsong's meaning.

No matter whether Lin Yang wins or not, all he has to do at this time is to take over. It's better to win. If he doesn't win, he must ensure Lin Yang's safety and must not be killed by the chief Tianjiao!

The deputy general understood it and ran towards it immediately with the most elite soldiers.

The crowd rushed to the huge hole like a torrent, and almost no one dared to hesitate.

However, when the crowd rushed to the edge of the hole, they saw a lonely figure in front of them.

No one else, it's Lin Yang!

"Lin Shuai!!"

Wan Jinsong almost cried out in tears.

"Great! Lin Shuai is fine! Lin Shuai must have won! He must have won!"

"Lin Shuai is great!"

"Lin Shuai won, we won!"

"Long live!"

A crowd of soldiers shouted excitedly, all with tears in their eyes and excitement.

Wan Jinsong stepped forward a few steps and came to Lin Yang. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something. After holding it for a long time, he spit out a sentence: "Lin Shuai, well done!"

"Wan Shuai, are you all right?" Lin Yang smiled bitterly and said faintly.

Somehow, he always felt something strange about it.

Chief Tianjiao was killed by himself?

rather..... Too simple, too smooth

"How can we do anything? It's you, Lin Shuai! It's a great achievement! If Lin Shuai hadn't come forward, today's holy mountain would be our burial place!"

Wan Jinsong sighed, but his eyes were filled with sadness.

Although he won, the effort this time was extremely painful.

Like the dragon group army, almost the whole army was destroyed, and even Chen Zhan was killed. Such a tragic price can be said to have never appeared since the founding of the dragon country.

Even if you win, strictly speaking, it is also a disastrous victory.

"Wan Shuai, there are not many soldiers to cover for me and buy me time. In fact, I can't defeat the chief Tianjiao. If I say credit, I don't have any credit from Lin Yang. The most important thing is the credit of those sacrificed soldiers!" Lin Yang sighed.

"Lin Shuai, you're welcome." Wan Jinsong smiled, with a rather low expression on his face.

"Wan Shuai, have people been sent to Xuanyi school?" Lin Yang asked.

"They've all been sent. I think the leading troops should have arrived at the Xuanyi school."

"That's good. I'll go to Xuanyi school immediately and treat them. See how many I can save!" Linyang hoarse road.

"Seriously? That's great! With Lin Shuai's medical skills, they must be alive!"

Wan Jinsong was overjoyed and hurriedly said.

Hearing the sound, many soldiers around burst into tears and shouted excitedly, "Lin Shuai, you must save our brothers!"

"Please, Lin Shuai!"

"It's up to you!"

Some soldiers knelt directly on the ground and kowtowed to Lin Yang.

The man has gold under his knee.

But if it can save the lives of relatives and friends, who cares about this gold?

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