Lin Yang is also one of the long Guolong Shuai.

However, as long Shuai, he didn't make many achievements. The most prominent among these soldiers was the first World War in Cherry Blossom country.

That war attracted worldwide attention.

But beyond that, there are no other achievements.

If you rely on this alone, it is actually very difficult to gain the respect of all soldiers.

But at this moment, both the southern border army and the soldiers of Lu Ye are throwing themselves into the ground to Lin Yang.

There is no other reason.

Lin Yang can save every soldier including them!

Even if there is only a wisp of hope, this wisp of hope cannot be compensated by merit.

Who doesn't want to live well?

Who doesn't want the people around you to live well?

Lin Yang is the one who brings them this hope.

It is precisely because of this that they dare to move forward bravely and bravely.

Because they know that someone will save them!

"Brothers, get up!"

Lin Yang quickly picked up the soldiers.

Looking at the soldiers' red eyes filled with tears, Lin Yang felt thousands of feelings.

He took a deep breath and said hoarsely, "don't worry, brothers. Lin will do his best to save those dead brothers! I promise you here!!"

"Thank you, Lin Shuai!"

The crowd was excited and their voices were high.

Wan Jinsong looked around and couldn't help but show a bitter smile on his face.

He knows that from today on, whether it is the southern border army or Lu Ye, there are more than one real talkers

"Wan Shuai! Lin Shuai! We caught this man when we were cleaning the battlefield. It seems that this man is a high-rise of the holy mountain. Please send it down!"

At this time, a soldier hurried to Lin Yang and WAN Jinsong with fists.

"Oh? Who?"

Wan Jinsong asked hurriedly.

The man waved.

The two soldiers behind dragged a man in gray and red clothes to the front.

Lin Yang fixed his eyes and saw that it was no one else, but the woman in red! Dance into charm!

"Is that you?"

Lin Yang frowned.

"I remember this woman is not the person next to the chief Tianjiao?" Wan Jinsong also recognized the woman in red and said immediately.

At the moment, the woman in red is dying, leaving only her last breath. If she doesn't lock it, she's afraid she'll die on the spot.

Lin Yang's eyebrows moved, as if he thought of something. He immediately took out a silver needle and stabbed it at the woman in red.

In an instant, the woman in red suddenly trembled, and took a deep breath in her mouth, as if she had slowed down.

"Lin... Doctor Lin..."

The woman in red raised her eyes, looked at Lin Yang faintly, and shouted hoarsely.

Lin Yang frowned at her, thought for a moment, and whispered, "shouldn't you be surprised or afraid? Why... Show this expression?"

"I really should show such an expression... But it's not necessary! After all, the Lord is not your opponent. This is the truth. Why don't I face the reality?" The woman in red was hoarse.

Lin Yang nodded, thought for a moment and said, "dance into charm! In that case, you should also recognize your next fate? Don't worry, I won't kill you! The law of the Dragon kingdom will give you a due punishment! You will live well, but maybe you will have no day..."


The woman in red breathed suddenly and drank hurriedly: "Doctor Lin, you must set me free! I don't want to stay in a dark cell all my life! You must release me! Let me leave! You must do this!"

"When is it? Are you still whimsical? Do you think it's possible? How many soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom have you killed? How many evil things have you done? To tell the truth, it's only a low probability criminal law to imprison you. What really awaits you may be a dead end!" Lin Yang Shen said.

"No! I can't die! I don't want to die! I... I don't want to die!" The woman in red was anxious and trembled and shouted.

"Take it down!"

Lin Yang waved his hand and was too lazy to listen to the nonsense of the woman in red.

Since the other party has caught her, how to deal with her is naturally left to the Dragon state official.

"Yes, long Shuai!"

The two soldiers nodded and immediately dragged the woman in red to leave.

Unexpectedly, the woman in red struggled violently and almost screamed like crazy: "Doctor Lin! Let me go! Let me go! If you let me go! I'll tell you a secret! A secret about the chief Tianjiao! Let me go!"

"Wait a minute!"

Lin Yang whispered at the sound.

People stop.

"Lin Shuai, don't listen to the nonsense of this woman! She just wants you to let her go!" Wan Jinsong whispered.

"She's all like this. It doesn't hurt to listen!" Lin Yang stared at the woman in red and said, "what's the secret you said?"

"The chief Tianjiao is not dead!"

The woman in red blurted out, anxious.

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