The world looked at Dugu ye with astonishment.

"It's said that the nine dead immortal has a unique skill called nine dead divine skill. It's because of her cultivation of this unique skill that she is called the nine dead immortal!"

"It is said that after practicing this skill, you have nine lives. Once you are killed, you will automatically use one life. Unless you can kill her nine times, you can't kill her!"

Dugu ye said.

"Is there such a unique skill?"

"Isn't she a nine life cat demon?"

Exclaimed the people.

Lin Yang frowned and quickly pricked a needle into his body.

"I noticed just now that the lifeline of the nine dead immortal seems to be locked, and its lifeline is not locked by a shackle! I'm afraid the nine dead divine skill is forcibly locking his life and waiting for his body to recover! There are not really nine lives!" Lin Yang Shen said.

"Even so, it's hard to kill!" Dugu ye said.

"This man is strange, cruel and cruel. If he doesn't kill, he will become a future disaster! Wait for me here. I'll come back to you except for the nine dead immortal!"

Lin Yang shouted, stepping a little, turning into a rainbow and chasing the nine dead immortal.

At this time, the nine dead immortal was already in a panic. He rushed out of the city and ran all the way to the West.

She looked at the sky behind her. Seeing Lin Yang's pursuit and horror, she quickly danced her arms and scattered a lot of poisonous fog in order to cover Lin Yang's sight.

The person who has the ghost body is immune to all poisons. Most of her methods don't work for Lin Yang.

Coupled with the terrible soaring power, evil power and even the power of falling spirit and blood

The nine dead immortal has no idea how to defeat such an opponent.

"When did such a monster appear in the silence domain?"

"No wonder this kind of person can win the first place in the domain. No wonder this kind of person can leave safely from the tomb of the Supreme God."

"What a nuisance! I wanted to go back to the family to choose some good sacrifice for practicing martial arts. I didn't expect to provoke such evil spirits!"

The nine dead immortal secretly clenched his teeth, poured all his Qi into his legs and ran desperately.

"A finger!"

In the long sky behind, Lin Yang drank loudly.


A finger light came here.

However, the Daozhi light was not as simple as a beam of light. After flying the shuttle, it burned up and directly burned the poison gas in the sky. Needless to say, the fire all over the sky rushed towards the nine dead human beings.


The nine dead man screamed in horror.

I feel the sky burning behind me and falling down!

How terrible!

This strange fire will burn when touched and cannot be extinguished.

After all, the fuel of different fire is the power of soaring!

So she can only run forward with her eyes closed.

But the scope is too large.

Even if her speed reaches the limit, she can't completely break out of the range.

No way out!

The nine dead man screamed and drilled directly into the soil.


A huge hole was dug out by her, but she escaped from the earth.

Lin Yang hummed coldly, urging the power of flying again and shaking down fiercely.


The earth trembled wildly, and the power of terror acted from left to right.

Then he looked at the vast plain, torn apart by Lin Yangsheng.

Seeing the earth shaking battle here, the people of the four silent areas were so frightened that they turned around and ran away.

After the earth was torn into two parts, the nine dead immortal who was still hiding in the earth below also reflected in Lin Yang's line of sight.

Lin Yang moved and rushed to kill him again.


With a low cry, a large number of evil forces appeared in front of the nine dead immortal, which turned into a heavenly wall and blocked her way.

The nine dead immortal bumped heavily into the wansha wall, and the desperate hammering was useless.


Lin Yang fell and grabbed her neck again.

"This time, you can't escape!"


The fierce fire spread along Lin Yang's arm towards the nine dead real person and lit her immediately.

If you burn your body to ashes, don't say nine lives, even nine hundred lives won't help.

But it was burning, and Lin Yang frowned.

The nine dead immortal in front of him didn't struggle, let alone scream.

It seems like an empty shell.

"Is it a fake body?"

Lin Yang reacted immediately.

But when I just rushed in, the breath on the empty shell was clearly the breath of nine dead real people. If it was a fake body, how could it be so lifelike?

He threw the shell aside and closed his eyes for a moment.

A moment later, he locked the breath of the nine dead real person and chased it again.

When he saw the nine dead real person at the moment, Lin Yang understood everything.

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