At present, the nine dead real person is naked, covered in flesh and blood, and has no skin.

It turned out that at the moment when she was about to be intercepted by Lin Yang, she came to a trick to get rid of her shell. Unexpectedly, she left her own skin bag to confuse Lin Yang and fight for her escape time.

Good for strange means.

Although he hurriedly took out a piece of white clothes from the real man's waist, he hurriedly ran without any influence.

This dress has obvious healing effect. After putting on the clothes, she quickly grows new skin and recovers.

Feeling the horror swept behind, the nine dead immortal understood that if he continued to escape like this, it would be difficult to escape from Lin Yang's palm.

Helpless, she can only shout.

"Mr. Lin! Spare my life! I am willing to give you any magic weapon!"

"I just want you to die!"

Lin Yang drank coldly and palmed.


The pressure of thick shaking is on the nine dead real person.

Her speed immediately slowed down a layer.

Seeing this, Lin Yang once again urged the general trend to suppress the nine dead real person.


The strength of his body soared again.

I don't know how terrible it is.

At present, the nine dead immortal can crush the earth under his feet and step out of a terrible pit with each step.

Lin Yang continued to increase and suppressed it.

In order to prevent the nine dead immortal from using the golden cicada again, he expanded the scope of the general trend to a distance of kilometers.

Even if the golden cicada comes out of its shell, it will not escape the scope of the general trend of repression for a time.

With the continuous suppression of Lin Yang, the running speed of the nine dead man is getting slower and slower.


Finally, she couldn't help it any more. She spit out a big mouthful of blood directly from her mouth. Her body trembled and fell heavily to the ground.

The whole earth is also sunken downward.

The general force of repression in this area can no longer be estimated.

Lin Yang fell down, stood beside the nine dead real person and slapped her head directly.


The head of the nine dead man burst.

Lin Yanggang was about to stir up the strange fire, and her hands roared at Lin Yang.


Lin Yang was shaken back.

But look at the broken head of the nine dead man healing again.

The man struggled to get up again.

"The nine death skill is really extraordinary."

"Unfortunately, in the face of absolute power, the function of nine death skill is just to make me spend more time."

Lin Yang said faintly and walked towards the nine dead immortal.

If it's a close match, it's enough to make people desperate.

But now she is facing an existence with pure flying power.

It is an existence equivalent to the level of pseudo land fairy.

How can she be the enemy?

Lin Yang's face was cold. He raised his hand. The palm of his hand was surrounded by rolling fire. He walked quickly towards the nine dead immortal.

"No! No! No!"

Nine dead immortal was so frightened that he couldn't stop running forward.

But at this time, she can't escape.

Lin Yang no longer hesitated and threw his hand fiercely.


The tyrannical cremation turned into a sea of fire and devoured the nine dead.

In an instant, the nine dead man was submerged in the sea of fire.

Look at Lin Yang silently.

But a moment later, he frowned and seemed to notice something.

I saw the strange fire dissipate, and the nine dead immortal who was shivering on the ground was not dead.

Her whole body was rippling with streamers.

This circle of streamer turned into a protective cover, which perfectly sheltered her.


Lin Yang frowned and looked into the air in the distance.

"Leave this man alive. You leave quickly. I don't blame you!"

Just listen to a magnificent voice in the distant sky.

Then a group of figures came flying towards this.

It was a group of women in long black clothes.

They came like immortals stepping on the clouds.

But they are all stepping on black clouds. Although they are as quiet as virgins, they are full of endless evil spirits.

Lin Yang noticed that this was the temperament produced by long-term cultivation of forbidden arts and witchcraft.

The first was an old woman who looked like she was in her seventies and sat on a black lotus.

The old woman meditated with her eyes closed, wearing a dark robe, and her wrinkled skin was bloodless, like a dead man.

The breath flowing around her was like the power of flying.

Observe its state, it is clear that it is not a land fairy!

Lin Yang's eyebrows are locked.

The nine dead immortal saw the old woman, but he shouted excitedly and eagerly.

"Mother! Help me! Mother!! help me!"

"Foolish and noisy, arrogant and arrogant! It should be punished!"

The old woman closed her eyes and suddenly raised her hand.

Wheeze! Wheeze! Wheeze! Wheeze!

Four terrible black gases fell from the sky and directly chopped on the limbs of the nine dead man.

The nine dead immortal was cut into swine in an instant.

Then the women in long black clothes beside her raised their hands one after another.


The nine dead immortal was wrapped in a black air and flew over.

"Who are you?"

Lin Yang asked coldly.

But the other party didn't seem to intend to answer his words. Instead, a woman with the same purpose closed drank lightly: "kneel down quickly and send grandma away!"

"Congratulations to grandma?"

Lin Yang Leng hum: "I will kill the nine dead immortal today. If you want to save her, you are against me!"

"Bold! How dare you speak to grandma in this tone!"

"Too presumptuous!"

"Grandma, please allow me to refine this person!"

"Please allow me to refine this person!"

The women in long black clothes around the old woman shouted, one by one with murderous faces and filled with righteous indignation.

The old woman still closed her eyes and was indifferent for a moment before a word jumped out of her mouth.


Immediately, all the women offered black Qi and wanted to wrap it in Linyang.

"Want to refine me?"

"That's good! Let's see who refined who!"

Lin Yang looked cold and suddenly waved into the air.


The endless power of soaring can vent the sky and fill the heaven and earth.

Then he offered a little strange fire and Mars.


In an instant, the whole sky was lit.

Pale flames illuminate the earth!

The old woman closed her eyes and suddenly opened them.

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