Although Lin Yang made many arrangements when he went to the extinction area, it is obviously not enough to deal with Tianmo Dao and the dead area alone.

Today's Lin Yang combines the supreme bone and the most powerful artifact such as the natural sword. Naturally, this time is different from the past.

But one person's strength is limited after all. If you can bring a group of strong people from the extinction area to help, you can not only quickly clean up the hidden dangers around the river city, but also deter the Tianmo road and the death area.

They ran to clean up and prepared to leave with Lin Yang.

Lin Yang didn't plan to take many people with him. He only took some elite from Yunxiao mountain manor, Dugu family and Xiangyun sect.

Good players like Chu Qiu and Zhang Qi are enough to deal with the situation in Jiangcheng.

Airan is a reluctant look.

Lin Yang sat on the stone, recuperating and meditating, waiting for everyone to tidy up.

Airan mumbled her lower lip and walked slowly over.

"Mr. Lin, you need to take care." She said softly.

Lin Yang opened his eyes, turned to look at her and said with a smile, "airan, why don't you go back to Jiangcheng with me? If you go back to Jiangcheng, I may have a way to cure you."

Airan smiled bitterly and shook her head: "my injuries don't hinder me. As long as they don't happen, it's no big deal."

She went to Lin Yang, sat down and looked into the distance.

"In fact, I really hope to go back to Jiangcheng with you. I want to leave this place! But I can't go now. There are still many things I need to do here. Although Yujia has done a lot of wrong things, it's my family after all. I can't abandon them."

Lin Yang nodded: "it doesn't matter. When you're finished, it's the same to come back to Jiangcheng."

"Don't worry, I will definitely go to Jiangcheng."

Airan's eyes are full of yearning: "compared with the intrigues of annihilating the territory, the Dragon Kingdom doesn't know how good it is! This is the world of the strong. Here, people who don't have any skills can't do anything, but the Dragon kingdom is different. It is a country, a place with laws and regulations. Maybe I can really enjoy a moment of silence there, so I won't be worried all day..."

Lin Yang was stunned and said with a smile: "indeed, I have nothing to do to come to the dragon country for sightseeing. Although the quiet area has beautiful scenery, the dragon country also has many excellent scenery with beautiful mountains and rivers, which is worth visiting."

"Ha ha, can Mr. Lin be my guide then?"

Airan turned her head and her bright eyes were shining.

"Of course."

Lin Yang smiled and nodded.

Airan smiled and looked at Lin Yang silently.

Suddenly, she leaned close, hugged Lin Yang and buried her whole little face in Lin Yang's arms.

Lin Yang's heart beat madly.

Seeing this scene in the distance, he was overjoyed and slapped: "it's done!"

Lin Yang was overwhelmed by airan's move. He hung his hands in the air and slowly put them on airan's fragrant shoulder.

Airan's delicate body trembled, then raised her head and smiled: "are you scared?"

"Some." Lin Yang was embarrassed.

"What if I kiss you?" Airan blinked suddenly and asked with a smile.

"No, I have a wife."

Lin Yang hurried.

"People in annihilation area don't pay attention to monogamy."

Airan smiled.

Lin Yang is speechless. I don't know how to answer.

"OK, I won't tease you, Lin Yang. It's almost time. You should start."

Seeing that it's almost done over there, airan stands up and smiles.

"Then I'll wait for you in Jiangcheng." Lin Yang road.

"Well, but you have to get ready as soon as possible. Ye Yanyan will repay you. Even if you go back to Jiangcheng, he will certainly not let you go." Airan said seriously.

"Don't worry."

Lin Yang nodded.

Soon, Chu Qiu, Zhang Qi and others came over, and the Party headed directly outside the territory.

Airan silently watched Lin Yang leave. For a long time, she raised her little hand and gently touched her red lips.

A faint sigh

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