Yanghua headquarters.

Ma Hai is dealing with the documents in a mess.

Since Lin Yang left, he has become the center of Yanghua. He has to deal with not only the company's affairs, but also the defense of Lianjiang City.

"Mahai, just take a rest. If you go on like this, I'm afraid you'll collapse first if Dong Lin doesn't come back!"

Xu Tian on the sofa lit a cigarette and said hoarsely.

His eyes were also bloodshot. It was obvious that he had not rested for a long time.

After Lin Yang left, more and more Tianmo Taoists came to Jiangcheng.

Lin Yang's plan of suspecting soldiers seems to have been seen through by the Taoist priest Tianmo. At first, the Taoist priest Tianmo didn't dare to enter the city and only investigated in the periphery. During this time, some Taoist priests Tianmo have sneaked into the river city and even came to the periphery of Yanghua headquarters.

This is not good news for Yang Chinese.

If the Taoist priest Tianmo finds out that Lin Yang is not in Jiangcheng, I'm afraid Tianmo will immediately stop the large-scale attack.

To this end, Ma Hai called Wan Jinsong early and asked him to send troops to Jiangcheng to protect the safety of Jiangcheng.

But wan Jinsong himself was also lack of skills. There were wars in the northern battlefield. Not only the dragon group troops were sent to the Northern Territory, but even many soldiers of the southern army and the land field were transferred.

When he stepped down, the only assistance left was Zhou Xuanlong's Longxuan army.

Relying on these forces to deal with Tianmo Dao is undoubtedly a fool's dream.

"It's OK. I'll do it for a while. If I stop, Yanghua will be in chaos. Xu Tian, you'll have a rest first. You're tired enough during this time!" Ma Hai said while processing the documents without even raising his head.

Xu Tian didn't say a word and still smoked loudly.

At this time, a figure hurried into the office.

"Mr. Ma, boss Xu, it's bad! A group of people from Tianmo Dao have rushed into the river city!" The man hurried to report.


Xu Tian suddenly stood up from the sofa and stared.

"Send someone to stop it quickly!"

Ma Hai raised his head and shouted in a deep voice.

"Kirin gate and forget worry island have sent two teams, but... But they can't stop!" The man wanted to cry without tears.

Ma Hai's face was heavy.

"It must be the elite of Tianmo Dao. It seems that they have guessed that Dong Lin is not in Jiangcheng. These people are here to verify the news!"

Xu Tian bit his teeth and said.

"We must destroy this team. If they leave Jiangcheng safely, Tianmo Dao can confirm that director Lin is not in Jiangcheng. Next time, Tianmo Dao's army will attack Jiangcheng!"

Ma Hai put down his pen and said coldly, "I'll call the head of Zhou Jun immediately and ask the Longxuan army to block the river city. Xu Tian, please go and ask the Lord Shenhuo to kill this elite team!"


Xu Tian nodded and immediately rushed out of the office.

Ma Hai also hurriedly dialed the phone.

Soon, the Dragon Xuan army dispatched and began to block all the exits of the river city.

The divine fire venerable who learned the news also set off immediately and rushed to the place where the elite team appeared.

Not long after Lin Yang left, he was invited to sit in Jiangcheng.

With him, no matter in the dead area or the devil Road, you can't conquer the river city without sending the most powerful.

Soon, the divine fire venerable locked the position of this elite team.

On both sides of the team, experts from the thousand family also sent out.

Shen Nianhua and Bai Nanli led the troops to encircle him.

"This time, these damn demons can't fly." Shen Nianhua hummed.

"Don't be careless in your time! Listen to the report from Qilin gate to the people on forget worry island. These are the elite of Tianmo Dao. Don't fall over." It's hard to leave the way.

"I see. Now they are under our eyes. Let's do it." Shen Nianhua said.

"Don't worry, wait for the instructions of the divine fire Lord."

Bai Nanli said.

In fact, he also wanted to do it, but somehow, he didn't feel quite right.

Those people of Tianmo road are all standing in the middle of the street in the south of Jiangcheng.

The patrol has brought this to the air.

Obviously, they have been exposed.

But they did not move forward, but all stood in the middle of the road like statues, and the lines did not move, which was very strange.

When the divine fire venerable came, he felt something strange and did not immediately order the hanging.

Just then, a scream came.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!"

The world was astonished at this.

Turn your head.

But seeing mansha Hong and poor Dao fighting for their lives, they ran here.

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