The sudden sword Qi caught people off guard.

Has the guard ever seen such a strange weapon?

Five fingers were cut off and blood gushed.

Caosongyang was overjoyed and hurriedly stabbed his sword forward.

Without the shackles of his fingers, the long crystal sword stabbed directly into the man's chest.


Yuan Xing and others who rushed from behind were overjoyed. Their bodies surged wildly, besieged and stabbed the guard with sharp blades.





The sharp blades of the people were all stabbed into the body of the forbidden area guard.

His body was poked out a dozen holes, making his scalp numb.

The morale of the Yanghua crowd is greatly boosted.

It turns out that these heavenly demons and Taoists are for them! Not invincible!

In this way, it may be repulsed!

But the next second, the stabbed and riddled forbidden area guard suddenly moved and slapped Cao Songyang on the chest.


Caosongyang flew out on the spot, vomited blood at his mouth, and fell heavily to the ground, making it difficult to get up.

At first glance, his chest sank into a big lump.

"Lord Cao!!"

People rushed to help him.

Yuan Xing was shocked and immediately drew his sword to cut off the head of the guard of the forbidden area.

However, it was too late.

Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong

The black Qi around the forbidden area guards turned into horrible big hands and killed them.

All of them were shot off without exception.

Some people died as if they had smashed their internal organs.

A person with such strong strength as pixel star can hardly bear a blow from the other party. He spits blood at his mouth and falls to the ground seriously. It's hard to get up again.

The world is appalled.

But the guard of the forbidden area stared at the people below indifferently, and then slowly stretched out his hand and pulled out his sword.

When all the swords were pulled out, the blood column gushed from the wound of his body, making his scalp numb.

But the gushing blood column only lasted for less than three breaths, and then stopped abruptly and stopped all at once.

Later, those wounds were all healing quickly.

Within a few seconds, the forbidden area guard seemed to be intact

"It's impossible?"

Yuan Xing stared wide and said incredulously.

"Elder, what should we do now?"

A member of the Eastern Emperor sect trembled and asked.

"Stop them with plasma pulse weapons. The rest... All run through the back door... Come on!"

Yuan Xing shouted as he vomited blood.

He knew that these forbidden area guards were not what they could compete with.

If we continue to fight, there is only one way out.

For the present, only escape.

Otherwise, if the resistance continues, there will not be enough people in Yanghua to kill.

They hurried back and rushed towards the research room.

Xuzheng and others have arranged the transfer in advance.

At present, only combatants are left in Xuanyi school.

Several people of the ancient school settled down in advance and got the order from Yuanxing. When the plasma pulse weapon to be erected was started.

Joo! Joo! Joo! Joo! Tweet

The eight guards of the forbidden area were blasted by lasers.

The pace of the eight slowed down a little.

"What a strange power!"

"Hum, it's just a small skill!"

Two guards of the forbidden area jumped in front of the people and shook together.


Dark magic Qi flew out, turned into two diamond shaped shields, and ran forward.

The lasers hit the shield and were immediately bounced off.

However, the shield will not last long, and will soon be hit by this pulse weapon with cracks and spots, and will soon be broken.

But before it was opened, a shield was offered to resist.

Under the cover of this shield, eight forbidden area guards have approached the erection site of plasma pulse weapons.



The ancient faction who manipulated weapons was so shocked that they turned around and ran away.

Can be next second.

Wheeze! Wheeze! Wheeze! Wheeze! Wheezing

All the people were killed by the magic blade, and their bones were broken to death.

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