Several plasma pulse weapons were all destroyed.

Yanghua's means of counterattack completely collapsed.

People were so scared that they immediately turned around and ran away.

Yuan Xing and caosongyang also ran away with the help of everyone.

But how can they escape the pursuit of these eight forbidden area guards?

Soon, eight people came after him.

The evil spirit of terror is like the sickle of the God of death, harvesting the lives of Yanghua people.

The ground was covered with blood.

the corpses lie all over the countryside.

Yuan Xing spat out the blood in his mouth. He was filled with grief and anger, and shouted: "spread out and run away! Hurry!"

People immediately scattered and fled.

Although the eight men are all powerful, they are lack of skills. It is impossible to kill all of them.

However, it seems that they don't care much about these Yang Chinese who have fled. They stare at Yuanxing, caosongyang and other high-level officials, and immediately leap forward with their hands raised.


All the people around Yuanxing and caosongyang burst and died.

Great disparity in strength!

Several people stopped and looked up.

They knew that it would be futile to escape again.

So far, I can only do my best.

Even if there is no chance of winning, at least you can die with some dignity.

"Brother Cao, I didn't expect you and I would die together today."

Yuan Xing wiped the blood off his mouth and said hoarsely.

Caosongyang was seriously injured. He was sitting on the ground with a large piece of his chest collapsed. It's good to be able to breathe. At the moment, he can't speak at all.

"Even if I die, I will bite off a piece of meat!"

Yuan Xing growled, gathered all his strength, and rushed to the eight forbidden area guards with a roar.

The rest rose to death.


A guard shook his head and moved his fingers.


A terrible demon vaporized and blew directly into the wind, instantly drowning these people.

The yuan stars were all frozen in an instant.

It seems that each of them is locked in by this strange devil wind

The scene looks like a picture scroll!

Caosongyang below looked up with difficulty, looked at the scene with shock, and could not speak for half a sound.

However, the forbidden area guard leaped to the magnificent but strange picture scroll, stretched out his hand and tore it open with his bare hands.

Instead of tearing the scroll to pieces, he tore it up along the edges of those who were locked in the scroll.

Their hands and feet were torn apart, leaving only their heads and bodies.

When it's all torn, wave again.

But I saw the broken picture falling down like a feather on the ground.

Caosongyang looked blankly and his brain was blank. What kind of means was this?

Are they gods?

Yuan Xing and others, who had been torn off, were locked in the picture of the devil Qi, unable to move or struggle.

A demon man walked over and picked up these 'paintings'.

"Take all the senior leaders of Yanghua to the heaven devil road. If Doctor Lin doesn't die, they will still have value! The main purpose of the Taoist priest is to eradicate doctor Lin. it will be very easy to deal with them if these people stop Doctor Lin! When Doctor Lin dies, it is time to eradicate Yanghua!"

"At present, many people have fled the river city. How can we pursue them?"

"Don't worry, someone will stop them for us! There are no big fish here. Go somewhere else!"

"Where to?"

"Look at the sky!"

The sound fell, and all the eight forbidden area guards looked up to the sky.

But I saw green lightning streaking across the sky.

They jumped at once and rushed there.

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