
A gust of wind blew and hit those who were almost unconscious in the cage.

Many people trembled and woke up.

"Mr. Ma! Mr. Ma? Are you all right? Mr. Ma?"

A weak cry rang out.

Mahai opened his eyes hard and looked at the sound source.

It's Cao Songyang in the cage next door.

At the moment, Cao Songyang was covered with blood and his limbs were all broken. He was lying on the ground and could only glance at this head with the rest of his eyes.

"What can I do... But Mr. Cao, you... Take care..."

Ma Hai smiled bitterly and said hoarsely.

He swept around.

There are nearly 100 cages around, in which Yanghua people are held.

Ma Hai understands that these are hostages!

It is the bargaining chip for the devil to negotiate with Lin Yang.

Although Ma Hai has been managing Yanghua company, he also knows the current situation well.

It was neither Lin Yang nor Yanghua that the devil Tao was really afraid of. What they were afraid of was the official of the Dragon kingdom!

Therefore, relatively speaking, these people will not have any life danger for the time being.

Of course, the premise is that Tianmo Dao has not completely torn his face with Lin Yang.

Tianmo Dao wants to win over Lin Yang and more forces to join them to fight against the Dragon kingdom official.

In this area where the hostages are held, there are not only Yanghua people, but also nearly a thousand cages.

In each cage, people who had their hands and feet cut off were held. Of course, some people were unharmed.

These people, like Ma Hai, do not have any accomplishments.

But for those who have no accomplishments, being imprisoned here will cause more severe pain.

"Mr. Ma, you have no accomplishments. The devil is everywhere and the temperature is very low. You can't last long. When the guard comes over later, you will explain the situation to him and ask them to give you pills so that you can feel better!"

Caosongyang said weakly.

Although his limbs were all broken, his life was not in danger. The devil stopped his blood. After leaving here, Lin Yang's medical skills are enough to regenerate his limbs.


Mahai nodded hard.

He can't hold on any longer. If he goes on like this, I'm afraid he'll hiccup before Lin Yang comes to save him.

At this time, several guards came to patrol.

Seeing this, Ma Hai immediately shouted weakly, "my Lord, my lord..."

"For what?"

A demon man came over and asked coldly.

"My lord... I... I'm so cold. I can't hold on. Can you give me some medicine... Otherwise, if it goes on like this, I'm afraid I won't freeze to death here..." Ma Hai leaned against the cage and said feebly.

"Why do you have so many bad things? Aren't you still alive? Stay honest with me!"

The demon man shouted curses and didn't bother to talk to Ma Hai.

"My lord... My lord..."

Ma Hai shouted twice more.

But it didn't help.

If he dies, the demons don't care. After all, Yanghua has more than one hostage. It doesn't matter if he dies.

But the devil's action immediately aroused the anger of the Chinese in sizhouyang.


Caosongyang immediately drank.

"Dog! How dare you talk to me in this tone?"

The demon man flew into a rage and directly grabbed Cao Songyang with his hands raised across the air.

Cao Songyang's body was immediately pinched.

The evil spirit of Hou Zhen changed into spikes, which directly penetrated Cao Songyang's body.


Cao Songyang roared in pain.

The sunny people all around were angry.

"You don't know how to live or die! You are inferior to ants on the ground in our eyes. You die when you die. What do you think I care about?"

The demon man was cold and smiling, and his face was full of ferocity.

Caosongyang was painfully speechless.

Seeing this, Yuan Xing immediately roared: "kill him! If you have the ability, you will kill him! If you dare to kill him, we will all commit suicide! Let's see how you explain to your Taoist Lord!"

As soon as he said this, the demon man was stunned.

The companion nearby gave him a wink: "if all the Yanghua people die, we will die."

The demon man was angry and unwilling, but he compromised.

Let go.


Caosongyang threw himself down, but at this time he was bleeding and lost consciousness.

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