Several demons don't care at all.

"What do you want to do? Tell me quickly! My time is precious!"

The demon man looked at the garbage heap and glanced at the people.

"Go and get me some medicine immediately to cure President Ma and elder Cao! Then give each Yang Chinese a pill! Ensure their life safety!"

Yuan Xing Sen Leng Dao.

"What are you dreaming about?"

The demon smiled.

"If you don't listen, we will all commit suicide now!" Yuan Xing angrily denounced.


The demons were furious.

Yuanxing is completely threatening them!

But they were too angry to let go.

If these people really commit suicide, they, as guardians, are afraid that they will not be the first to become sacrifices for the cultivation of the Taoist Lord and die at the hands of the Taoist Lord

Several people weighed it and said, "wait, we have to report to your excellency!"

After that, all the demons left.

After about half an hour, dead long Tian came over with the guards.

He glanced at Yuan Xing, Ma Hai and others and waved: "give them medicine!"

"Yes, my Lord!"

The demons immediately took out the prepared pills and distributed them to each cage.

After they took the medicine, the pain disappeared, and a warm current appeared in their bodies, especially comfortable.

Ma Hai also breathed a hard breath and felt that he could finally have a good sleep.

The people of other potential families saw that Yanghua had won the pill by such means, and their envious eyes turned red.

But it doesn't seem to be over.

Dead dragon Tian walked up to Yuan Xing, looked at him faintly, and said calmly, "you are very smart. You know that you can achieve your goal by this method, but now I have opened this hole. If you don't stop it, you are bound to intensify your efforts and ask for benefits!"

"What do you want?"

Yuan Xing sneers.

"Then look at what I want!"

Dead dragon Tian said calmly, then turned and left, waved his hand, and came with a faint drink.

"Cut off the tongues of all Yang Chinese!"


The demons immediately answered.


Yuan Xing, Ma Hai and others were shocked.

People of other potential families did not envy them, but looked at them with ridicule or pity.

After leaving the cage, the dead dragon immediately went to the main hall to meet the Taoist priest.

The main hall was grey and full of terrible magic gas. A road was paved with human bones.

The dead dragon came to the end of the white bone Road, looked at the dark curtain at the end, and knelt down to worship.

"See you, master!"

"What is it?"

The indifferent voice of the Taoist priest sounded in the dark curtain.

"Report back to the master that our people have infiltrated the river city to search, but only six waves of the seven waves have returned. The defense force of the river city has been greatly strengthened, and it is difficult for us to penetrate." Dead dragon heaven respectfully said.

"So you didn't find anything?"

The voice of the Taoist priest became colder and colder.

"Not really! One thing is basically certain."

The dead dragon whispered.

"What is it?"

"Doctor Lin... Is not in Jiangcheng!"

Once he said this, the Taoist priest didn't reply for a long time.

It was a long time before he spoke quietly.

"If you're not in Jiangcheng, you can only go to ask for help. So... You won't wait."

"Master, what do you mean..."

"Since Doctor Lin refuses to submit to us, there is no need to be polite to them. Take all the hostages and attack the river city in an all-round way. Kill Yanghua first, and then kill Doctor Lin!"

"Master, the Dragon Kingdom has noticed Jiangcheng. I'm afraid there will be a lot of damage if we make a strong attack, and the power of the General Assembly seems to have settled in Jiangcheng..."

Dead dragon Tian hesitated.

"Don't worry about that. Yanghua is a thorn in the eye of our heavenly devil. If we don't get rid of it, once the situation in the North turns around and the Dragon Kingdom frees up its hands, it will unite with Doctor Lin to attack us. Have you forgotten the holy mountain?"

The main road is cold.

Dead dragon Tian breathed hard, so he didn't hesitate this time.

"I will lead my troops to attack immediately!"

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