The Lord of the demon road instantly quieted down.

He looked at Lin Yang in a daze, and couldn't help spitting blood in his mouth. The whole person's breath was already rapidly lax.

He failed.

It was a mess.

He never thought that Lin Yang could not be killed under such circumstances.

That terrible magic fire can burn everything in the world, but it seems to have no effect at all in front of Lin Yang.


The demon lord couldn't understand.

But at this moment, there is no chance and room for him to understand.


Lin Yang made a slight effort.

The heart of the demon lord burst on the spot.

His eyes immediately dimmed.

"Everything seems to be over."

Lin Yang said hoarsely.

"Yes... It's over."

The demon lord tried to take a breath, but it caused a cough, and his mouth spewed a lot of blood.

For a while, he stabilized his situation and showed a sad smile.

"I didn't expect that the biggest demon in the world of demons would die in the hands of a mortal. It's really ironic


Lin Yang shook his head, "aren't you and I all mortals?"

"I am a demon, how can I be like you mortals?"

Lord Leng humed.

"If you are not like me, how can I kill you?"

Lin Yang asked.

The Taoist priest was stunned and couldn't answer for half a sound.

"The so-called demons are just a group of mortals who have released their inner desire and evil. You have released our desire to keep restraint and violated what we have always respected. It shows that you are just a group of people who broke the Convention, but your so-called breaking the Convention is to break all the good and bad, regardless, that's all! You put it bluntly, you are just mortals! But you don't want to admit it! ”

Lin Yang shook his head and said faintly.

These words seemed to uncover the fig leaf of the Demon Lord to Shengsheng, leaving him with bleeding wounds.

He stared at Lin Yang with wide eyes.

"No! You are talking nonsense here. We were born into demons! Unlike you, we are the masters of this world, and we are comparable to the existence of immortals!!"

The Lord of heaven demon shouted sadly, as if he would not accept Lin Yang's words.

Lin Yang shook his head and said lightly, "your reaction is so fierce, which means that you have recognized my words. Why do you say these useful and useless things?"


The demon Taoist priest stared and pointed at Lin Yang, as if he was unwilling.

But his heart was broken, and all his vitality was wiped out by Lin Yang.

At this moment, there is nothing we can do to fight back.

He pointed to Lin Yang and suddenly showed a cold smile.

"Doctor Lin, this... Won't end like this. The devil can't be killed, right! It can't be killed forever! You will know what a terrible existence you are facing. Mortals are always different from the devil! You will understand this."

He laughed violently, and his voice almost shook the sky.


The laughter stopped abruptly.

The Lord of the heavenly demon suddenly drew, and then staggered down and died completely.

Lin Yang looked coldly, and a cold hum appeared in his nose. Then he grabbed the body of the Lord of heaven demon and rushed out of the forbidden area.

"I have killed the Lord of heaven demon Road, and I have killed the Lord of heaven demon road!!"

Lin Yang held the body high and shouted loudly.

The sound spread everywhere.

At this moment, the demons shook!

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