Countless demon people looked at the broken body held high by Lin Yang, one by one stunned and terrified.

No one can believe what he saw.

That is indeed the corpse of the Lord of the demon road.

At this time, he was held by Lin Yang like a dead dog.

His figure was staggering, and he had no sense at all.

"That... That's really the Taoist master?"

"Impossible! Impossible! Impossible... How could the Taoist Lord be killed by this secular man? False! It must be false!"

"I don't believe it! I don't believe it!"

"The Taoist priest cannot die!!"

The world roared, and no one would accept what they saw.

But everything in front of me was like a knife, which deeply penetrated into the heart of every demon.

It's impossible for them not to believe.

Finally, the demon slowly knelt down and trembled and shouted, "Doctor Lin, spare... Spare my life!! spare my life!"

"We surrender! We won't fight!!"

"Please, give us a chance! We are willing to surrender!"

More and more demon people knelt on the ground and shouted tremblingly.

Even the Taoist leader was defeated. What did they take to compete with Lin Yang?

Everyone lost their fighting spirit and completely lost the ability to resist.

Almost half of the demon people at the scene knelt on the ground.


Lin Yang didn't promise.

He threw the corpse of the Taoist priest on the ground, and said expressionless, "Tianmo Dao has committed many crimes. If it had been before, I would have forgiven you, but I learned that recently, your Tianmo Dao slaughtered more than a dozen villages and washed three cities with blood! If I forgive you, how can I live up to those innocent people who died in vain?"

These demon people's pupils trembled and looked up together.

"Yang Chinese listen to the order! Dongfang Shendao people listen to the order! Everyone listen to the order! Kill all the demons! Kill all the demons, and leave none!!"

Lin Yang roars!

Sound like a flood, spread all over the world!


Everyone rushed to the demon man, red eyes, crazy slaughter!

Lin Yang didn't come to get the disease, but to take revenge!

For his enemies, he has always been an attitude of killing everything!

What's more, those relatives and friends who suffered tragic death would never agree with the devil Taoist who did such a thing of anger and resentment, even if he was willing to surrender.

"Help! Help!"


"Don't run, we have no way out! We might as well fight with them!"

"Just mortals, dare to challenge me? Kill!"

The demons have fallen apart. Some people are panicked and intend to run away, while others are angry and intend to fight back.

But no matter who it is, they can't escape the end of death.

Lin Yang personally killed those who dared to resist. As for those who fled, they were as frightened as a bird, unable to resist, and were all killed.

The whole demon road has become a scene of purgatory.

But Lin Yang looked cold and expressionless.

Perhaps his action was too cruel.

But he doesn't want mercy!

After all, this is a group of demons, a group of real demons. Even if someone criticizes, he is willing to accept it!

"Dong Lin, is it inappropriate to do this... There are a large number of demon Taoists, how can we kill them all?"

Yi Qilin walked quickly and said cautiously.

"I just want to kill the world upside down and never die! Just ask, what will your end be if I am killed by the demon lord? Do you expect these demons to forgive you?"

Lin Yang asked coldly.

Yi Qilin breathed hard and couldn't speak for half a sound.


These demons will not forgive them!

If the war is defeated, these people are afraid to die!

There is no need to talk about kindness for these immoral existence.

Otherwise It is the kindness of women!

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