As soon as the patriarch's voice fell, the faces of all the family members at the scene turned white.

The smile on Ying Huanian's face also gradually disappeared.

He was silent for a while before he took the phone call from the old man and put it in his ear.

But at this time, Lin Yang suddenly said:

"Ying, if you don't mind, can you open the voice?"

The scene was extremely quiet.

Everyone is staring at Lin Yang.

There was shock, there was anger.

We can all hear what Lin Yang said.


Naked provocation!

But this is not only provocation, I am afraid... There is also Lin Yang's counterattack in it!

What a murderer!

Ying Huanian called Lin Yang kaiwaiyin, but he didn't want to humiliate Lin Yang, because in his opinion, there was no sense in humiliating such a small role. A man of his height would not haggle with some unknown people.

His main purpose is to stabilize the hearts of Ying family!

But now, Lin Yang is going to tear his just stabilized heart completely!

If Lin Yang had any future plans, all the plans of Ying Hua Nian would have failed.

But if you don't play the voice, you will lose in momentum? In this way, people's hearts will only be more chaotic.

Ying took a deep breath and finally pressed the voice button.

At this time, he had no choice.

"Chinese New Year!"

There was an old voice over the phone, very serious.

"In China." Ying Huanian bowed his head slightly, in a respectful tone.

"Who asked you to move Yanghua group?" The voice of the old is doubting again.

Ying Huanian breathed a tremor, and Ying's family was even more frightened.

He hesitated and asked in a low voice: "Yanghua group... Can't move..."

"in the past, it can't move in the future, but Dr. Lin can't move, but those pharmaceutical factories can't move!" The old voice was angry.

This remark can be said to make people confused.

Dr. Lin can move, but the pharmaceutical factory can't move?


Ying Pingzhu was stunned.

Ying Xiong's family all opened their mouths wide.

As for the Dragon hand, it has been confused for a long time.

What's going on?

Should the ancestors of Ying family blame Ying Hua Nian for this?

What means did the teacher use to force Yingjia's ancestors to come forward?


It's incredible!

What the hell is going on here?

Is there any hidden energy in the teacher?

Dragon hand dare not think.

You know, this is Yingjia!

He looked at Ying Huanian.

At the moment, Ying Huanian's face is calm as water.

Maybe, he didn't expect his grandfather to come out?

However, if he withdraws at this stage, his face will be ruined and his dignity will be greatly reduced?

He took a deep breath and said again, "I can move the Doctor Lin, right?"

"I said," I can move before, but I can't move in the future! Before, we can say that we don't know whether Dr. Lin is related to that person. We have an excuse to kill him. But now, it's impossible. Give up this idea, meet all the requirements of Dr. Lin, and let him leave Ying home quickly. "

The voice dropped to the ground, and there was a blind tone on the other side of the phone.

Ying's family was silent.

Ying Huanian has no voice.

This phone call can be said to be like a basin of cold water, directly poured on the head of Ying's family.

At this time, Lin Yang's telephone rang.

Lin Yang glanced at the caller ID, connected directly, and pressed the voice.

"Lin Dong, Lin Dong, OK, everything is better!" Ma Hai's excited voice came from the phone.

"Has the pharmaceutical factory reopened?" Lin Yang asked.

"Yes, suddenly a group of comrades came to interrogate those guys who voluntarily admitted that our pharmaceutical factory produced fake drugs. They quickly admitted that it was ordered by someone. They also found several tigers operating secretly on the top. It has been proved that we are wronged. The factory has reopened and everything is in normal operation." Ma Hai laughs.


Lin Yang nodded and hung up.

At the moment, all the Yingjia's mouths are wide open and staring at Lin Yang.

"Is this Dr. Lin's energy?" Yingpingzhu took a deep breath.

"It's hard... No wonder this stinky boy dares to go to our Yingjia alone..." Ying Xiong Na said.

"Dad, does that mean I can't get revenge?" Should break the waves, stare big eyes, turn his head to look at Ying Xiong road."Shut up The bear is busy drinking.

"But, Dad, I was almost killed by this guy, and this guy also hurt so many people in our Ying family. Can we just let him go? If we let this guy get out of here today, we'll lose our face? " It should break through the waves and almost roar out.

He was in a state of exasperation.

It is clear that the Ying family has already made a move, even the owner of the house has come forward.

Originally thought this Doctor Lin must die, but I don't know what means he used to make the ancestors come forward!

How could he avenge his worship of religion when he appeared?

At the thought of being humiliated by Lin Yang and almost killed by him, endless hatred sprang up in his heart.

"Ying Xiong, what's going on? Can't you take care of your son? " Ying Huanian slightly turned his head and frowned.

"I'm sorry, master. I'm not good at teaching my children!" Should bear busy way, spin and to the next week Ting made a wink, low drink a way: "quickly take this rabbit away."

"Good... Good..." Zhou Ting quickly pulled should break the waves to leave.

"Mom, what are you doing? Let me go! The dog that is going to kill your son is there. Why don't you avenge me? Don't you say you're going to rip his skin and cramp him, break his knee and make him kneel in front of me? Why do you want me to go? Let me go! Let go of me We should continue to struggle through the waves.

"Breaking the waves, it's for your own good. Listen to mom and go with her!" Zhou Ting is anxious to say in a low voice.

"Mom..." what else should I say.

But at this time, there came a voice of indifference.

"Anyone can go, but it should break the waves. You can't go!"

This word falls to the ground, Ying Xiong's family is all trembling, one after another looks toward the sound source.

The person who spoke... It was Lin Yang!

Zhou Ting trembled all over her body and turned pale.

Ying Xiong also stares at Lin Yang.

The last scene he wanted to see happened.

He is not an idiot. At present, maybe the situation is not under the control of Ying Hua Nian.

"Doctor Lin, what do you want?" In response to the question of Chinese New Year.

"I have already told you about my conditions, and I don't want to repeat them." Lin Yang closed his eyes and said calmly, "but I want to change this condition again. I wanted to deal with the situation myself. Now, I want you to deal with this person for me. Do you understand me?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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