
It's so arrogant!

All Ying's family members were red with anger and trembling all over. They wanted to rush up and tear this thing to pieces.

The bear was so angry that he had to go forward, but the people next to him immediately stopped him and indicated that he should not be impatient.

"Master of the house!" Ying Xiong shouts at Ying Huanian.

If he really punished Ying toulang in public, he would not only sacrifice his son, but also the dignity of Ying family!

This spread out, should the family still not be laughed off by others?

"Dr. Lin, I don't seem to have agreed to your request?" Ying Huanian raised his head and calmly looked at Lin Yang.

"It's not a request. It's a request. If it's not direct enough, you can take it as my order." Lin Yang road.


"You are too arrogant!"

"Grass you mother you say again try again!"

"I have to tear your mouth

The Ying family was completely infuriated. This time, more than a dozen of them rushed forward and surrounded Lin Yang.

Judging from this posture, it seems that we should do something about it.

The Dragon hand was startled and quickly called out: "you don't mess around. You heard the phone call just now. The one above you has been strictly forbidden to move my teacher. If you do, how can you explain it to the upper authorities?"

This sound has shocked some of the family members.

But most of Ying's family members are still angry.

"Don't press us with this! I tell you two, this is Yingjia. If you want to insult my Yingjia, it's hard for anyone to speak. I must take your bones apart! " A young Ying family said angrily.

"Then you can try it!"

Without waiting for the Dragon hand to speak, Lin Yang answered him directly.

"You... Good! Then I'll show you my seven legs The young man's veins were bulging and he was about to rush up..

"Take a bath! Step back We should drink it carefully.

"Master of the house!"

"Back down, all back down. Without my command, no one is allowed to start without authorization, or else I will get out of Ying's house!" Ying Huanian said again.

The crowd clenched their fists and almost broke their teeth.

But Ying Huanian has already spoken, and they have no choice but to retreat.

But before seeing Ying Huanian, he took out his mobile phone, turned it off in front of Lin Yang, and then threw it to the old man next to him.

The dragon's hand breathed heavily.

Around should family eyebrows also not from a wrinkle, vaguely seems to be aware of what.

In this way, the ancestors of the Ying family could not interfere in the affairs here.

"Dr. Lin, I have always been a very strong person. Even if I was the head of the Ying family, I would still do it. If it was something I decided to do, even if the whole world would not allow me to do it, enemy? I never care who my enemy is, I only care where he stands and whether he is against me Ying Huanian is quiet.

"Me, too." Lin Yang nodded.

"So, I can accept your terms!" Ying Hua Nian Dao.

"Master of the house!"

Almost everyone lost their voice.

Dragon hand a joy.

But the next second, Ying Huanian followed.

"If you beat me!"

The words fell to the ground, and the breath of all the people on the scene froze instantly.

People's eyes are round and staring at Ying Huanian. At this moment, everyone's heartbeat can't be heard, as if the heart has stopped.

The mouth of the Dragon hand is so big that it seems that it can swallow an egg.

But he had a timely response and immediately stood up and called out, "what do you mean, Mr. Ying?"

"Isn't that clear? My Ying family is an ancient Wu family. If I want to be convinced by my family, I must be convinced by force! Otherwise, we will have to submit to us. We have always believed in this idea since we inherited it! Is there anything wrong with it? " Ying Hua Nian's light road.

"But... But my teacher is just a doctor." The Dragon hand is in a hurry.

Although Lin Yang's previous performance was quite unexpected, it was just like the God of war coming down to earth, which was incredible.

But... This is the owner of the house!

Yingjia, an ancient martial arts family, does not follow the rules of ordinary families. To be the head of a family, it is not only necessary to have both political integrity and ability, but also a crucial point, that is, martial arts.

If Ying Huanian's martial arts skills are not enough, it is impossible to live in such a big Ying family.

Lin Yang is just a doctor after all, even if it is the so-called medical martial arts. When he meets this kind of orthodox martial arts master, how can he fight?

If there's a mistake, it's all over.

"You have no right to fight me." What else does the Dragon hand want to say, but Lin Yang has already made a sound.

"What? Doctor Lin, don't you dare? ""Didn't you just be crazy? Our master has spoken now, but you have counselled me

"Well, a coward!"

The family members of the Ying family began to make sarcasm one by one.

But Lin Yang was not moved.

"Not qualified? Then Dr. Lin, how can I be qualified? " In response to the question of Chinese New Year.

Lin Yang touched his chin and calmly said, "you really want to fight, but you can do it, but this condition should be added."

When the voice dropped, people on both sides were stunned.

"Teacher, you can't be rash The Dragon hand is in a hurry.

"Don't worry, I have my own discretion." Lin Yang said quietly.


what else does dragon hand want to say.

At this time, he had no choice but to believe in Lin Yang.

"You can say what the terms are." Ying Hua Nian Dao.

"Don't worry, it's not too much. If I win you, I will not only take Liu Rushi away and punish her. I also want you to promise me three things unconditionally, and when I see me in the future, I will bow to me from you, including you." Lin Yang said faintly.

"What do you say?"

"Do you want me to bow down to you?"

"No way! It's impossible. I'd rather die than bow down to you

"You dream!"

Ying's family roared with anger.

But should break the waves, but directly called out a voice: "I agree to your request!"

For an instant, there was no sound.

All eyes were fixed on yingtoulang, which was incredible to everyone.

"If Dr. Lin really has the capital to defeat me, then why don't we bow down? After all, we should respect the strong. Don't you want to respect a strong one? "

Ying's family couldn't refute it for a moment.

Yes, the world of martial arts is the respect of the strong!

But... This Doctor Lin is so young!

When the time comes, these arrogant Dr. Lin bows his head in front of others. Then... Does he have face?

No one dares to imagine that...

Ying Huanian... This is to take the whole Ying family to gamble with Lin Yang...

this is to take the whole Ying family to gamble with Lin Yang , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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