Ying's family gradually quieted down.

Ying's words are reasonable. If many people want to oppose it, they can only choose to give up because of his firm eyes.

Perhaps only in this way can we safeguard the dignity of Ying Jia.

"Mr. Ying has some insight. In this case, let's start."

Lin Yang said calmly.

"No hurry, you haven't told me what to do if you lose?" Ying Hua Nian asked.

"I lost, whatever you want."

"I want you to die, too?" Ying Huanian's eyes were fixed.

"Dead?" The dragon's hand is cold.

However, Lin Yang did not hesitate to nod: "OK!"

The atmosphere of the scene was not shaken.

"Dog! That's what you said The one on this side should jump up and shout at once.

"Doctor Lin, don't go back on your word!" The bear shouts again and again.

"Repentance? Well, if he is defeated by the owner, does he have the right to repent? " Next to the old man cold channel.

"That's right. If you lose, you really don't have the right to repent. But I don't want you to die directly in my hands. That's too boring. I hope you can make your own decisions after I defeat you. Of course, it's not here, but at the foot of Xuanping mountain. I want you to commit suicide there! How about it? " Ying was calm.

As soon as this was said, everyone immediately understood Ying's mind!

Obviously, he still had scruples about that old ancestor, and knew that if he killed Lin Yang directly, there would be countless troubles.

But if Lin Yang committed suicide himself, it has nothing to do with his Ying family, at least not with his Ying Hua Nian.

However, Lin Yang committed suicide at the foot of Xuanping mountain. Naturally, people of all powerful ethnic groups in China would think that Lin Yang's death had something to do with Ying's family. Ying's family earned face, and because there was no evidence, they could deny it under the responsibility of the figure behind Lin Yang!

It has to be said that Ying is really resourceful and knows everything well!

The eyes of Ying's family are bright.

"It's worthy of being the master of the family. It's really considerate. In this way, the miracle Doctor Lin is worthy of death. We have no worries and responsibilities." Ying Pingzhu whispered, and his eyes were full of admiration.

"Doctor Lin, what do you think?" Seeing that Lin Yang did not answer, Ying asked again.

"Yes." Lin Yang nodded.

Dragon hand did not say a word. At this time, all he could do was to pray silently.

"Good! Dr. Lin is really a cheerful man. " Ying Huanian waved his hand.

All the family members were evacuated.

"Wait a minute!" Lin Yang called again.

"What? Did Dr. Lin regret it? "

"Of course not. I just think it's better to set up a blood book for such a formal matter."

"Blood letter?" Ying Huanian's brow sank, but without hesitation, he immediately agreed.

"Are you trying to push yourself to the end?" Should break the waves and sneer.

Lin Yang is too lazy to talk nonsense with him. As soon as the blood letter stands, his hands are attached and he stands opposite Ying Huanian.

Ying Huanian was also like this. He stood upright, looked at Lin Yang, and then slowly closed his eyes.

In an instant, an inexplicable momentum overflowed from him.

Dragon hand suddenly felt that it was difficult to breathe, and his heart beat violently, as if his throat had been pinched by something. People could not help but retreat.

"Please, Dr. Lin!" Ying opened his eyes and made a "please" action.

"I don't like people to let me do it first, but if I do, I won't be lenient." Lin Yang said, suddenly step a step, the moment rushed out.

The two began to fight!

He felt that the ground trembled, a gust of wind blew, and everyone's heart coagulated. When he saw clearly, Lin Yang had already stood in front of Ying Huanian, and an iron fist fiercely and violently hit Ying Huanian's face.

I'm afraid the power of this punch is enough to make the steel plate as tofu!

, it's about to hit the first year!

A crisp sound came out.

However, a palm appeared in front of Ying Huanian.

But Lin Yang's fist... Actually was stopped by that palm directly!


The Dragon hand was shocked.

Ying's family members all raised their mouths.

They are not surprised by this situation.

After all, it's the owner of the Ying family!

Just a little traditional Chinese medicine, how can you deal with him?

But Lin Yang was not flustered. He missed one punch and continued to attack Ying Huanian's head. The speed of the blow agreed with terror and the power was also amazing.

But... Ying Huanian's speed is also good, continue to raise his hand.


It's coming out again.

Lin Yang's attack was blocked again.Lin Yang frowned.

How to make a faint voice? You, Doctor Lin? What about your needling? What about your poison technique? Don't you want to do your best to face me

Lin Yang didn't speak. He jerked his hand and continued to attack.

His arms, like machine guns, launched a stormy attack against the Chinese year.

However, no matter how intense and terrifying his attacks were, he could not break through Ying's defense.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! The crackling noise is continuous.

Ying Huanian dances with both hands quickly, especially to resist Lin Yang's attack.

Lin Yang's attack, even though it was swift and violent, had no effect at the moment.

Ying Huanian's defense is perfect as Tietong, without any loopholes.

He... Seems to have seen through everything in Lin Yang...

"well, that's about it." Ying Huanian seemed to be impatient. After a brief reading, he suddenly made a sudden burst of force. With one hand like a palm, he went straight through Lin Yang's dense attack and accurately slapped him on the chest.


Lin Yang was suddenly shocked back and forth, almost fell to the ground.


Later, the Dragon hand rushed forward to help Lin Yang, but his family stopped him directly.

"This contest is not over. What do you want to do?" The man asked.

The Dragon opened his mouth and was at a loss.

At this time, Ying had already taken the initiative.

He moved, and he rushed to Linyang as light as the breeze.

His speed is not fast, but when he is close to Linyang, he turns around Linyang like a snake.

Lin Yang can't hit every foot in the air.

"This is yingxuan footwork!"

You Ying's family exclaimed.

"With such a body method, the doctor can't meet Lin Yang Fen Fen Fen Fen."

Ying Pingzhu sneered.

The morale of his family was very high and everyone's eyes were shining.

Lin Yang appears to be in a hurry. His eyes are disorderly catching the position of Ying Huanian around him.

But he never found his place.

At this time, Ying Hua Nian seems to have grasped Lin Yang's weakness and slapped him hard on his shoulder.


The sound of a broken bone was heard immediately.

One of Lin Yang's arms fell to the ground in an instant and was directly discarded www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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