Should the family be caught off guard, all by this sudden shock to the shock, staggering.

The ground trembled wildly, the ground cracked, the houses shook and even collapsed, and all the bonsai in the gardens were destroyed.

The scene is a mess, flying sand and rocks, especially terrible.

"What happened? Is there an earthquake? "

"How could, inexplicably, have an earthquake?"

The Ying family was panicked and couldn't find the north.

But at this time, a voice of fear came out.

"It's not an earthquake. Look... Over there?"

As soon as the words came out, the Ying family looked at the other side in a hurry.

But see the garden next door... At this moment, it seems like a huge hammer has hit the general, the whole ground is divided into pieces, in a mess.

The houses there collapsed, the walls collapsed, and no part of the courtyard was intact, but in the center of the explosion stood a man.

That man is Lin Yang.

As for Ying Huanian, he had been shaken out for a long time and had a head broken and bleeding.

"This... This is what Dr. Lin did?" Should flat bamboo open mouth, incredible said.

Ying Xiong's family is confused.

As for the Dragon hand, he was stunned.

Is this the power of Dr. Lin?

It's as powerful as a bomb, right?

Is Dr. Lin's strength so terrible?

Ying's family members are about to blow up their heads and their eyes are wide.

At this time, Lin Yang turned and looked at Ying Huanian, who was climbing up from the ground.

Ying Hua Nian's body has many abrasions, and the dust is all over, looks incomparably embarrassed.

This is quite different from the way he was just now.

"Master of the house!"

The bear called.

No one expected that the miracle Doctor Lin made Ying Huanian look like this with just one blow.

Ying's family is completely flustered.

Look at this posture... Is Ying Huanian not the enemy of that man?


Definitely not!

This is what the Ying family thought.

The same is true of Ying Hua Nian.

He stood again, gasping violently, his face full of consternation and dignity.

"Your power... Is amazing." He said hoarsely.

Lin Yang's strength has increased several times in his kung fu.

"Just power?" Lin Yang said calmly, and then jumped again to kill Xiang Yinghua Nian.

"Don't underestimate my martial arts! Let you see my unique skill of Yingjia, Yinglong Xingchen boxing! "

Ying Huanian has no way to go back. With a roar, he has inspired all his potential.

He was forced to cover the broken arm with Qi, and drove the broken arm with broken bone to attack.

Then I saw the fists wrapped in the breath, and the hair flew towards Lin Yang.

Every punch has the power to smash the car.

And these fists are dense like rain, twinkling like stars, especially gorgeous. Just as Lin Yang approached, he was enveloped by the fist of stars like Skynet.

But the next second, Lin Yang also hit.

Move your fists together and attack like crazy.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...

a series of dense and dull noises like firecrackers spread.

In the middle of Lin Yang and Ying Hua Nian, there is a ripple like breath.

That's the force of two fists when they collide with each other.

It's terrible!

Ying's family opened their mouths wide.

And the Dragon hand is also big eyes.

It was probably the first time that he saw the real details of Linyang.

After nearly a minute of such a fight, Yinghua could not bear it at first, so he retreated ahead of time.

However, when he pulled away from Lin Yang and stopped, people were shocked to find that Ying Huanian's fists were bloody at the moment, with all ten fingers broken, and even one finger's phalanx was broken, punctured and exposed.

Lin Yang, on the other hand, has no injuries, even a little red mark.

"This... This..."

"how could this happen?"

"The master of the house... Is the master not the enemy?"

Ying's family were all flustered and thought they were dreaming.

Even Ying Huanian couldn't believe it.

He is the head of the Ying family!

Actually lost to a young man in martial arts?

He can't accept it!

He can't believe it!

Ying Huanian raised his hands and glared at all this. He looked at Lin Yang in an incredible way and said in a trembling voice, "how can your body be so strong? Do you think my Yinglong Xingchen boxing has no effect on you? "Lin Yang shook his head and calmly said, "not only your fist, but any of your moves are useless to me."

"Absolutely! no Yes! Yes

Ying Huanian roared, a little bit on his legs, and then leaped forward. He lifted his feet and kicked Lin Yang fiercely.

Lin Yang raised with one hand and blocked the terrible kick with his arm.


The power from his feet sank down along Lin Yang's body, which was a direct shock to the ground.

"Tianyang divine leg!"

Ying Huanian roared again, his legs jerked, rolling out countless shadows, like a huge sun swallowing to Linyang.

But... These attacks still don't work.

Lin Yang's arms were in a hurry. After two waves of attack, Lin Yang grabbed the innumerable leg shadows with his backhand.


Ying Huanian's leg was directly pinched in his hand and then violently pulled.

Ying Huanian in mid air was pulled down by Lin Yang and smashed to the ground.


The earth trembled again.

Ying Hua Nian's place is directly sunken, and the marble floor is completely smashed and dusty.

Ying Huanian broke the blood flow, his body trembled slightly, his arms were hard to support the ground, and he still wanted to get up.

But Lin Yang who will give him a chance, directly buckle his ankle around crazy fall.






the earth shakes wildly.

Ying Huanian is like a dead dog, constantly beaten to the ground by Lin Yang.

Every wrestling can shake the whole Yinglong villa. You can imagine how terrible the power is.


This is a complete crush!

This time, even a fool can see that there is a big gap between Ying Huanian and the doctor Lin.

"The owner of the house!"

Ying's family screamed.

"Don't worry so much, kill! Kill me! Kill this man

Ying Pingzhu was in a hurry and immediately called out.


"Protect the owner!"

"Break this thing into pieces!"

The Ying family roared and rushed to Linyang.

At this time, they have nothing to care about.

If you don't, I'm afraid yinghuayian will be killed by this man!

Countless Yingjia masters surrounded the past.

Some carry swords, others carry guns.

At this time, the Ying family was ready to get rid of Lin Yang at all costs.

"Oh? Are you going to do it at last? "

Lin Yang looked at these people without expression, without fear on his face.

But at this moment, a weak voice called out.

"All... Stop..."

as soon as these four words were dropped, all the Ying family members rushed to stop.

Lin Yang is also a little surprised, looking at the sound source.

The source of the sound came from Ying Huanian.

His hair was dishevelled and his face was covered with blood, and he was lying on the ground, crying weakly: "doctor Lin... don't... Don't fight again... You win..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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