Ying Huanian's words are like a heavy bomb, which explodes directly in the mind of every Ying family member.

All of them opened their mouths and looked at Ying Hua Nian in disbelief. Their faces were full of amazement and surprise.

"Master, this..." one should want to say something, but do not know how to speak.

Yingpingzhu stepped forward and said, "master! What are you going to do? Give up? You know what happens when you give up? You bet the whole Ying family! If we surrender like this, it means that we should bow down to this man

"Now that it has been agreed in advance, what can be done to bow down and submit to the throne? Are we going to break our word? " Ying Huanian said weakly.

"But this is Ying's family. It's easy for us to kill him! Why do you have to? Is it hard for me to deal with this person? The promise you made to this man just now is a joke, and the past will pass away! " Bamboo should be leveled and sunk.

Should you bow to your family?

Don't say he won't agree, just afraid that no one in the whole Ying family will agree.

Is this going to destroy the Ying family? If let others know, then Yingjia's face is not lost? How can these Ying family members hold their heads up in front of others?

"That's right, master. We should never bow down!"

"We would rather die than bow to this man!"

"There are so many of us, there is no need to be afraid of him!"

"Never bow down! Never


the crowd raised their hands and yelled, and everyone's face was full of determination.

Ying Huanian watched this scene with his eyes wide open. He was breathing fast and wanted to speak. But at the moment, he didn't have any extra strength to speak. It would be nice to keep breathing.

"Master Ying, it seems that you should family members want to repent..." Lin Yang crouched down and silently watched Ying Huanian.

"Dr. Lin... He... They... Are just a little stupid, please... Please let them go..." Ying Huanian said with difficulty, and his eyes were full of entreaties.

It is estimated that he has exhausted his last strength.

"I'm not very patient. What's more, what if I give them a chance? They won't convince me. Remember what you said earlier? You Ying family is an ancient Wu family. You pay attention to the respect of the strong. If you can't conquer them by force, they won't obey me. In this case, do you think I need to be soft in front of them? " Lin Yang light road, people are a new stand up.

Ying Huanian breathed hard and grasped Lin Yang's ankle. He spat out three words: "Lin... Shen... Yi..."

but... It didn't work.

"Take this man, save the master!"

A senior member of the Ying family roared out directly.

These should family members also rushed back.

"Thief! Die to me

"Let you see the power of my Yingjia Santai Shenquan!"

"Let me take your bones down!"

"Go to hell!"


the roar of anger continued, and then countless figures surrounded Lin Yang completely, and countless fists and feet approached.

Ying Huanian looked at the scene with wide eyes, but the hand holding Lin Yang's ankle was loosened.

He gave up.

Maybe he shouldn't have said that.

But at this point, it's no use saying anything.

Ying's family didn't know, but he did.

The reason why he admitted defeat was that he knew how terrible Lin Yang's strength was!

This person... Is not something that ordinary people can fight against.

Even when he was fighting with him, the man didn't try his best.

He didn't know whether Yingjia could defeat this man, but he knew that even if Yingjia could defeat this man, he would have to pay a very painful price.

It's not worth it at all!

But what's the use of knowing this?

The Ying family has lost their mind.

Arrogant, they can not allow themselves to bow to a young unknown.

War broke out!

Yingjiaqiang is close, and the attack is on Linyang.

Lin Yang's face is expressionless, his eyes are only sad and sharp. At this time, he doesn't want to keep his hands any more. When someone is near, he directly hits and kills.

The man had his arms across his chest, trying to resist.

But the force of the blow was beyond imagination. The front of the fist directly broke his arms and ran into the man's chest.


The man vomited a mouthful of blood, and his chest sank. I'm afraid he broke several bones with this fist.

Lin Yang grabbed his neck with his backhand and threw him to the other side.


A crowd of people fell to the ground.The screams continued.

Lin Yang counterattacks with the trend and smashes his fists into the crowd.

This time, Ying's family was shocked to find that Lin Yang's fists and feet were no longer disorderly, but orderly, and... His martial arts routines had a strong Yingjia style.

Ying's family besieged the past, but it was a little overwhelming, and the crowd was almost pierced by Lin Yang.

"Hold on, hold on! He is alone, but he can't fight against so many people in our family. Even if it's a waste, he will be consumed by me! " The bear outside yelled.

Several elders ran over and helped Ying Huanian, who was still lying on the ground, gray headed and covered with blood.

An elder put a pill into Ying Huanian's mouth, and then gave him water. Ying's condition was a little better.

"Master, are you all right?" A veteran even asked.

"Quickly... Go and invite the ancestors out..." Ying Huanian grabbed the hand of the old man next to him and exclaimed excitedly.

"This... The head of the family, my ancestors always don't like to be disturbed by others. Do you want to ask him to come out? I'm afraid... "That yuan is always in a bad mood.

"Don't talk nonsense... Go... Go..."

Ying Huanian roared, his whole face turned red. Before he said a few words, his mouth overflowed with blood.

Shocked, the Ying family turned and ran away.

"This situation... Only... Only the ancestor can control it. You are too reckless... The miracle Doctor Lin is not as simple as we think... We should not suffer a great loss this time... We should suffer a great loss..." Ying Huanian is full of sorrow.

He didn't hate Lin Yang, but the arrogant Ying family.

However, these people obviously did not realize the meaning of Ying Hua Nian.

"Master, what are you worried about? I'm just a crazy person who doesn't know what to do. Maybe I have some skills, but I can't deal with it? " The old man frowned.

"It's the owner of the house. Watch and wait for us to capture that life!"

Ying Pingzhu also came over and said solemnly. As soon as his voice dropped, he looked at the Dragon hand standing on the periphery. Then he said coldly, "take down the Dragon hand for me!"


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